Its over, some anons may hate twitter posts etc.. but its trumps main weapon, next month if you visit pol or the_donald etc.. Twitter will ban you. Its 1984 boys and if you think this wont kill trump your wrong. Any movement we might have going as straight white males or non trany loving faggots your wrong.
Read the fucking pic
Its over, some anons may hate twitter posts etc.. but its trumps main weapon...
>using social media
No worries. Trump can just post here. This is where journalists lurk moar anyways.
Trump could move to a twitter clone like gab and tens of millions will follow in droves
Lets asuume Sup Forums gets one blocked from Twitter not just Sup Forums. How many nazis would that create, shit could get interesting
If Trump leaves, Twitter dies. He's a huge cash cow for them.
Everyone say
"Thank you Jason Kessler!"
Inb4 Twatter kills itself with this move
Go the fuck back
>will suspend a user's account if they affiliate with violent organizations
antifa BTFO
Does anyone actually have a source on this? I can't find anything if i search for new twitter rules.
Twitter implements this
Trump designates antifa a domestic terrorist group
>sjw's implode
I don't use twitter and never have.
Plus twitter sign ups have started dclinig a month ago I have hea rd
Holy shit.
>imblying that counts
>complains about socialists and communists
>complains that a private company bans whoever the fuck it wants.
pick one, or design your own social media fuck head.
Well I guess I have to identify as Zionist trans-Jew then, because I want all Jews to move to Israel.
This sis what the retards don't understand - if Trump goes elsewhere, Twitter will crash.
You have these fucking blue check mark journos with five followers who constantly say to him to leave Twitter, but when he blocked them, they went into the meltdown because they are using this as a way to network.
Let me guess, ISIS is going to stay up.
We live in a jewsish construct brainlet, when the media controls the information and thoses faggots consulate, were in trouble faggot, like 1984 queer
That is not how it works newfriends. Antifa are warriors against the system, establishment and corporations so of course YT CEO, Young Turks, Mozilla and Viacom shills for them.
They know how to shuffle. If i remember correctly Al Baghdadi had over 300 Twitter accounts.
Nothing pisses off News Jews faster than when you impersonate Jews and shill for open borders for Israel, transsexual training in Orthodox synagogues, etc. (((Yair Rosenberg))) got so mad he created a bot to try and "out" fake Jews. This is an angle of attack we haven't really pursued all that much except as a joke, but perhaps it's time for all of us to become the kike.
>Twitter algorithm autobans Trump because shitposting on Sup Forums before tweeeting
Well they're not racist duuuh!
>dec 18, 2017
so this is why soros divested from twitter faceberg and snap. the reckoning is close.
100% Guarantee hate posts against white people will still be allowed.
You're on one???
Want to care less about Twitter? Quit fucking using it. I Haven't used it once myself. If we quit using it, they're have no powa
>Its over
only if youre a retard and use twitter. it's like reddit banning some sub. who the fuck cares?
Obviously. It's that
>muh white people have institutional power
racism escape clause
prove me wrong Sup Forums whoever controls the flow of information controls the social construction of reality.
Better known by it's other name: Hypocrisy.
>fucken kekistani doesn't know that twitter hasn't generated any profits yet
lol, go back
stop being a dumb baguette
Yes, that's why we always win
They're going to get turned into a utility by the government and forced to regulate content as the government sees fit. Facebook will suffer the same fate. The left has actually wanted to do this for a long time, but the free market supporting right wing opposed it. Now twitter, facebook, and the like have senselessly antagonized conservatives so they won't stand up for them when the government swoops in during the near future.
>yfw YT twatter gets b&
Umm, sweetie, it's the systematic systemic system.
i hope they do it. the shitstorm would be incredible
Nope, it's about the public perception of the information.
The information itself is largely irrelevant these days.
Nice fake image, trumplodyte.
>company makes money off of internet traffic
>actively attacking its own traffic
Yeah they're dumb, I hope they majorly fuck this up in a critical way where tons and tons of people get banned.
Invasion of privacy
Let's see how lefties like getting spoonfed their own Gestapo crap
is Sup Forums prepared to exercise the discipline needed to operate under the radar using 1984 tier social media without compromising its memetic tradecraft?
stupid idea, not workable at all
Twitter will ban the people who note that it's acceptable to be a white human being, meanwhile all the mudbunny cuckold hashtags that sit around racially denigrating white men all day will stay. Progress? Fairness?
Twitter is Sup Forums-lite for black people.
the volcano of shitposting will errupt. and their poor site will be covered in shit.
wtf i was in that thread
>Design own social media
>Government regulations force you to be the same as other platforms
>Can no longer meaningfully compete
>Socialshit/communist propaganda continues
If people were allowed to go against the grain and compete, I would not have a problem with your statement. However, that is not the case. The system leftists and idiots have created must be used in order to fight them, and that also guarantees no victories.
One can only hope that their echo chambers only get louder and more unhinged, until they think they are a majority and try to get away with something truly awful. That is the dream.
>Additionally, we enforce policies when someone reports behavior that is abusive and targets an entire protected group and/or individuals who may be members. This targeting can happen in multiple ways (e.g., mentioning someone, tagging someone in a photo, and more).
I wonder who isn't a protected group?
So mass purging peoples twitter accounts will be as easy as finding a link to a site that has cookies that triggers this autoban? Does that mean we mods now?
As long as you don't host illegal content, no one can stop you from running your own social network.
I have thought about doing it myself, but it's a lot of (boring) work. And you would most likely not get any users, because social networks are very winner-takes-all.
Just look at voat vs. reddit for example.
i'm interested to see the impact Sup Forums shiposters can have on twitter after becomes policy
Sup Forums will shift to tricky gifs and other tools that have existed for some time. Bait and switch works wonders if you can get someone's attention.
>Be /mlpol/
>Get patreon canned within first 30 days by leftist faggots
Social networks can be easily crippled by any number of things. All it takes is a report to the right people, and shit shuts down.
Leftists have got that jewish trick in the bag.
>implying this is what happens
wtf i love twitter now
The left eating itself never gets old.
>One can only hope that their echo chambers only get louder and more unhinged, until they think they are a majority and try to get away with something truly awful
Like getting an evil crooked witch elected
>vapid social media site
>feeds narcissist culture
>heavy handed management destructive to the one possible good the site could bring (diverse and open discourse)
>cannot even turn a profit with 80 gorillion unique visitors an hour
sage who gives a fuck?
Not sure what you are referring to.
But no one is going to knock on your door and tell you to turn your server off if you decide to host a social network.
Wouldn't that like, be a breach of privacy?
>company makes money
Oh, user, I see that you don't know much about Twitter.
Twitter is finally claiming that it's "approaching" profitability. It's never actually made money. Somehow, it got enough venture capital to last this long, but it's never made any money, like most internet ventures.
>But no one is going to knock on your door and tell you to turn your server off
Tell that to the Daily Stormer. Then tell it to the next group that gets bad press. And the next. On and on and on, forever.
Pic related.
and then twitter died. the end, go to bed kids.
>Thinking this matters to us.
>Thinking Twitter will be able to take down pol.
>Not realising this is literally going to be the other way round.
Twitter is already in its death throes and Sup Forums is experiencing one of the largest surges of popularity in its history.
If Twitter attempts this, it won't do a thing to slow either of these trends, but will instead accelerate both.
So would it be a good idea to clear cookies, or using a different browser everytime you go to twitter?
I don't care much about the site itself but I do have some very good friends I met though the site. And some of them I only communicate with them through that platform.
why do threads die after people post this
people are actually that easily susceptible to suggestion
You think they'll have us reported for hate speech, mate?
Our absurd laws might just bite us.
I seriously doubt it will be based on cookies.
What they will do is take what you do on other websites into account. For example, if you run a right wing youtube channel and someone reports you on twitter, they will ban you. Even if you don't break any of twitter's rules on twitter.
That's only if they have the power to track us.
I've yet to see a functional method for cookies to track web browsing.
In addition, the snooper's charter, shitty as it is, only gives access to government approved entities, not twitter, so they can't use it.
In other words, part of why they have no chance to reverse this trend is because they can't even fully hold this threat over our heads when they have no means of enforcing it.
Still, can't say I'm entirely unafraid of it. It depends on whether twitter tries to start a crusade of investigations against britbongs, in which case half of us are screwed.
I'm fine because I only ever made a twitter account for something completely unrelated and then completely forgot about it. Any other britbongs who don't use twitter will be completely safe as well.
In other words, the trend will get EVEN FASTER if they try a police investigation crusade.
>will be monitoring user's behavior "on and off the platform"
>get banned for racism
>make new account
>fake sjw account
>tweet shit like "fuck white men"
>get thousands of followers
>never get banned
>then one day
>"fuck niggers 1488 white power"
>yfw your cuck followers have been bamboozled
Can't we just create a short URL that redirects through a different carrier/host before directing to twitter?
Kek if redirect thru Sup Forums for normies to get banned.
case in point
ffuck twatter
They aren't talking about visiting other websites. They are talking about going out in public and saying "Niggers aren't people" and them finding out about it. The notion that they will track you're internet usage and ban you for coming here is absurd and only meant to stir up emotion. Nothing will change.
But that in itself is wrong.
They're already banning conservative/right leaning people.
Bunty King was banned. He's just anti SJW but doesn't have any extremist views.
You could also do it on the same one via different profiles or shit like that, but you could fuck it up one day, so best play safe
twitter seriously loves to drop their share prices. How in the fuck have they8 not gone bankrupt
wed find out what celebs lurk here
Just don't use it, I've never looked at Twitter, don't have a twitter, etc. - anything worth reading on Twitter gets ported over to other platforms because I'm not the only one.
The real problem is shit like Google shopping dropping firearm-related stuff, and Youtube removing or de-monetizing videos that express ideas contrary to their own agenda.
There is actually a very simple solution to this. All we have to do is create accounts and push for a strong anti- white narrative. Letting this go through will push more people to join us. If they start deleting those as well, leftist will also find themselves the target of hate speech.
Fuck off Mike
Twitter is for women and homos.
That doesn't mean they aren't trying to make money
you can't gaslight on this board, fag
i hate communist
Do you think they should be jailed and/or killed?
>not using social media for the best arguments with literally anyone
t trump
they'll reverse this decision before June 2018, when the strategy of alienating a good chunk of their ad viewers proves to be idiotic
screencap this
oh no a twitter ban
i'l have to make another sock account, what a nightmare
>Having no self-awareness or foresight to see how inevitable the backlash will be.
Never interrupt the enemy when hes destroying himself.
They got us
Wake up call that all websites use your browser history to advertise to you (and also to ban you from their website, apparently) and it can always be used against you if they so choose to do so