>Beer lowers testosterone

>Hoops are the most powerful oestrogen mimickers on earth and are found in beer.

>Far more powerful than soymilk (considered for menopause medication)

>Don't fall into the manly beer drinker marketing stereotype

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't try to ruin my beer you french baguette.

any alcohol lowers test dummy.

no man actually drinks beer more than once weekly.

only rednecks consider beer manly.

also you are a cuck

>bad for you
enjoy your man boobs meat eater cuck

>white people can make table sugar into testosterone

your move.

men must engage in fart humor to be men

>no man actually drinks beer more than once weekly.
Haha good joke

Fuck off AM,

>is it okay

Christ, if you have Y chromosomes and you're asking "is it okay" about things you're probably beyond hope already.

is red wine making the frenchman more cucked?

>ovulating women are more physically attracted to high test men while non-ovulating women are more physically attracted to low test men
>the birth control jew gets invented
>women don't ovulate
>soyboys rule the world

riley dennis is so disgusting. that sissy faggot deserves to be punished with hard dick.

it’s true. For most of history beer didn’t have hops. If it was bittered they used local herbs like mugwort and henbane.

>no man actually drinks beer more than once weekly.

most of my german and belgium friends drink it everyday... Same for the Bongs

Just look at how sissified your country is

crazy how beer kept man alive though

only whites can handle beer.

Have you ever seen an effiminate alcoholic? I mean real alcoholic. They are, albeit being degenerates, completely masculine. And generally they are antisocial, so they do not adhere to the jewish trickeries imposed by society.

It’s already ruined, you’ve been saved

I love beer fuck...

Big part of why they soyboys nowdays. When beer wasn't readily available for whole populus those countries had actual men, now they and their children have been marinaded in maltjew

Kek you faggot.
> muh gay frogs
> muh soy
> muh beer
What next?

You guys need to man up and exercice to kill that bad estrogene.

>Beeing degenerate
>Beeing a Reck
>Beeing Masculine

There is nothing masculine in being a reck, that just a stereotype.



this shit again

you can ahve some beer on occasion with growing bttichtits, wtf. you can even have some soy.

just dont consume these things regularly and make sure youre taking measures otherwise to maximize test. stop using hygenic products you dont need. get soaps and shampoos that dont contain xenoestrogens. get a proper diet and start working out and being with people.

Source évian ?

poika perkele jua jalluu ja suoami viinaa, sinä senkin ruikkuranteinen runkku hörppimästä sitä keppanaa niinkuin olisi jo.

(You) for based dear leader nostalgia.

hormones in soaps? Wait a minute

Mikä ettei sitten oksentaa tuolla kadulla.. loistavaa

18 yo, vegetarian, no alcohol, Tall and ripped, low voice, plenty of , meat and alcohol is what makes old white people ugly, if you look at old japanese they're way less disgusting that old white people

plenty of testosterone*

Actually the 99% of holland used to drink beer because it was safer than water.

>Valor and Discipline

perkeleen amatööri jua vettä ja syö jotain välissä että imeytyy, ja jos puuttuu munat niin voithan sä sitä limppariinki läträä, viinasta ja viinistä saa tehtyä muutenki parhaat drinkit.

old beer had no/little hoops

PS: funny to see who controls the beer industry

Start drinking wine Hans.

50% of the world market is dominated by 4 groups

Beer makes you soft as fuck

how about you just sugest something that gets rid of estrogen/increases testosterone like ?

eat more cabbage, it contains a chemical that gets rid of some estrogen in your body

he probably should have said "no real men"

that makes sense


>People who drank:
Martin Luther
CS Lewis
Frank Sinatra.

>People who like to larp about beer being for soyboys
Actual soyboys

Beerboy butthurt


Interestingly, the beer with the highest content of hops is IPA, the chosen beverage of soyboys, bugment and hipster faggots. Coincidence? Perhaps not...

>French so bad at war they can't even win an argument on the internet
The absolute state of snail eaters.

LOL Uh oh.

I think red wine has a chemical that actually helps to maintain test levels. It prevents you from pissing it out or something. Could be broscience.

People who drank:
>Martin Luther
>CS Lewis
>Frank Sinatra.
3 whiny bitches.

Watching what you eat and taking care of your physical health are the smartest things your can do to stay away from the (((medicine jew)))

I think an equally interesting question to ask is, is marijuana also highly estrogenic? I've heard that it is. I wonder if this is true.

Have you ever seen a marijuana smoker looking like this? No? Is the left pushing for it? Yes?

Then is perfectly good for you

>no sunflower seeds
the fuck

I dunno, but Jamaicans aren't exactly known for being effeminate


>stop eating
>stop enjoying food
>stop taking care of yourself

alright, who was the redneck faggot that made this

of FUCK YEAH weed is estrogen producing! it makes man boobs

also eat a lot of fiber

its a nigger confusing fitoestrogen for real estrogen

Call me when they manage to do something like this

nigger i don't give a flying fuck about some stupid froguette who decides to blame his alcoholism for his femininity
i'm drinking beer and i'm manly, if you can't drink beer and also be manly then you had estrogen problems to begin with you fucking sissy fag

Man milkers are hot!

>don't eat forest food or you'll become a hairless trap
>pretty much all of my ancestors mostly ate things like flax, berries, and fruit
>I'm covered in hair and my family sells war
Fucking dumbass.

Sure you're very manly

Proof that all Finns are alcoholics.

a real man has curves, "overweight" is a meme pushed by the jews, being 40 lbs overweight will only help you in combat, weak eurocuck

notice how older guys who have drank their whole lives have BOOBS and a giant belly?

that's the result of drinking beer and raising your estrogen levels

Rommel was a huge stoner. He used to think through his strategies when high and then he would just implement, implement and implement. That is why most stoners are highly successful people.

once a day here

Sure let's ask Athenians

its jok

this man screams combat effectiveness


>Being a slave to a drink

Wow, great. Another timeless piece of European culture ruined by kikes and purity spiraling faggots.

Are Belgian trappist beers a no go?
What soaps and shampoo is recommended?
Isn't giving up dairy products pretty unhealthy? It's a staple of white food to begin with
Also, any good toothpastes to be recommended?

Anyone who takes narcotics of any stripe is a pussy who gets cucked by life.

Proof that all fennoswedes are cuck

I'm not into conspiracies but
the beer market consolidation looks a bit suspicious

>Isn't giving up dairy products pretty unhealthy?
the absolute state of people
m8 its the main source of estrogen and saturated fat in your diet.

I drink beer almost every day.

pls help I can't stop

>no man actually drinks beer more than once weekly.

This isn't correct. Many red blooded blue collar Americans drink at least a six pack every night.

The thing is that they're drinking Coors Light so it's just nasty-ass water. Only craft beer faggots are intaking a ton of oestrogens.

Alcohol is degenerate and you should kill yourself.

>not buying from your local breweries

Romans diluted wine with water.

Yeah 1/2 or 1/3

we do it for 500 years now

>tfw you only drink wine

>There is nothing wrong with being in touch with your feminine side!
>They're not man boobs, they're my huge pecs!

Read the Testshock Program you fucking soyboy cucks.

It's still minimal though. The only ones who might really become anything resembling "feminine" by drinking beer would be the ones who have exceptionally testosterone to begin with. Everyone else will be fine. But regular young men don't have to fear the danger of "lowering testosterone" behind every corner like Sup Forums would sometimes make you believe. Regular men usually have more than enough testosterone.

Not everything we did in the past was good for us

>drinking anything but trappist,english craft,german craft and the occasional swedish höga kusten.

Alcohol is degenerate anyway

I only drink ipas. Will I be less of a bitch if I drink something else? Let’s assume not drinking isn’t an option.

straight up vodca should do the trick, still unhealthy, but no wierd shit, only alcohol.

>Not exclusively drinking IPAs

Manlet pic screams, first to die. Barrel body cant hide behind concrete barriers and trees.