A man is not a woman. A woman is not a man. To deny this is to deny reality. To deny this you must be insane

A man is not a woman. A woman is not a man. To deny this is to deny reality. To deny this you must be insane.

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You're right, do you expect people to disagree with you here though?

anoOOn just BTOF'D my ENTiRE WORRLDFVIW hgol;y fGCUK

no u

Yes because they are delusional. Not even OP. I just think he is based.

A man is obviously a man and a woman is obviously a woman, if that wasn't the case then they would be useless categories.

>y-youre wrong trannies
>the words are different dont you know anything?

now you need to go destroy every religion besides yours because there can only be a single true religion. so every religion except the true religion is wrong which is even worse than people denying this reality of yours.

ohh??? too much of a pussy? yeah, thought so


Gay men cannot become straight women, despite that fantasy. I don't appreciate Christians AND trannies telling me I can stop being gay if I change how I behave and appear.

There are only two genders

>this is what people from the 20th century actually believe


desu there are more trans woman being erased by being forced to identify as gay than there are gay men being erased by being pressured into identifying as trans.
>me I can stop being gay if I change how I behave and appear
If you're female than you're not gay for being attracted to men.

I look nothing like a person on the left. wtf I am?

there can only be one true religion everything else is denying reality and insane. he needs to go on a crusade to purge the world of heretics

Atheists can’t believe that men and women exist as separate things?

OMG it's 2017 I have to chop off my dick and act like a pussy now because it's 2017

atheism is mostly just a cult for soy bugmen to worship different superstitions like science and equality. most people aren't strong enough to comfortably live in a world where there's no higher authority that rules over their head.

objectively women and men are the same. in fact, you could argue that men can become women and women and become men very easily in irrefutable ways.

10,000 years from now technology will be able to transform a man into a woman so actually men aren't always men and women aren't always women. even if humans can't do it then simply under the idea of probability there should be another race somewhere that can thus his statement is wrong.

I don't think anyone is being forced to identify as a lesbian, they get off on it.

>science is a superstition
>in fact, you could argue that men can become women and women and become men very easily in irrefutable ways.
Prove it.

Dude traps aren't gay biology and reality doesn't exist

science isn't reality moron. science is just a method to try to measure and describe the world and since it's created and used by humans it's imperfect, inaccurate, and easily corrupted. even if it's perfect that doesn't mean it won't be used as a superstition by humans since they're imperfect

>Prove it.
i did in that post you dumb fuck.

hmm sorry I guess my post wasn't very clear.
I meant trans woman being pressured into identifying as gay males because naturally that's the only explanation of their desires and identity, rather than actually being attracted to men.
I don't mean trans woman being pressured into identifying as lesbians, in fact it's the opposite in a lot of cases, at least in the past it was.

What are these irrefutable ways?

are you mentally retarded? i said in the future they will be able to change the xy and xx genes completely around in living humans thus men aren't always men and women aren't always women. a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man. you thinking it's static is just because you're a fucking retard. there's only limits cause you can't change it not cause it's always going to be there because reasons

Gay men are pressured into identifying as straight by outside stigma. Why is that any different if they identify as women or men? They are denying being gay despite being biological males attracted to other biological males.

Hmm, is this red shambala?
And in my opinion, 'gay' and 'straight' is in relation to gender identity.
I know you like complaining about this apparent phenomenon but being around trans woman really shows that it's the exact opposite of what you think is going on.

No but he is based.

I don't think gender identity is real. You can be non-conforming in innate expression, but that doesn't mean you are the opposite biological sex.

That is a ridiculous fantasy that will never be true.

>I don't think gender identity is real. You can be non-conforming in innate expression, but that doesn't mean you are the opposite biological sex
I think gender identity is real, this is where we disagree.
>You can be non-conforming in innate expression, but that doesn't mean you are the opposite biological sex
hmm i think the same.
Doesn't negate the fact that trans woman of all sexualities often and very frequently identify as gay to protect themselves from the stigma's that are still around being trans (:

why is a fantasy? you're simply a fucking retard. 10,000 years from now humans will be immortal and easily capable of genetically engineering something like like reversing xy and yy genes. they will be able to create sentient life out of animals and scratch.

Explain to me how you could possibly change every cell in an adult human from xy to xx or from xx to xy without killing the person

Prove that it is real beyond self report. I think it is a social tactic.

Lol the whole point of stealth is to never have to identify as a gay man again. Are you really going to to deny there are LOTS of trans women who brag about dating straight men?

>Are you really going to to deny there are LOTS of trans women who brag about dating straight men?
straight women who escaped the label of being gay and are treated as they are, that is women, what a fucking surprise it feels good.
>Lol the whole point of stealth is to never have to identify as a gay man again
Why would a woman identify as a gay man?
>Prove that it is real beyond self report. I think it is a social tactic
Compared to your theory? Seriously? user try HRT for a year and see how you feel.

a drawing is not a person

explain how they're going to land on mars or colonize the moon you faggot luddite. explain how they're going to repair dna so people are immortal. explain how they're going to perfect ai and robotics.

they will be able to get something like a virus that edits dna and be able to change it however they want you brain dead luddite. they already do it with bacteria but there's not enough control over it to do what i said which is why i said in the far future. it's only a matter of time. your ideas about what is reality are meaning you luddite retard. limits are just what you can't change currently not something that will always exist

>explain how they're going to repair dna so people are immortal

alter people's DNA using crispr or some other technique to code for longer centromeres like some Amish people have.


A bacteria is an entirely different ballgame to a human being

i don't know why i bother talking with people like you. you're just missing about 40 iq so you can't understand this

Yeah sure, but being a passing trans woman can make the illusion of being a woman and still fucks a lot, so whatever ?

It is still a lie.

I don't deny it's a lie, I'm lying to everyone around me, except my bf. But they don't care and don't want to know anyway, so whatever ?

I think you are the first tranny I've ever talked to who admits they are just lying to people. That's certainly a step in the right direction.

I don’t think you understand biology. You would have to somehow change every cell in the human body at the same time. If you changed the cells gradually the body would reject them. There are approximately 37.2 trillion cells in the average human body. How are they going to change all of these at once?

I'm not delusional. Most of trannies I know are just not sure of themselves and feel comfortable lying to themselves.
But in the end, they just end up hitting reality hard and be depressed or commit suicide.

>using an anatomy pic to illustrate
Oh boy you'd be surprised by some people... At least the MUH VAGINA "argument" is usually true but this one is just retarded.
>T. guy that actually had a body closer to the one on the right with more hips.

That isn't how it works. And you don't realize the irony of you, someone without a college degree who probably works as some service drone playing doctor

I don't care one whit if you crossdress, I just care fi you try to convince me you are really the opposite sex inside in some Cartesian distortion. We need more trannies like you.

Explain it to me then

They already are doing gene therapy for conditions. And since the genes controlling sex aren't even on sex chromosome and they're on both men and women, you can use RNAi which is already starting to get approval as a drug to knock down the male path and let the female one take over.

The gonads just happen to transform then. Sure you'll say that's crazy but it's basic science reported by the best science journals in the world.

So really, even though you feel like a doctor, in the end of the day you're just a service drone and shouldn't be giving advice.

Everything in that article is about changing between intersex conditions. I see no mention of a male changing to a female or vice versa

Trans people try to manipulate others into conflating their desires to get the benefits of living as women with actually being intersex. They are just trying to manipulate you and abuse the fact that there are XY males who are women (CAIS) to imply they are similar when they are not.

Those mice in the experiment were normal males or females. Your reading comprehension is terrible

Yeah but they changed male and female mice to intersex mice. They didn’t completely change from one standard sex to the other.

>To get the benefits of living as women
>benefits of living as women

Ok, so you really are a complete retard. Good to know.

Says the subhuman who couldn't read the nature article was talking about normal males and females.
Or that the x and Y chromosome are now known to not control sex
Look around m.jme.endocrinology-journals.org/content/53/1/R21/F4.expansion.html

Who should I trust, the journals or you, a mentally ill service drone who never finished college but feels like a doctor?

They changed their gonads to the other kind. Thank you for at least getting better reading comprehension.
What do you expect? It's someone shouting about how his high school science stuff is how irl works. It's a sad person who's height of education ended there and who nobody listens to. He sees this as his chance to seem smart and important

>They changed their gonads to the other kind. T
Wow, you're a retard

No pretenders only two genders.

You have been reported to the thought police for freethink, user.

note: id's are coming up as question marks on this page... what the actual fuck?

Where does this collective delusional thinking end?
Is denying biological reality mental illness?
Can you identify as a senior or a child?
What about identifying as another race?

This thread is a gift from another board. As you can see the statement "there are two genders" is clearly a bigoted political statement. Or at least that is what the fags that reported the thread and faggot mods believe.