Muslim Rayguns

Girls raped with tasers and the police is refusing to even report the crime


Other urls found in this thread:

>diversity hiring laws and policies force police stations to hire rapefugees as officers
>nobody knows how the rapefugees got their hands on tasers

Is britain the most cucked nation in the west?

Being accused of being cucked by a Swede - lol!

But yes, we are pretty cucked.

It's worse than that

Kill kikes

Jesus fucking christ RACEWAR NOW!!

Will there be any roses of England left un-plucked?

>UK's second city
Retards. It's the second biggest. That's not what "second city" denotes. "Second city" is normally applied to the second most important city in political and/or economic terms. Birmingham isn't a political focal point. Most couldn't even name it's MP's. Nor is it associated with any particularly significant economic power.
Glasgow was long considered to be the second city of the empire. In UK terms, today, it's probably between Edinburgh and Manchester. Liverpool is still there or thereabouts, as is Glasgow. Cardiff has edged up.
What happens in those cities, politically, can impinge on UK national politics. All have significant bureaucracies (large powerful councils, blocks of MP's, powerful mayors or, indeed, parliaments).

I'd have to give it to Edinburgh today. Manchester will become an even more major player in decades to come though, as it will inevitably seek more power for itself. Birmingham isn't in the contest. Other than its size, it's Newcastle tier.

>Headline is child sex tsunami in Birmingham
>He decides to screech autistically at the definition of Second City

Jesus fucking christ

Was thinking the same thing.

I told the wife the other day that we should visit paris or london some day after watching ratatouille

she goes " you mean iraq: part 2?" and i laugh and go "oh yeah fuck that nevermind"

she's the one for sure

Why aren't men of the UK protecting their women and children?

Because it is "racist" to protect white people.

dude this fuckin' chinese millionaire artist is making LOTS OF BIG hardcore pro refugee (race mixing of europe, white genocide) art exhibits all over the world...along with a movie 'human flow'

this kind of shit is britain everywhere, that's why people can't think clearly about their new invaders.

guy in the video is pretty cool & attacks it, thankfully, but this is the level we have to attack the jewish cultural marxists on, within the arts

>asian men

I mean, really who cares if it's racist. I don't think it would be that hard to kill a large number of the child fuckers and get away with it for a while. Brits are supposed to be smart, surely someone could figure it out.

Didn't need based Kassim or whatever the fuck his name is to tell me this. I live there.
I don't object to the reporting of it. It's the standard tabloid exaggeration of basic facts in order to maximise rage I object to.
>their second city faggots
>think about that
If Breitbart journos don't understand basic definitions or twist them for effect, then they're not on my list of trusted sources (which is, admittedly, short). They're just another bunch of morons at best or shills at worst. Nupol tier outlet.

>everyone knows but everyone shuts up
>yfw England is Hollywood with pakis instead of jews

Holy SHIT how have the Britons not BURNED EVERYTHING DOWN YET?

what I want to know is, if the entire country is CCTVs then how can these Pakis conduct themselves in broad daylight?

She's a keeper for sure m8

Only three years for kidnapping and rape? I'm glad we rebelled

This makes my dick hard.

When I googled this I didn't see anything about the first two attacks and it said he was sentenced to 6 years instead of 3. Could someone provide a source with all the facts?

Without question Britain is already dead and you Swedes are extinct unless you begin the UPRISING.

Do bongs know what's happening in bongistan? How widely known is this? Why are there no right wing death squads? Is it that the normies don't know or don't care?

I'm no snowflake but these kiddie-torture-gangrapes trigger me a little bit

Agreed Finland, bongs seem less manly than what they claim to be. Notice their absence in threads proving their worthlessness?

Nuke us please

Read the footnote. Received 6, released after 3

Most of us are still asleep.
But if you poke the sleeping Lion for long enough, eventually it will wake up. And when it does, it will chase you, and proceed to maul the ever-loving fuck out of your face. Until your face stops resembling a face.

Who gives a fuck about which is the Second City? Your children are being fucked by Ahmed and Abdul as we speak, you absolute cuck

You can only poke a real lion once before getting eaten. You are no lion, you are the conquered.

Just shut up dickhead.
You're making us look even worse.

They all look the same

This is true. Its over for this place, Im getting out of here in 3 years max

Maybe it's because we take anti-bong posts with a pinch of salt, find them sort of funny, and aren't so insecure that we have to "prove" anything - certainly to a bunch of 56%, like you.

me and my wife voted in our city election last month. A few positions were so minimal that she didn't know the candidates. So she picked the whitest sounding male name on each one.

I couldn't be happier.

Man, I usually come here for the laughs, but this thread legit pissed me off. I know it's harder to do without guns, but my god man, do some squats, do some pushups, learn to fight, gather a group of like minded thinkers. Go find a chemist and a machinist to facilitate weaponry. Come on, *pokes, do something!

>But if you poke the sleeping Lion for long enough, eventually

you will realize its actually dead

Your 56% meme is minuscule in the face of your ineptitude. Stop shit posting you weak bitch, go save your children!

This is what happens when 'council housing' is halfway livable - complete breakdown of the White underclass.
Never give anything free to single women.
Poland must immediately restrict free university tuition to married people only. That'll get the birthrate up and prevent the next generation of lazy hipsters.

Eh, part and parcel, what you gonna do?

>Sure, Pakis are torturing and gangraping our little girls but at least we can take that with a bit of humor
Dude c'mon there is no excuse for this, why are you letting it happen? Do normiebongs not know or do they not care?

You ever heard that phrase "If you're going through hell, keep going?"
Maybe you should listen. Times may be tough, but pussying out and running away from the problems does not fix the problems. It worsens it.

Someone explain why middle-eastern men are called "Asians" in the UK.

That's just fuel to the fire Poland. Think of it like a bridge under strain. The more you add to it, the more likely it is to break. And when you keep adding to it, it WILL eventually break. And it WILL eventually dump every fucker into the water below.

The funny part is you could giver the muslim shitskins 1000 years, and they would use 1000 years on war and never even be able to invent a taser.

It's like you accidentally have a machine gun to a chimpanzee.

>not on my list of trusted sources

Pray tell old boy.

that webm man my sides

it's because pakistan is in asia

that is more sad than interesting question, unless you can utilize the cuckedness to affect change
germany might also be an interesting new contender to the contest, afd at 13%, while remarkable on some level, is also somewhat marginal on another.
It is now about 100 years since the internet was crafted using some scrap found in someones back yard - yet, msm propaganda is still key

oh and bong, i read yesterday that you have to register your kitchen knives. WTF happend?


If we're conquered at 87%, what the fuck does that make you at 56%, and rapidly declining? Silly me, you can't be "conquered" when you were never white and were just mutts from the get-go....

They don't want people to start attacking Pakistanis so they blame Chinks aswell.

I see, didn't know you had so few Arabs.

Lmao mother of larp

If we were mutts from the get go, and we all came from you back in the day....

what assosiacion do bongs have when they read asian men?
did that change over the last years?
if i hear asian, i think thai, chineese and even jap?

>In 849.M41 all Imperial contact with Birmingham was lost. It was discovered that the entire planetary population had been massacred or captured by Dark Eldar raiders.

The prophesy is fulfilled.

>She got raped once then escapes, asks for help, gets raped again, escapes, asks for help then gang raped.

The absolute state of the UK everyone

The minute the government gets a whiff of "doing something" you get thrown in prison. Anything would require mass action which is almost completely impossible in this country

Still with the memes. Aren't you supposed to be the superior whites. Some fucking men you are. Yes you are conquered. Your children are being tased and gang raped, and yet, here you are superior white man. On the internet posting about how superior you are and how I'm a mutt. You fucking disgust me, you thin wristed cowardly fuck.

>all these mutts now abandoning 56% burger flag to hide behind kek, templar and the celtic cross.

Your inaction for the safety of your nations children is nigger tier worthlessness.

everyone knows "asian" means indian/pakistani
Chinese or even oriental (lol) are used for east asians

Because people are too fucking stupid or willfully ignorant of what's going on about them.

OMG i thought it was Alabama turns out its the UK!!! hahahahahaha!!!

Every day we stray farther from the light of God
Every day it becomes apparent that we as a people will not survive

so you are saying you are triggerd by some 30x20 pixels screen like a menstruating sjw?
no wonder you were conquered on your beta island

>b-b-but le amerimutt am i rite guies? guies? 56%??

3 years... LOL

In the future powerful AI systems will sweep the internet and delete all online evidence of these crimes to ensure "social cohesion".

Underrated post

Shut the fuck up, you're embarrassing yourself and your country

Nah, white nigger, I got my flag out.

Because our police force is a complete and utter joke. They're to busying appealing to the multi-culti crowd to actually do their jobs. I have absolutely zero respect for them. Bunch of spineless losers that have the power to stop that sort of stuff but don't bother because it'd mean sabotaging their comfy pensions.

but has that changed though, over the years.
was there a push to change the wording or has that always been this way?

Mexicans are coming into our country and mowing our lawns, they certainly aren't raping our daughters with impunity.

You disgust me. Better to be 'muh 56%' than to be arrested trying to rescue my little girl who is being gangbanged by a bunch of inbred mud people.

Why is anyone shocked though, this has been going on since the 70s, always been a nice bit of banter in the pub about the latest paki rape.

pole up also?

would rather talk shit about the usa
> rag heads are raping your kiddos
great moves from the UK

it's been like that since the 1950s when indians first started coming here

alcohol normalizes things i guess


So 40+ years of acceptance? GG dad!

Can confirm. Most of the people from the continent of Asia coming here were pakis and indians, so we always referred to them as Asians. Whereas east Asians here are mostly chinese so regardless as to whether or not they actually are chinese they get referred to as chinks or orientals.

you sound like hillary clinton. come back with proofs

ah ok, thanks.
might as well have been some blairite abomination

brits should chimp out and kill all the muzzies tbqh. what's the worst that could happen? you get shipped to australia?

>Abduct a girl and gangrape her multiple times
>3 year sentence
seems fair.

That or it'll be the most outraged awakening in history.

I really don't know which.

If multiple stories of widespread systematic rape of little girls by Muslims, multiple terror attacks occurring one after the other that the government is clearly powerless to stop, and the laws that make criticizing terrorist and reading right wing political blogs crimes are not enough to trigger britons into action... what is?

You people make me sad like watching a dog drowning. Your next leader will be a card carrying communist who openly praises Hugo Chavez. You have no weapons, your rights of free speech exist only in theory unless you rigidly adhere to the prevailing social justice nonsense. Crime is rising, including gun crimes, and the decent people are arrested for defending themselves even in their own home with kitchen knives and sticks.

You are not losing Briton. You have already quit the field. America cannot save you this time, because you are your own enemy.

>might as well have been some blairite abomination
Just like the rest of the UK of today.

They’re not, it’s been used towards those immigrants from South Asia, it’s the reason Sikhs and Hindus have been some of the most vocal opponents over the use of the word.

Stop a moment and recognize that you partly summed up in your own post why exactly no one does anything.

>Sure, Pakis are torturing and gangraping our little girls but at least we can take that with a bit of humor
quintessentially British so long as the Pakis queue up appropriately

Every day I add 2-3 of these BritCuck images to my bant folder.
It used to be funny. Now it's just sad.

english are DISGUSTING creatures and need to be culled.
From now on I am posting anti english pictures like OP every time I see a coward englishman.


>rat corpse

pretty much. Know someone who was studying sociology in Leeds in 1970s and she said she couldn't beleive how rampant child sex abuse was in Bradford and Barnsley. Apparently social services just sent a letter round to the parents to warn them they'd be charged with neglect if it continued.