Why does no one like Alex Jones exist in Europe? Why are we so boring compared to Americans?

Why does no one like Alex Jones exist in Europe? Why are we so boring compared to Americans?


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Because Alex Jones is a patriot desu

Because unfortunately for Europe the quintessential ideas that gave birth to America are in America. Europe has rejected the small number of them it adopted.

It is in our blood.

Accept the animating contest of liberty back into your heart eurocuck. Become the Alex Jones of Europe.

(also there's totally David Icke)

Europoors don't have real free speech so guys like alex cant thrive there.

Because Texas is full of nutters.

US Whites are also higher IQ than Europeans.* If you like Alex you're usually a retard that believes all the conspiracy theories, or you're sophisticated enough to enjoy the irony.

Similar to Sup Forums.

*If you don't believe this, consider IQ of US = 99, and this is with blacks weighing us down hugely. Highest IQ country in Europe is 102.


Alex could be so much more interesting if he wouldnt treat his audience like retards.

i dont get your post and your reaction picture makes me sad

can you delete your post..


He isn't particularly funny and just damages the movement

He had the proper Texan nurture and a father that was redpilled about the NWO from the beginning where they discussed world affairs at the dinner table as he grew up.

Not bored yet


You're Soy Boys with no Super Male Vitality. ARAAAAAAAAHHHHHH THEY'RE TURNING THE FREAKIN FROGS GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does Varg count?

>Why does no one like Alex Jones exist in Europe?
Probably because we have government agencies that control what gets broadcasted and what not, even on the internet like YouTube? People complain about bullshit and TV channels or YouTube channels get closed down. It's not like an open nuthouse like America where every looney can broadcast what he wants.

Alex is controlled opposition.
Entertaining as fuck, and 90% of what he says is true, but he's literally disinfo. Give you part of the truth, but makes sure to never go all the way.
If a guy like Alex Jones was an actual threat to the establishment, they would have suicided him 15 years ago.

Also he says dumb shit like this.


cause Alex is 1 in 7 billion

Tommy robinson

David icke


Snake oil salesmen are a uniquely American phenomena.

lmao icke hates him

Jews geo block those types of videos in Europe


the person is a convicted murderer

europe is totally cucked.

check out this pro muslim immigrant SHIT IN prague.

this fuckin' chinese millionaire artist is making LOTS OF BIG hardcore pro refugee (race mixing of europe, white genocide) art exhibits all over the world...

this guy in the video attacks it, thankfully, but this is the level we have to attack the jewish cultural marxists on, in the arts


>Why does no one like Alex Jones exist in Europe?
Icke is the UK version of Jones

I love this dude

Luton is hell. Go Tommy!

>muh muh he killed a communist

Why? Because:

1/ The average Eurocuck's wife's boyfriend doesn't like yelling indoors. Inside voices.

2/ You're all too busy fucking your brother or sister to "keep the bloodline pure"

3/ You all use other countries' histories to shame each other to shut everyone up.

Most significant countries in Europe have free healthcare. That means that we don't let loonies die of hunger in the street or start a water filter business.

European Alex Jones are locked up in mental institutions where they belong.

Henry De Lesquen is about as close as any European has gotten to Alex Jones to my knowledge.

We have Varg

because you dont have the blood of 1776 in your veins

We don't have freedom of speech like americans do.