Link of the news here
Other urls found in this thread:
Basic info:
2k people infected
100% mortality if untreated
Spreads through rats and is Airborne
Basically we're fucked, here's an archived thread. The Aussie is a doctor he knows his shit:
This is worst than I could have imagined, I am also an aspiring virologist but I didn't got all the info on the plague.
Thanks for the link, well in the best case the bacteria will chew only a part of the Africa.
Worst case we will have to scorch the earth around.
Literally its nothing. The motherfuckers dance with their burried family members, every year this shit happens, this years not different, nothing is gonna come outta this. Chill the fuck out /pol
Well looks like we have to nuke Madagascar. R.I.P Alex and Marty
LOL someone here likes to play plague inc in real life.
Literally curable by modern day medicine. Come on its fucking Madagascar what would you expect from the mortality rate?
>refugees welcome
>Literally curable by modern day science
Literally not, the disease kills 100% of untreated cases, 88% of treated cases and is starting to show immunity to antibiotics.
All evidence shows the opposite.
It is a mutated version, so it is a bit harder to cure.
the mortality rate is like 8% how is this a big deal?
europeans will be immune to it meaning europe, north america, australia will mostly be safe
Mortality rate is 100% if untreated and 12% survival rate if treated .
Pah! That's flu to a white man.
171 people have died. 2000 people got infected.
Based on the archived post linked in this time there are over 40 times as many infections as normally so it's more serious than the usual cases of people dying after dancing with the dead bodies.
We'll see. Anyways hard for me to imagine that only 8% of niggers coughing with blood die.
It's the fucking pneumonic plague dude.
Pnumonic plague from what I've read has near 100% mortality, defintiely not 8 fucking percent.
It's treatable with common antibiotics. People NOT living in third world shitholes will most likely be perfectly fine.
Rothchild WHO stats, seems legit
"Its already resistant to all the treatments being tried, only 12% of people are surviving treatment and those who survive are still susceptible, meaning they could get infected again. The likelihood of it mutating increases every day, with every new infection. The biggest risk is that it will come into contact with a superbug inside a hospital somewhere and share genetic material which will give it all the resistances of the superbug. Right now I dont know how likely it is exactly but its a huge risk and there is definitely a possiblity of it happening." From the Aussie in the archivised thread.
It doesnt make sense to me either, but now its been like a month and we havent heard of thousands of bodies or anything. madagascar has internet and nothing on twitter or anywhere else outside of those daily- sites. maybe its worse out in the boondocks and nobody has heard anything, but even early on we got pictures of people and bodies.
like even if the official numbers are wrong, other victims apparently arent being missed by residents
Bring it, I have a stockpile of pagan monkey medicine.
Do you have a credible sauce to carry the burden of your claim, polan?
"Its airborne now because its pneumonia, the fleas that are on the rats are carrying the buebonic version of it, its totally possible for a rat or a human to carry it over the sea."
About antibiotics: The misuse of antibiotics will definitely risk it granting immunity to this shit.
Just read this thread
I'd rather trust fags on Sup Forums than some Global Health organisation who's job is to prevent panic.
I'm actually quite alarmed about all of this myself, but
>the disease kills 100% of untreated cases, 88% of treated cases
does not seem to square with the statements from the articles:
>Madagascar’s plague outbreak has killed 165 people so far, infecting more than 2,000, making 2017 this hospital’s busiest year.
>An outbreak of plague has been occurring in Madagascar, with more than 2,000 cases and 170 deaths reported since August 2017.
>Official World Health Organisation (WHO) figures show 171 people have died from the sinister illness with a further 2,119 thought to be infected in the east African country.
>The country’s health ministry reported 2,119 probable cases from Aug. 1 to Nov. 10, including 171 deaths.
>Pneumonic plague
>Having around 8% mortality
You really believe this? Also nowhere there does it say that these people have been cure.
From what I've read you can be infected more than once.
I'm a famous virologist and I can assure you that as long as you wash your hands and abstain from touching your wiener, you'll be fine. Here's a picture of me at work.
Now I have posted more credentials/proofs then the aussie ever did. My word > His.
Just saying bro
there was a reason this was released on an island, first
Simple. Shoot everyone that has it, and incinerate their corpses.
Kill every single rat visible. And burn them too.
Oh wait, can't solve that one because "muh ethics."
What claim are you disputing?
This is from the 1995 movie, Outbreak.
Its Called Black Death.
I got the white supremacy.
so I ain't sweating it.
That one, friendo.
Unless further information appears, yes, if I have to come down on one side of the fence, I will believe the available fatality statistics over someone on the Internet saying otherwise with no further justification than, "Come on, it's totally obvious, dude. Pretty sure that's impossible, I read it in a book or on Wikipedia or some shit."
If you want to actually make a real-ass case that the information from these articles is incorrect, that's different. It should not be difficult for you to be far more persuasive than you have been so far if the articles really are as off-base as you claim they are.
Diseaseses mutate all the time and if you fucking google "pneumonic plague" it will say it has near 100% mortality.
>Untreated pneumonic plague has a mortality of nearly 100%
Antibiotics, mang.
Rather important fact to leave out, don't you think?
Disease can grow immune to antibiotics if you have a population dumb enough.
I hope it reaches the rest of Africa.
Can't argue with you on that one!
God, I miss the 80's so much
Two cases reached here from Madagascar. But easily contained if you're not a madagascar-tier shithole
>But easily contained if you're not a madagascar-tier shithole
I guess we can finally say goodbye to Africa.
>More "migrants" because of an epidemic
American intelligence everyone
>>will it reach rest of world
One can only hope for such excitement.
let's meme this into existance. we have to spread fear and panic to increase the rate of infections. don't believe what the media is telling you.
also let's make revenge plague a thing, where people that are infected have a 100% chance to die, which is why they spread it to their most hated person
So you're a gay pedophile at work? Or is it a dirty kike? Washed up nigger?
well the african mainland would have been a perfect place for the disease to evolve and spread
Actually I'm the medkit.
Thanks norbot
I'm glad. All the most horrible diseases in the world seem to come from some sub saharan nigger shithole these days (GRIDS, Ebola, super plague etc).
This is god trying to tell everyone that the Negro was a mistake and we should let his righteous justice be meted out against these devil spawn feral beasts
yeah, and the 'source' story is the Daily Fucking Star - call me when you see a pattern emerging here, and keep taking them tablets, Folks.
most likeley through immigrants to europe, and america
Just kill us already you waste of a virus
death in matter of hours
your shitty flag is next
Look at the number of people infected and the number of deaths. Either we're being lied to,or the death rate inst that scary.
Plague originally used fleas/louse... wonder if it can also go mosquito vector?... fuck.
I am more or less ready for the world end. We all know no one is going to give a shit about this plauge until it hits iseral which by then it might already be too late. So sit back and watch the fire works.
I always thought its a VIRUS ! NO ??
its a biological weapon like all the other (*thought extinct virus's and plagues were*) and they are testing them out on niggers
I think this is just a test run for the elites they always test on poor Africans first for some reason they are like lab rats for the elite psychopaths that want to exterminate the majority of humans that they regard as gutter scum
>World Health Organization data shows 2,119 people have now been infected
>Scientists are worried the 'worst outbreak in 50 years' has reached 'crisis' point
>Ten countries have been placed on high alert as experts fear it will reach Africa
>Other scientists fear this year's outbreak will reach well beyond mainland Africa
>Two thirds of all the cases have been caused by the airborne pneumonic plague
>This can spread through coughing, sneezing or spitting and kill within 24 hours
of course, they are also going to pit whites against them as they import these retards into Europe, also i bet pharma are making a fortune from selling antibiotics and other things to whites in Europe as those rapey niggers and arabs spread their filth and disease previously contained in their own shit hole countries
>will reach the rest of the world
no, we dont dig up our death every few years and parade them around and than eat something without washing our hands
In short they are victim of their degenerate believe system.
>so it's more serious than the usual cases of people dying after dancing with the dead bodies.
My cock is stirring
Kek already spoke on this issue:
>Ebola-chan is divine waifu
>Plague-chan have Kek's blessings to wipe out everything from South Africa to israel
Nothing gets past you friendo
Cut off trade and all travel from Apefrica
Let the plague run its course.
No more paying for these subhumans
Blame the people who have helped Africa's population explode. You can't convince me they are equal
Marburg is a strain of ebola though. An extremely virulent but not deadly strain.
Actually I'm a virologist (the op)
Can't believe the thread is still open.
To your knowledge: the bacteria will increase his aggressiveness as he spread amongst humans, we aren't immune even if we are European survivors.Antibiotic resistance is one main problem today since the bacteria can not be stopped.
Whoever is playing plague inc. with the real world well this is a gg.
Marburg is a different strain, there are similarities between the two but the mortality rate is far more higher in the Marburg virus.
There a lot lot of differences between them.