Post yours, faggots
Slavs are the niggers of Europe
Whats wrong with Austria?
What's wrong with Ireland?
Germans are nothing but work drones that unquestioningly obey whatever German figurehead is in charge at the time. Youre literal autists that would jump off a bridge if Merkel or Hitler or whoever told you to. Britain France Spain conquered and colonized the world, Germany cant even win a war against drunk Slavs. Kill yourselves
oh shit i fucked up
Where is the template, Ikibey?
>triggered slavniggers
>slavnigger demanding free handouts
It needs multiple options per country as basically the entire west would be rated mixed feelings by all the (((refugees))) migrants
>no slavniggers
>likes czechs
user, I...
Czechs and Slovenians are valuable Slavs, not worthless slavniggers.
nice try faggot
>Loves Estonia, hates Finland
I never knew Germans also bought alcohol from Tallinn.
hate us cause you aint us achmed
Nice thumbnail, austronigger. It truly reflects your country's size.
heres the full picture, just for slow 30 iq subhumans like you mehmed
your thread died faster than your volk
the new faces of germoney
Germanbro, you made Slovenia green
Nope, you will be made a member of the glorious Bavarian Empire.
Thank you.
Go fuck yourself you autistic German faggot. Have fun watching your wife get raped by 4 shitskins and then getting arrested for racism when you protest :)
>triggered diaspora slavnigger who's forced to defend a 3rd world shithole country his parents were forced to flee from so they could have a better life cleaning toilets in the West
why do Germans hate der Schweiz und Österreich?
Every thread
You say the exact same shit
You post the exact same jpgs
You respond in the exact same way
You use the same counter arguments - with "triggered slavshit" being your 'best' counter argument
and this point
It's not even annoying
It's tiresome and pitiful
He's a based German defending future Bavarian Kingdom
>No Slavniggers edition
>Likes Czechia and Slovenia
>Hates Austria and Switzerland
OP is a retarded faggot
this thread again?
Here you go Kraut-man.
>egotistical snobs
And damn proud of it, shit must be in my blood because I've had a god complex my entire life.
>oy vey those evil slav niggers, so untolerant towards refugees and so racist, trying to preserve their own culture
>they should be like us, germans, in that we replace our own species with turks.
Looks like we found ourselves a kike
Going by my ancestral homeland.
lmao pooland btfo!!
I guess you dont realise you are a slav rape baby kill yourself
I like most countries in Europe. Sweden would would be "like" if not for leftism and arabs.
>Every thread
>You say the exact same shit
>You post the exact same jpgs
>You respond in the exact same way
>You use the same counter arguments - with "triggered slavshit" being your 'best' counter argument
>and this point
>It's not even annoying
>It's tiresome and pitiful
oy wey, what did my people do?
why everybody hates poolaks as much?
oy wey!
Quit meddling, Ivan
is that supposed to be Nikolai Valuev?
Extended map.
>implying you're not an actual nigger
Out of curiosity, why do you dislike Portugal?
Wow what a nice thread - No hate for Sw-
Forgot to change Azerbaijan and Armenia. they'd probably both be brown.
Bavarian Empire? I only see greater Switzerland.
By how much will they raise your benefits by for posting this Jamal?
fixed. I guess I was too harsh. All the Portuguese here aren't white. Also filled out other places like Indonesia and the surrounding area. I had it in blue and i'm definitely not a gook.
no we are savages
don't come here,we are slav niggers.
we are full too
Don't worry, I love you, Finland.
That's probably because 90% of the Portuguese who come to Canada are from the Azores, many of whom are from leftist families escaping the Estado Novo.
Generally, I think most people in these threads have no real idea why they think one way or another and are prepared to write entire nations off "just 'cause".
Apart from the fact that they're not white, according to you, what do you dislike about the Portuguese diaspora in Canada?
meanwhile brings in millions of turkish roaches
all sorts of niggers
and arabs by the boatload
Germany has one of the biggest Turkey diaspora's its fucking ridiculous. OP is probably one of them Kek
You cannot be Canadian, Welsh and Irish at the same time.
They don't assimilate as well as other euros, granted they're 100x better than the Chinese and poos but they still aren't anywhere need Celt or Anglo or Frenchman tier.
Why? ;_;
Germany is basically France's toy boy. France masterminded the EU and put a leash on West Germany that way to work as its indentured servant.
I know. The other one I was going by ancestral because I did the euro paint first, then I merged it with the world one. I'm 100% ethnic Celt so it technically is my ethnic homeland anyways.
>They don't assimilate as well as other euros
You mean that they remain Catholic, largely socially conservative, insular people who protect their culture and their language? I suppose you would rather that they became participants in the pride parade, "citizens of the world," secularists, feminists, etc. like those wonderful Anglo-Celts in downtown Toronto and those lovely Frenchmen in Montreal?
Canadian culture is by and large repulsive, corrosive, and dangerous today. That you would want anyone to assimilate to this filth is beyond me.
t. portuguese diaspora
If you find Canada so repulsive then go back.
I assure you that that prospect not only seems more appetizing by the day, but possibly even necessary. This is no longer a country for really anyone of decent character.
stop using our flag, schwein
>our flag
>is younger than Austria
>implying that's Canadian culture
Canada is an anglo/francophone nation. The shitlib culture isn't real Canadian culture and it's only been here for the last 20 years, all you have to do is drive 3 hours away from any major urban center and you'll understand who Canadians really are. If you hate it here so much go back. I wouldn't move to Portugal and keep speaking English as a primary language and celebrate Canada day etc, assimilation is crucial for euros that want to come here. I think all immigration form non euro countries should be banned, i'm just asking for euros coming here to be a part of our society, that's all.
>nice kurdposting
>>Disregards the fact that Germany didn't start WW1 and Churchill attacked German cities for 3 months until they finally struck back.
>>Disregards the fact that it took the combined might of the world's most powerful nations to take out little ol'e Germany.
Maybe Germany should have just let the commies overrun Norway instead of trying to stop them from destroying all of Europe.
nice leaf, real nice
aesthetic, post template
dont forget to take estonia too; wiek zgoda tam to 14. just sayin
>slavic homeland
I see you got eastern european education.
finally we agree on btfo potato niggers, Nigel. you get one week free clean toilet. please present this valid coupon to first available polish person!
This is always the excuse Canadians use: "Just go out of the cities." Yes, that's lovely, but the federal and provincial governments, which are the face of Canada internationally, are legislating and promoting things which are utterly contrary to the culture that once existed but has seemingly retreated, and continues to retreat, to the periphery.
As it happens, I live in one such town. The culture here is likewise changing because it is currently being colonised by young liberals from Toronto who, not content ruining their home city, have decided to start their families in "a safer town" which they will then proceed to turn into a second Toronto. This is par for the course for Southern Ontario and I'm sure other provinces are experience a similar phenomenon.
But I assert, adamantly, that what I described above IS Canadian culture. The Loyalists, the God Save the Queen, the Red Ensign - these are all images that are fundamentally out of date by some 30 years. You're living in a past that has been replaced by the hijab, the sodomite rainbow flag, and the gaudy attire of the Hindu, which are all coming to a small town near you. This is your society, de facto. Asking people to join in on this ghastly spectacle makes you no different from Kathleen Wynne, in my mind, who would very much also like that people like me join in on it.
For what it's worth, my family did join in on Canadian society back in the 50s when it wasn't in such a pathetic and horrendous state. They joined in so thoroughly that I no longer, as a second generation, speak a word of Portuguese. And I'm not unique in this respect. If your criticism about the language issue is targeted at 50 year old ladies who are too damn set in their ways to learn a new language, then fair enough, but I don't know any Portuguese diasporafag that doesn't speak the local language on a daily basis.
wtf i love hungary now!
Could I get a blank template of this? I'd like to fill one out
Yes Canada is dying, we all know that. Yes, Trudeau is shitty, yes the government is bad. The whole west is dying user, it's not like we're different, it's just at separate rates. Sorry I rated Portugal orange on my map, yes I admit I was too harsh, if that deeply offended you i'm sorry. But forgive me for wanting to stick to the non-hijacked shitlib culture and wanting others to stick to that "fading out of existence" culture, which might I add, is ten million times superior to the shitlib culture of today and is what our culture at its core IS. You can sit there and be a nihilist who hates this country and has no drive at all to promote it's traditional cutlure all you want, be my guest. But I'm not going to.
I'm not offended as such, I just expect that there is a logic behind a person's action, otherwise what is the point? It seems to me that there really isn't much logic, here, but to call me offended is much. Curious is closer to the heart of it.
Also, I'm not a nihilist. A Catholic, whatever he might be, cannot be a nihilist. I'm rather one who knows how to pick his battles; this one is lost. It profits me nothing to continue fighting for a country that is terminal.