Is /pol fag?

Anti-net neutrality
Anti-mudslim genocide
Anti-nigger killing
Pro-sheep thinking

is exactly opposite of this.


prove it.

visit cbts threads. the entire hullabaloo there is about saving people from the establishment and it's scheme to make a slave of everyone.

op lurk moar lmao

Liberal cunt detected.

this is a terrible thread so I'm just going to use it to get some answers

what the fuck are these threads and where did they come from, they look like something a spambot came up with

marxist obfuscationist detected

shit up shill.
Pol is full of fags, it's a fact.

Would you kill a muslim 8 year old just because it is a muslim (given that you won't be arrested)?

>what the fuck are these threads
redpilling threads that shed light on the worldwide corruption between the elites and the world's leaders, especially american.

the "research" has proved to be quite redpilling for most. More and more people are finding out about how the world has been working for so long.

>where did they come from,
someone posted a few questions one day a few weeks ago and took to it like faggots to dick.
the OP calls himself Q.

>they look like something a spambot came up with
true, and maybe they are.
but the redpilling is amazing.
i'd let these threads stay if i had any say in it.

when i can just as easily brainwash the kid into believing what i want him to believe?
i do want someone to take the bullet for me come the time.

>Would you kill a muslim 8 year old just because it is a muslim
To what end?

If you're talking about killing a single muslim for no reason, no i wouldn't do it.

If you're talking about killing 1.6 billion muslims, maybe.

"Alt-Right" shitheads are trying to push collectivism now. Individualism and personal rights and freedoms are the cornerstone of the developed, civilised world. It's not our fault a bunch of radlibs took this shit and corrupted it like they do everything. We shouldn't abandon our traditional institutions just because fuckwits are trying to adopt it in their own twisted way.

Furthermore, I don't care about the collective. At all. Random people are not my friends and there is no such thing as racial solidarity amongst whites. My empathy and interest extends as far as my immediate family and a handful of close friends.

>anti blackpill

you dont even know what that means you piece of shit, go away and stop posting here

>easily brainwash the kid into believing what i want him to believe?

Nope either kill them or use their organs for the better, muslims are not humans that they can be taught human things.

This is the reason i consider Pol fag, they are pro-muslim.

Literal definition of liberal cunt.

It doesn't matter, if you get a chance to kill a muslim, just kill it for fun.

Sounds like your stereotyping.
Were you banned by Reddit again?

You can say that, but you're just handicapping yourself.
It's not about empathy. It's about a winning strategy.
If you are working alone, you will lose to those who work together.

Wise-men detected, what are your thoughts on christianity?

It is exactly what pol is, ANTI-BLACKPILL

>killing stuff for fun
Sounds like you're a fucking degenerate to me.

are you fucking retarded?

>banned by Reddit
it happens everytime i go to that sjw faghouse, last time it happen 2 months ago.

Supporting collectivism in anykind is degenerate

Not an argument

no id fuck it first

killing is not fun?
You are a literal liberal cunt.
Have you killed deer or a raccoon before? it's so fucking fun to kill, poring little acid in waterbottles of nigger in school is fun too, they don't even realize till 3-4 hours.

If you treat living things with such disrespect, you disrespect yourself. You tarnish the human spirit.

It doesn't matter if it's fun or not. It's wrong to behave in such a way.

>Anti-net neutrality
doesn't compute. because being pro net neutraility is being anti individualism. if you think the individual shouldn't have control over his property you're a collectivist cuck