>"Rise and shine, user! It's time to get ready for church! Ignore all these nasty anti-christian threads~!!"
"Rise and shine, user! It's time to get ready for church! Ignore all these nasty anti-christian threads~!!"
Imaginary daddy is for weak.
Post hotbois and erect priests
We literally need to protect our society from you freaks.
Get a church wife, they said.
She’s more traditional, they said.
Sit on my face.
>You can get a sexbot like pic related or any fantasy you want (elfs, vampires etc)
>You can program it to never cheat on you, never nag you etc
>Always ready for sex, always happy to serve you
>Will never get old, her body will never go to shit
>Will beat you at chess
>Will provide intellectual conversations
>Will be eager to fulfil your fetishes without a second thought
>She will be there for you through your last breath
>She won't need to eat food or use the toliet
>She will always accept you as you are
>Programmed to be completely honest. No lying behind your back.
>No STDs. No chance of getting pregnant unless you decide to install an artificial womb.
>She's a good listener and will be as good as a computer at remembering things.
>can cheat on you
>will nag you
>will refuse you for sex sometimes
>mood swings
>will get old, will get wrinkles and her body will get flabby, might get fat
>personality might change and she'll be a bitch
>can divorce you and steal half your shit
>boring conversations
>can't beat you at chess, doesn't like watching sports etc.
>"i don't like anal I already tried it with chad"
>might abandon you when you're too old or sickly to look after her
>buys a shitton of unnessecary shit and wastes your money
>likes you on superficial levels, just because you look good, appear confident and provide for her
>lying, omitting the truth
>might 'have an accident' and forget to take birth control
Yeah no fucking thanks, you fucking normie
Enjoy dying sad and alone.
>why haven't you dumped your seed into our fertile wombs yet user?
>having sexbot
Even if sexbots don't exist in the next 50 years, I'll still be happy being alone. I have a lot of older friends, divorced guys with and without kids, and they're very happy apart from child support payments. I have hobbies like writing and drawing I can do for days nonstop without wanting to take a break.
You have to be +18 to post on this website.
I need a qt blonde Norwegian gf
who is she?
That cuckface....
Why can't we just agree with the morals of Christ without believing in the divine authority behind them?
The japs need to step up their game, I can't wait to get me a furry waifu.
One of the Duggar kids.
Only the weak minded and scared believe in religion.
>Duggar kids
based Baptists.
>the economy needs you taking loans and mortgages
Implying the jews aren't just as happy with you taking anti-depressants and welfare/disability checks.
OAH! Eat shit you ugly whore, don't touch me.
>"Rise and shine. Mister. Freeman."
>"Rise. And shine."
Please, by all means.
Just remember Christian women are off limits for you, unless you repent.
Anyone embracing religion is a useless beta cunt that is scared of the complexity we live in.
And never forget that the historical jesus was a jewish man who molested hundreds of kids and was a sadistic (classical jewish) asshole who tortured and hurt animals for pleasure.
The girl I have been talking with is almost perfect
The only thing wrong with her is she is your typical pro Israel evangelical
Should I risk sending her marching to Zion?
You don't decide shit christ-cuck go blow your priest.
Source, swedecuck
Revelation 2 and 3
After I finally had enough of NPR's all-Trump-all-the-time radio, I switched it to some gospel station that I've been listening to for weeks now (I keep the radio on persistently in the living room for my cat). I feel kind of bad listening to it as it's really wholesome and positive (compared to NPR especially). I wish I could have faith, but I just don't.
Currently skipping church just to spite family.
I don't cater to hypocrites
starting to enjoy this now, the braaaap posting grew on me aswell, got banned from Sup Forums for doing it
you already fucked half the congregation. piss of skank
>that story
>that related story
spicy developments
Get your mind out of the gutter
Jana is pure