Seriously how is it possible?

burgers, how can 30% of your population so fat?!?

Other urls found in this thread:

Population be so fat?*

corn and soy subsidy mostly.
but also we're too clean in many senses, the microbes in france are superior

They mass consume food with no nutritional value so their hunger is never truly sated, their high sugar diets also kills off bacteria in their gut responsible for breaking down food so that it cant be absorbed, so even if they decide to change their diet they would first have to replenish all the good bacteria they destroyed to have any real effect.

well stop homogenizing everything. EVERYTHING!

source on the sugar thing?> asking for a friend

that's a wide fucking load. she'd truck me

I don't have a source either use google or ask fit, they usually have sources to anything health related.

Excess. We have the most of everything. Wealth, power, food, and appetites.


You answered yourself.

That's the face you should make when you have to go to fit.

Partly because American "cuisine" was developed at a time when the vast majority of the country was either working in fields, in factories, or dirt fucking poor. So eating high-fat foods was beneficial: they were cheap, they tasted good, and you burned off the fat throughout your physically intensive work.

But then our entire society changed. The vast majority of poor people are now sedentary and have food subsidies. But they still buy the cheap, fatty food instead of the expensive healthy food. Most people work in offices, yet they still eat food designed for people who are physically active throughout the day.

That's just the consumer side. On the producer side there are MASSIVE financial incentives to make cheap, corn-filled gross food instead of healthy, expensive food. Unfortunately, the market on healthy alternatives has been taken over by soyboys and other leftist companies. It's a sad state of affairs over here.

I see two fat women and a massive obese hambeast.
Are they counting the two on the left (pic related) as "Normal"?

>implying a low, low 30%
Combine apex selfish, peak lazy, lack of education, absentee parenting, degenerate (((support groups))) who encourage this self mutilation and a fat ass bag of excuses and enablement and you can build a fatty farm anywhere.

Our food is better than yours

everyone is in a car bc living in the city is too dangerous
Frozen food does some fucked up shit too

It's the carbs and sugar not the fat, though the unnatural vagtable oils we eat today are so toxic that they also have a negative effect on weight.

My guess is that they add addictive substances in the cheap food.

they all live mostly in one state, louisiana

they specialize in adding oil and fat to everything, being serious here

Black women and mexicans. Not even a joke.

This is why the Amish are the answer

>30% are fat
No, 30% are extra fat. Probably 50% or more are fat.

Society is getting fat together. You're not allowed to shame people for doing bad things anymore, you can only shame people for doing good things.

also this, i live in NC and have only ever seen a skinny black girl back in school, no skinny adult black females

(Trigger warning) Because food is cheap, thanks to capitalism

I've lived here for 11 years and can honestly say I; have never seen a fat person. Everyone is very tall, though.

>rejecting the deep fried reality of Mississippi and Alabama...
The absolute inability to moderate anything leads to chemical imbalances which cause delusions of no fault lard aggregation.
Dey dindu nuttin

Also, women don't cook proper meals for their children anymore, either because they work 60 hours a week or they are lazy, useless welfare trash. They microwave super-processed fake food and give it to the kids. Most kids never eat anything but hotdogs, chicken nuggets, french fries, and sugar cereal like Froot Loops.

the increasing availability of entertainment available from the couch/ computer chair will have a direct correlation to obesity

Its because of the hormones they use on the animals. The hormones used to grow pigs and cows in twice the time has made its way into the population also.

>Thinks eating fat makes you fat

>hotdogs, chicken nuggets, french fries, and sugar cereal
That's pretty much what I eat, and I'm skinny.

maybe if all the labor jobs hadn't been shipped off to other countries most of these fat asses would have been forced to actually work for a living

everyone going to college isn't a good thing when many of them end up getting a degree in burger flipping anyway

Kek’d n checked

lol found a fatty, you're not gong to get obese eating vegetables

>oh I need to eat
>yummy mummy
>it's brunch time!
>so yummy
>time for a snack
7 meals a day is because American are so fat

I don't know honestly. I have been steadily getting fatter and fatter regardless of how much exercise i do and how little i eat, healthy peas, chicken, veggies etc. I think it's something in the water


the hormones they nadd to the chicken does not cause you to eat 2 breasts, 2 drumsticks 2 biscuits, mashed potatoes with gravy and a 16 oz pepsi in one sitting fatass

They eat more calories than they burn, OP.

You must have missed the programming day where they all learned to eat till it hurts.
Never trust a fatty, they can’t even muster up the willpower to put down the doughnut.
It’s really all due to pic related

that's more like an english thing, the extra in-between meals

That shit should be illegal. Seriously though i take care of my health with good food and exercise, still getting fat

Wtf? Calories in calories out. Doesn't matter if the food is all carbs or fat.

There's only like 5 fat white people in the whole country.
Stop including niggers in the statistics and America will crush any European country in any meaningful category.

I am actually happy the americans are dying. Since america ceased to be a white country it became a enemy of the world.

Is there some way we can donate money to increase the usage of fun chemicals in their food?

I was in the US this summer. I was amaze by the price of vegetables in sore. In fact it's cheaper to buy already made food than cooking yourself.
Why broburgers ?

nobody said that ya kike.

Maybe I think some Americans have one big meal for the whole of the day.

cuz we don't have north african migrants driving our averages down?

That's true, the answer is jews

you wrong, boyo.

farm subsidy corn syrup

Just, simply, fucking THIS

Baguette, how be able 99% of you population so bad the english ?

High fructose corn syrup


high fructose corn syrup?

more like will fuck your shit up!

Well we don't have any of that and still have a lot of fat fucks. Of course we can't compete with US fat fuck-wise but still quite a lot.

Stop sodas

Shut the hell up and go and drink a XXXXXL coke you lardass swine.

Fucking poison.

essentially this is true but different foods and frequency of consumption can affect your metabolism

for some people if you only eat 3 meals a day your body will burn fat slower, whereas 6 smaller meals might make make you burn more fat, also fatty foods tend to cause your metabolism to go into storage mode and build more fat before muscle, which getting rid of fat is harder than muscle

regardless if you're fat you can simply lose while by eating less and moving more, which is the problem with most fatties

"Something in the water" can't make up for absence of calories.
The only way to get fat is to eat more calories than you use, period.
Stop lying to yourself.

He's right. You get fat because of sugar.

I've been raw vegan for a month to see what it's like. Typical meal consists of 2-3 bananas, couple oranges or mangos, avocado, carrots, bag of spinach with kale, berries, celery and apples. Takes me a good 45 min to eat it all. I'm also a pretty active person. I'm now never tired, never feeling hungry (have to force myself to eat), never bloated, skin is much better, never feeling "depressed", and I've lost about 8-10 pounds, but don't feel weaker, allergies much better etc. If you ever try eating raw make sure you eat a ton of food per meal.

Pot, meet kettle.

Just avoid HFCS, hydrogenated oils, and unfermented soy. Beer and milk should be consumed at a reduced level and America can be much less obese in a single generation.


Exercise user. Even when you inner critic is telling you ANYTHING to make you stop, DON'T.

Never give up. Set small goals you can increase on every week. If you have a dog, walki it longer and faster.


sugar is not very different from fat in terms of calories and effect on metabolism

small amounts of both contain loads of calories

Yes but we are not fat you fucking lardass monster you.

We can kill the arabs but you can only kill yourselves.

Motherfuckers are so full of bullshit magical thinking. All part of the mental breakdown/victim mentality... not my fat ass fault, thyroid ayyys are injecting me with Oreos while I sleep fuckery

Cuz women are fat lazy slobs that eat McDonalds everyday and suck down candy like a vacuum cleaner. Our Men at least get bullied for being fat asses and it's mainly old boomers.

What part of the US? My veggies are cheap as fuck

>We can kill the arabs
>I can quit smoking any time I want

The country is massive. Everything is spread out. You literally cannot feasibly walk most places outside of a few select cities like New York. People drive everywhere and don't get exercise. Our service economy also has most people at sedentary desk jobs.

Then to top it all off all our food is fake and deceitful about what it actually contains. You have to go to inordinate lengths to get something as simple as actual fucking honey. Everything is corn syrup. Every. Single. Thing.

Pic related talks about it. It's pretty interesting.

Of course it does. Fat doesn't do as much damage to your body as carbs do, despite what people were brainwashed to think 20 years ago. Fat clogs your heart and veins, sugar makes you fat and carbs are empty calories (you eat, but are never full)

eat less, move more

eating 3,000 calories of "good food" is not good, and walking to the kitchen is not exercise

A fatass can lose weight, but a nigger cannot become a human.

Excellent post user

that's funny because many fat people live in cities, instead of walking they use scooters

It's the way your body process them, store them and use them, it's very different.

Society decided to stop fat shaming. Growing up if you were fat you got made fun of constantly and told to improve yourself.

Now we just say “well, they’re fat and it can’t be helped”.

Solid point. FDA should be abolished, no consumer oversight, just a big money lobby/laundry

Sounds expensive. Poor nigs aren't going to be able to make their foodstamps last all month.

Hurtful Truth detected

see this is why 4pol is so great

we can talk about this shit the way it needs to be talked about, wish we could take this conversation back into mainstream human society

oh well, nations rise and fall

California, but maybe because it was Trader Joe's.
But I think at Wall Mart in Arizona and Nevada it was the same.

Porn isn't allowed on Sup Forums user.

Sup Forums should have a permanent red pill sticky and posts like this should be upvoted to it.

Porn is something people jerk off to, so his post clearly isn't.

I spent some time in Japan and they still fat shame people (only comedians/Sumo are allowed to be fat). The cashier will straight up tell you that you shouldn’t buy that pastry and instead should have an apple.

The only fat people I saw my entire time in Tokyo was a foreign couple. Then I fly back to the US, hit LAX and it’s nothing but whole families riding rascals while eating chili dogs.

Fucking embarrassing as shit.

Do other countries have bans on high fructose corn syrup, GMOS, and other additives? I feel like that shit is what makes Americans fat, also, soda. I would fucking delight in watching people chimp out if they couldnt get their precious sodey pop. People around here buy several 12 packs and drink that shit in a week. It would take me a month to drink a 12 pack of soda.

Theres a girl in one of my classes that I overheard saying to another classmate that shes on blood pressure medication and shes still a teeneager. Of course she fat as fuck. Goddamn I hate fat people.

The absence of shaming soup sandwiches has lead to a soup sandwich population. So fucking disgusted at the absolute effeminate faggot incubator this country has become. The deconstruction of everything is a direct result of the soup sandwiches absolute lack of skills and complete inability to do anything constructive cause, my tired, my feels, my face burg, my Twatter. How long till the rope

well in japan you can criticize someone and they will take it as hard advice and move one

in america if you so much as look at someone wrong(blacks) they want to start throwing punches(they have the highest obesity)

and if you criticize whites they fucking try to reverse shame you as some kind of phobic/ism and the problems never gets fixed

american culture has become extremely hostile

Stay strong user, the light will return

Shitty, fattening foods being the cheapest. Organic, healthy foods are much more expensive and also just a lifestyle with not much physical activity, the suburbs have no nice places to be outside also

The volume of soda we drink is very much an American thing. Tea is the main drink in most Asian countries (convenience stores have tons of types of tea and only a couple racks of soda). Not sure about Aussies or what not.