Should we castrate/gas the retards?
Should we castrate/gas the retards?
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looks like half-mudslim abomination
You had the laws in place to sterilization of the mentally incompetent. Your SJW judges shot it down (you've had those for a looong time it seems). So if you were to go down that road, you'd probably need another civil war first. And the top of your legal system should be among the first on the day of the rope
That was an awesome prank. That kid's a genius. Quit hating.
abort them
Sterilization in these cases needs to be mandatory, they will not reproduce and die out themselves. They don't know better so they reproduce and those offspring have often a difficult life and thus it would be selfish not using all preventative measures by those that do know better. In regards to just dumb people they cause a lot of damage, violence... so any human forth needs to be tested and criteria needs to be meet in order to receive a license to reproduce, all others need to be sterilized! The amount of people in the world is to great for a productive development with sufficient resources and above all ORDER/LAW to be preserved. Now given that people are dumb will they accept sterilization? It is a cross roads that requires action not by the faint of heart but by those that want humanity to survive and not be thrown back to stone age again!
plzzz dno't gaz meee /pool tihihi
how funny he keeps clapping when everybody start screaming at him
The ancient Germans killed off their weak, lame or otherwise deformed children. So yes, do it when they are young before anyone gets attached.
Yes we castrate/gas OP.
Poor kid, no one besides the parents will have any love for it, and even then the parents will slowly lose their souls as they see this lump of flesh simply EXIST until it dies at the age of 35, if they don't give up the ghost first, all the while their friends and family will uncomfortably acknowledge the thing while they go about their lives.
Abortion should remain legal for this purpose.
I'd rather not waste tax-money. It's not like retards like the one in your webm procreate anyway.
>yfw youd gladly volunteer to be part of the execution squad
Who would be left to post YLYL threads on Sup Forums, then?
>looks like half-mudslim abomination
looks like 100% muslim approved by muhammad.
Start with niggers, half of them are retards anyway so IQ testing them is a waste of money.
If they practice circumcision, shouldn't they as well cut niggers hands by default? Niggers don't work anyway, and without hands it would be harder to steal.
Retards should be put in homes like they use to be.
Imagine if when full grown it is 6-8, 350+ Lbs.
Slamming peoples heads through walls and tables and shit and then standing there clapping .
You ever tried fighting against a retard? It's like fighting with Hercules. They have superhuman strength.
It's mercy killing when it comes to them
put Mongo back in his cage
Or taught to become pilots and then sent over the Pacific.
Having a retard is one of my worst fears. Having to dedicate your entire life and so much of your money/etc that you can literally never succeed just to raise some retard who will never do anything
I can't imagine a worse nightmare
Just looks like an average 56% American family.
But to answer the original question. Yes. We should gas the Americans.
But that's hilarious. There is no retard here, only those who fail to see his wisdom.
just kill him and take a couple of years behind bars
The worst is autism since it can't be detected in the womb
Who the fuck WANTS one? It makes my skin crawl to think of a woman so desperate for a pet baby she lets a slobbering, confused, medical distaster half-exist in the world so she can wuv it.
Guess you can tell my brother eats Corn Pops with his hands. Out of the bowl, of milk. He's 35.
sick prank
Yes. Otherwise you spend your entire adult life caring for feral being that will never be autonomous, all resources are drained in congratulating the tard for not drooling today, or shitting itself. This is why abortion should remain legal, for this. Plus, any parent who claims to think their downy tard is adorable is lying to themselves. Think: Humane Society for Genetic Malfeasance
wow, that could've left her blind if the candles impaled her
Down syndrome people can procreate.
Of course.
just kill them at birth. nothing of value would be lost, other than the mother having run around 5 months with a bit of bigger belly and lost 9 months of her fertility time.
that would be about 50% of the population at this point all people who voted for hillary or bernie HAHAHA
>Not just waiting for cloning tech and gene editing
wow. its a prank bro
what are you a faggot?
If you didn't laugh after seeing the retard clapping after him ruining the party, and making his family remember that they should have aborted him in first place, you are dead inside
fucking lol, wtf i am retard missile noao
Yes, retards should be culled
90% of europe
I wonder how their brain works. What it would feel to be one. Nevertheless as some user stated above, one of my fears is also having a retard kid. I don't know what I would do, specially if the wife wants to keep it.
checks out
>most diverse race on the planet
Believe me in a few years when that bitch is in his middle 20s, they will always remember that at least the retard will stay loyal and mildly productive unlike the cheerful waman that taken all their time and money only to be a slut and ask for more gibs when pregnant or about to get married.
Can it be detected in the vaccine?
Are you saying... A retarded is superior to a female in your progeny?
Kek, an average /r9k/
Did someone say old school state financed retard propaganda masquerading as a childrens show??
Unironically yes. Anyone with an IQ below 100 by the age of 18 should be exterminated regardless of race, religion, or anything else. All positions vacated by the retard class could be filled by automation.
In this date and age yes. Boys were the exemption but with the never growing faggority you may invest your time and love in a dog or turtle. The jews have won by destroying anything worthy in a family. You can try and it will be nice at some times, but when you are very old you will regret. There is a reason why birthing is declining in wealthy sectors, more independent men are dodging the fatherhood. But schoolars will claim its due women getting more degrees.
Aktion T4 will come again.
Yes. Abort the scum.
Teacher back in high school took her retard daughter one day, all she did for an hour was grind her teeth loudly and make weird squeaking noises, it was really uncomfortable.
How about we stat with everyone on this board?
>Implying we aren't all >300 IQ
no we need them for ments. encourage them to take skittles and sterilize themselves
Including me because I don't know how to proofread.
I had a teacher that was crying that her retarded sister was having trouble in the home they put her.
Entire class was saying that wow, God played a pretty nice joke on you and your family.
yes, but that one should reproduce; keks of that caliber are a rare commodity
Being a christcuck must be hard
Instead of aborting this creature and putting it out of its misery you create a huge burden on yourself, your family and society
Alot of people ITT need to get their values and sense of morality re-evaluated. Retarded people may be a burden, but they are not as burdensome as feminism and liberalism has become to society. Would you rather have a retarded child, or a daughter who grows up to get blacked? I've met parents of retarded children who were some of the nicest people I've ever met, and the cross they have to bear actually made them better people in the long run. Funny how that works out, huh?
TLDR; you are all idiots focusing on the wrong problems.
was that really tony blair's pilot?
Make that full mudslime
What happened, why are they so upset
>falling for the tardijew
the blacked daughter because I can just disown the cunt instead of having to drown an abomination and feel bad about it later
just check out how the mother instinctively pushes away pedro deformero and clutches the little girl
im sure those nice people love their retarded child very much instead of just being miserable inside, you fucking moralfag gtfo
Truly, retards are nature's clowns.
Surely there is SOME value in that at least.
As long as they don't breed I don't care. No need to murder them.
But if I knew the child I was going to have was retarded before it was born I would get it aborted without question.
It was an asshole prank sure, but they overreacted, unless she got a candle in her eye
hahahahaha that was great.
you have to realize that spastics have no sense of right and wrong or the force they exert.
To the veggie it may be fun and games but the other side could have a cracked skull regardless.
t. unruly tard in younger brother's class
>gas the retards
yes. we should also gas anyone even marginally 'on the spectrum' because I'm tired of hearing about that shit like it's a good thing
>The ancient Germans killed off their weak, lame or otherwise deformed children.
unfortunately the left in Europe brought in a new batch of niggers and retards to replace them
>6-8, 350+ Lbs.
>Slamming peoples heads through walls and tables
I want this to happen. We should build an entire city for retards with cameras everywhere to watch the mayhem. we could drop em in just as they hit puberty and watch battle royale over an occasional airdropped box of cupcakes.
Just knock that one on the head and toss it to the pigs to eat.
I would leave my family and life in a second if the govt. could turn me into an uparmored killing machine designed to hunt and kill illegals. I would forgo all earthly pleasures for the sound of their wailing children.
they're Spanish, you fucking stormcuck.
It always amazes me with you neonazi turds how bad you are at recognizing Europeans, always mistaking meds for arabs.
>What the fuck is an abortion?
Why would you ever willingly bring a retard to this world?
Came here to laugh at this again. Thanks, user.
>he resumes clapping after the deed
>The ancient Germans killed off their weak, lame or otherwise deformed children.
shame they let this deformed cretin live
>every scene has a hole in the wall in the background
>Implying spaniards are white europeans.
>What is spanish history?
"Life goes on" Corky Thatcher was rolling in the money. Productive member of society, yes?