>this is how 13yos in american are dressed and presented (with makeup)
is this normal?
This is how 13yos in american are dressed and presented (with makeup)
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((( is this normal? )))
This one is 14.
I will NEVER get tired of that lol
that's a 14yo jew acting like a nigger
Looks 40.
The fuck is wrong with her hairline? It looks like mine in 10 years.
I fucking hate this subhuman.
>What does "friend" mean?
How do you know the meanings of every other word, except specific words?!
What game is this?
>that's a 14yo jew acting like a nigger
Boy or girl?
>How do you know the meanings of every other word, except specific words?!
because hollyjew pedos think it's "cute"
More like this pls
how do you pump water out of the fish tank including the droppings buy excluding fish babies (they are tiny)
how often do you think goldfish have babies?
Some survive some get pumped I guess. Episode 2 of america unplugged had a guy who has his own aquaponic greenhouse that he talks about.
often enough. I used to have fish. you have to reparate the pregnant ones from the rest, and then when it gives birth, you have to separate the mom from the babies.
otherwise they each the babies.
this mean it's not sustainable, especially if you use this pic: you would transfer the babies to the plants and the fish would die out eventually.
>Some survive some get pumped I guess
probably not though. they are super tiny, you almost can't see them if you're not looking for them. plus the risk of being eaten by the rest..
>Episode 2 of america unplugged had a guy who has his own aquaponic greenhouse that he talks about.
hmm you got a link to that? usually the pump is filtered but that would prevent droppings to get to the plants
Its both on netflix and bit che. Worth watching the entire series if you're interested in living off the grid. Some smart stuff there.
>short dyke hair
ok senpai i NEED to know what that is
hollywood jews like both little boys and little girls, so they love androgynous kids.
cool, thanks.
You pull the eggs/fry out before the mom eats them and grow them in a nursery tank; or just buy fry/fingerlings online and leave breeding to the treehuggers
It's not actually supposed to be a goldfish bowl; it's supposed to be a large tank with commercial aquaculture species like tilapia or catfish.
I was looking for more high-density agriculture schemata.
DU is dwelling unit; i.e. # of families living on the property. I think the image is supposed to be ways of organizing gardening in increasingly dense spaces but there's no way those are maintaining consistent yields across the different diagrams.
>or just buy fry/fingerlings online and leave breeding to the treehuggers
how is that sustainable? beat the purpose of the entire thing if you have to keep buying fish.
>You pull the eggs/fry out before the mom eats them and grow them in a nursery tank
if the pump is constanty pumping water out to the plant, then the babies are being sucked in before you even know they're there right?
shit famalam, those torrents are all dead
she's 13, that's how she's supposed to look. pic related is a real fraud.
So "balcony gardens" is Aussie or Queenie for "slums?" Or does that begin at "common gardens?"
>how is it sustainable
Because the breeder runs a business breeding fingerlings for grow-out operations.
>how do you breed them yourself
For tilapia you actually take the female and a few males out of the main enclosure into a separate breeding tank with a clean bottom and a flat tile and a very gentle filter w/ a sponge on the intake, and then as soon as the eggs are laid you want to get the mature tilapia out and back into the main enclosure. Then you just let the fry grow into fingerlings until they're big enough for a real tank; but you should still keep the older bigger ones away from the smaller ones by grading their size and transferring them between multiple grow-out tanks.
oh look, it's this thread again. Yes, Millie is a QT
No, that's normal that's just Hollywood.
Based infographic my friend. Make sure to post it in /sig/ later.
>Yes, Millie is a QT
not really
good post
Only one child to replace two parents. Population drops by 50%. Meanwhile, Jamal is making little welfare nigglets by the dozen.
Got to start somewhere. How many kids do you have? Assuming you're not a nigger, of course.
They’re gettting ready to go out on a date with Roy Moore
>fake ass models acting like parents.
>bitch in whore makeup
>How many kids do you have? Assuming you're not a nigger, of course.
ad hominem because you got BTFO'd?
she's pretty hot tho
I wonder if she knows he's closeted.
>European faggot who doesn't even physically own male genitals making fun of white family with one child
Whatever you say Mohammed or Jamal or whatever your shitskin name is.
>who doesn't even physically own male genitals
angry chink can't even write in english anymore. kek
That graphic is neat. So who works full time to pay the property taxes while you work the farm?
This is the kind of thing that has prevented me from going entirely /trad/ and having a homestead.
Fact of the matter is that we need money to survive and all the well-paying jobs are in town.
Depressing having to commute into the city everyday desu, but at least I have money to spend on things I care about like fire-arms, ammunition, electronics, vehicles, fuel, food, water, clothes, books, etc.
learn a skill for a job you can do from work.
like freelance CG artist or programmer.
>from work.
from home* lmao
In the US there is something called "homestead exemption". Basically, farmsteading land is exempt from tax.
Atleast in 32 states tho.
It seems nice in theory but I have a decent job in my profession and not really looking to re-train and start from scratch.
Not to mention "freelance CG artist" sounds like starvation.
Besides, if you actually wanted to /homestead/ you wouldn't have time for that shit.
The truth is that I have to work, I don't have the luxury of buying a farm because I don't have the capital.
Best I can do is garden for the moment.
>Not to mention "freelance CG artist" sounds like starvation.
>Besides, if you actually wanted to /homestead/ you wouldn't have time for that shit.
wrong on both mate.
>my profession
which is?
>The truth is that I have to work, I don't have the luxury of buying a farm because I don't have the capital.
so you can't even save and buy a land?
Is that Sean Young’s daughter?
> as Finkle or Einhorn?
To be clear, this does NOT exist in the Netherlands. Because you know, he didn't kill all of them.
>wrong on both mate.
It might be possible but I don't see any clear path to doing so at the moment.
>which is?
Accounting, unofficially.
>so you can't even save and buy a land?
I'm just trying to save to buy a house and by save I mean to save for a downpayment and then have a mortgage, not buy it outright.
Not everyone in Canada is rich.
America Unplugged:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
What is this America Unplugged show about?
t. future homestead boi
"A look inside the life and practises of Americans who live off the grid"
Is that Engineer775? He was the guy behind Doomsday Preppers.
who? I don't know
Is that Eleven?
> be me
> saying 1400 euro a month while living at home
> starting 2018
> be able to buy a decent piece of land in Czech in 2020
> work another two years
> build a small cabin and move in with my girlfriend
> we both work two days a week in prague
> 5 days of quality homesteading
Or you know.. spend the next 4 years getting your bachelor and take that sweet 200k loan from the bank.
holy shit they all look like hanson brothers
>that disgusting long hair on guys
Nvm. It is him. He has a youtube channel where he installs solar arrays, water pumps and other prepper stuff. There was this (really stupid) show called Doomsday Preppers, and he was one of the "experts" who evaluated the level of preparedness of each participant. He's a kind of OG prepper.
thanks. I would def do something like this if I lived in the US. shit like: and cheap land (because the country is huge and a lot of land is available)
Ag exemption; if you've got the acreage you can get a wind lease to indemnify you against property tax; oil & gas works too. Otherwise, you better step up and build some greenhouses and get citycucks to come pick their own produce, write off expenses as small business.
>he thought he was so clever
It's called agriculture exemption in Texas; but he's right.
She is european
I made this thread to bait and talk about cunny, yet it turned into a great thread on living off the grid.
I know, I didn't claim she was an american
Dan Schneider fucked that.
you are a cancer on this board
>he can't even shitpost right
People from the Netherlands are too nice. Use pic related next time.
that lucky bastard.
Dan Schneider fucked that hard and repeatedly.
thanks bro.
>UK and Australia don't even get ice cream
>Canada doesn't even get a pepe
American 8 year olds dude.
This is going way too far.
I saw Logan Lucky (good movie btw) and one of the character's daughter was in one of those southern american pageants with one of those obsessed moms
>sponsored by Paul Mitchell
i'm not sure if we should be judging their culture.
Screw the pajeets.
8yos in our country are not whoring out to nigger music.
>is this normal?
No. Women shouldn't be wearing makeup.
fucking (((pedos)))
gladly :^)
another slide thread
JIDF is in overtime since the election
maybe hollywood is trying to break their pedo habits. the first step is making kids look 40
I made a very serious, political thread before this about a possible war (or WW) but I got zero responses.
lmaooo but they would still be fucking 13yo cunny no matte what they look like
if all the actresses look the same (old) then they can get older and older actresses until they only fuck adults
14 going on 40
Fugg I'd lick those feet.
I think their dicks just want cunny. the face is not the main attraction I think. they like the destruction of innocence in kids.
Well if anything, this just goes on to show the stupidity of your age of consent laws. She looks like a perfect wholesome young lady. There is nothing wrong with marrying her off to a nice, well-mannered, God-fearing young man of 18 and blessing them, as a family and as a society, to start a happy fruitful life where they can be each other's companions through the ups and downs of life. But ofcourse this will all make more sense in a society which is deeply conservative and puts God above all. Like the original conservative Muslim societies.
The maturity of the child depends on the kind of environment they have been provided in the house and outside of it. Its not a surprise that conservative households produce much more mature, responsible and sensible children than liberal ones.
Kek I had a feeling it was you.
There is nothing normal about Hollywood.
that hag is supposed to be 14? wtf
>it was you