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Nignogs just being unruly
It's the ninth day of riots in Mantes la Jolie.
It's an arabic principality near Paris.
Nothing like a civil war insight, sorry lad.
Sure thing Mahmoud
Riots in france are a tradition user.
>try to force the people to work a year longer until retirement
>see cars burn
ahah shame on french people. look how the police get targeted and not even fire back
>blacks and arabs working
what are the things that they are firing?
>french police can't just pull out real guns and blast them for this
for god sake
It's not happening fuck sakes they can't do anything with a fucking firework
why do they burn like that though? it's almost like a molotov
That's a fucking Molotov faggot
Antifa always use molotov and yet they are not recognized as a terrorist organisation
Do something user.
France you just a little baby, watch this
No wonder the french police are killing themselves in droves. 8 this week I heard.
why are assholes throwing moltovs and shooting fireworks at people? is this normal in france now?
Not happening, part and parcel of living in France.
This is just your typical 4th of july in Chicago, minus about 23 murders
Isolated incidents, move along!
>The absolute state of Europe
Probably because of the Lybian slave sales.
Even when we did nothing wrong (us, european french people), the anger is again turned against us.
The eternal boogeyman
War implies two sides are fighting. I only see one side ever doing it.
Please archive
Raycis! I think because you guys do have literal communists in govt' right?
Your going to have to sauce that bogan
a few fireworks is not a civil war you fucking moron
>""""""civil war""""""
>bastille not stormed
Arabs generally do worth, if middle eastern. Shit jobs, but still work.
Other Africans not so much
Another frog cop shot half a dozen people and then killed himself in Paris today
They need money for the bombs
idiots with sparklers and fireworks isn't a civil war
When Golden Dawn send letter to Le Pen for a European Patriotic coalition, she went on the media and called us NAZI.
don't call it a grave
its the future we chose...
sage for OP being a massive happenings faggot
A jewish woman who live in France leave a comment who says: Protect the France and there's a weapon (FAMAS)
Hm.... now i know why Le Pen reject the EU coalition with Golden Dawn.
Who Cares? 2020 is a lock.
>thinking fireworks will do damage to armoured police
just like le pen's victory was a lock?
They just need to wall the ghettos off and make them internment camps. Only way out is emmigration.
Okay what the fuck is going on with these digits?
Don't be a debbie downer fellow burger bro.
strong digit chain
Fireworks?? Really?? Jesus the memes are true. Antifa can't into riots.
WTF? Bad doggy!
That is what's known colloquially as a Molotov, yes. You fill a bottle with petrol and leave a bit of rag sticking out the top. Light and throw.
Also known as a poverty grenade.
oh my fucking god who gives a shit about “happenings” anymore
if you havent already filtered out that keyword you dont belong on this site
why can the police just arrest everyone in whatevers happening and be done with it like who fucking cares shut the fuck up jfc
made a new twitter yesterday and forgot to add profile image and its already locked. is this really how this company treats it customers?
Ban assault fireworks
You're right it's Chicago there's way more than 23.
Install burner on your phone
Get a burner phone, Poland. Prepaid one, pay with cash and you're on your way to shitposting and all those sweet sweet lols.
alright ill try it out
truly unruly
Just like Trumps victory was a lock?
mazel tov cocktail?
It'll still link to your real number. He's Poland so he's probably fine, but any britbongs or germanistans here might want to be careful.
>It's an arabic principality near Paris.
Fucked up.
>arabic principality near Paris
next step after no-go-zones
make a sockpuppet jewgle account via US proxy and make a jewgle voice account then you can have a phone number that receives texts
Nope that's just a usual night in Paris. A rather peaceful one likley, if it's really bad there would be some hundred cars burning around La Défense and you couldn't see a thing, because of the smoke and the tear gas.
Having a right wing thought makes you an extremist. Throwing molotovs at the police is fine just fine. Cant wait for the day of the pork roast. Nature abhors weakness and vacuum.
How is this any different than any Sanctuary City, faggot-user ?
I don't have Twitter nor do I want it. Post the image you lazy fuck
He Dede?
Just use youtube-dl on the link.
Cant wait for the day it reverses, and the police start using Molotov's on the rioters. Would be a blast to watch.
fark m8 haven't seen you around in ages. You been on holiday or something?
Fucking *nogun* europoors can't even have civil unrest right. Your niggers autistically shoot fireworks at the police while our niggers have been trained to take out their anger by shooting each-other and burning down their own tenements because they know any violent act against police will be answered by mowing them down with machine gun fire.
>Complete media blackout
>cite this in public
>>"lol, wtf are you talking about? That never happened, lol"
>It's the ninth day of riots in Mantes la Jolie.
Is that normal?
All of mine get permanently suspended randomly and they don't respond to emails. Yesterday they got one I retweeted some small artists' soundclouds on a year ago and never touched again. I'm going to publish 60 million twitters soon in a sql if anybody wants to play with it. About 20gb though.
jesus christ. How is france so cucked
>Police violence in Mantes-la-Jolie: police investigation
>The General Police Inspectorate (IGPN), also called the "police of the police", received an investigation into an interpellation at Mantes-la-Jolie, near Paris, where a young man suffered violence from police, announced on Monday by Vincent Lesclous, procurator of the Republic of Versailles. According to the report, the 27-year-old victim was severely burned.
How can France be so cucked?
1789 was a bad year.
It's just everyday's life in Arab districts of France.
Probably more to come as:
>niggers in Libya are getting enslaved, so niggers in France are angry
>a Senegalese who dealt drugs has been killed by the police after he resisted his arrestation
It happens very often. So no big news.
What will be interesting to see is:
>next Friday, Muslims plan to perform a street prayer as they always do illegally for months (but protected by the police) in Clichy
>important politicians said they will end the illegal prayers after recent clashes
We'll see what will happen. Probably another riot.
Shitskins have a very, very high racial solidarity. Think about it as a White man.
Voilà un (Toi) BO
Dire que je vous ai dit de venir sur Sup Forums au début de l'année et vous vous êtes tous terré comme des petites fiottes en disant "mé je touch pa o dark weeb moi"
Tu te trompe de personne mon gars.