Like a virus, they spread

Like a virus, they spread...

They are an alien race...

They seek a host...

Every country fought back against them...

and now the USA puts up with them.


Other urls found in this thread:

If you didn't already know it, they Jews won in the States a long time ago. I mean you went from 90% white to 56% white in just 50 years.

idk whether to call you soyim or boyim but damn goyim u on fire

Looks like upstate NY, southern New England, Wisconsin, even Florida, Arizona & CA has fallen.

More states are victims of this "community of people".

I feel sorry for New York City - between 1 & 2 million parasites infect the US' largest metro area.

You could like, always become a filthy immigrant to a pure country.



>no jews in KY
>only in Louisville

America died with Free Pubic Education. Jews can smell 'free' a mile away, and will trample over old ladies to grab at it.

>pure country
>Plunged European into darkness 3 different from times

God bless Kentucky.

feels bad man

but you are the fuck else do you lose almost 40% of your demographic representation in 50 years without a deliberate, intentional effort?

Judaism is pathological, destructive narcissism on a cultural scale.

Can anyone explain that blob in southwest Virginia? That's around the New River Valley. Surely they've infected Virginia Tech and Radford, but that's a lot of rural, goyim land they're on too.

1920s Oklahoma - make that 360.

Ku Klux Klan activity.

Sources: ask any okie.


Blue counties - the more blue, the more JEW.

Red counties - redneck, but pure-blood white.

Who am I to defy the will of God. He says sit back, let shit happen. That's what i plan to do

The red county of Riverside CA crawls with Jews

Most of Oklahoma is off-limits to these kikes &

Parts of Florida don't want old yedisha bubbes.


More correct map of Jews in CA - the blues are the Jews, the reds are not gonna have em there.

>and now the USA puts up with them.
i have some bad news for you user

top kek