who is gonna be the next president?


>tfw no one votes and kast wins

based opus dei

Votes have been cast and tallied in Australia. 228 votes for Guillier. 220 for Pinera. About 150 for Sanchez.

Our guy JAK

whoever votes beatriz sanchez is a literal leech-faggot

Sydney, Australia i mean

Guys , people is voting
And probably for a commie or piñera!
what do we do? how do we channel the meme magic , we need trips to make kast win!


We already have satan trips from OP
That's a guaranteed win

holy shit that's nice

I'm voting for Kast but tbqh senpai, Piñera is winning it. We have to build Kast to be the man that comes after Piñera. It's impossible to have an extreme right winger right now but after Sebas it's perfectly possible. Kast has to get a good enough position on Piñeras government as Ministro del Interior maybe for expositions sake and do good enough to convince people and be a candidate for next election. We'll have enough time to meme him into Presidente de la Republica by then.

but those are 4 years user...
we need it now , i demand a crhistmas miracle!


imagine voting there


>people putting reggeton music and playing jenga on the votating tables
>fucking reggeton



>kast our guy
>piñera sort of our guy
>everyone else = faggots


Kast is the guy who say that Pinochet would vote for him?

hell yeah he is
>he fell for argies being whiter than everyone else and chilean hating meme

And here's this faggot

Hey your sister is getting raped in this moment

He is based?

as based as he can get
piñera is like center-right while kast is just normal conservative
the rest are just meme left at this point
but beatriz sanchez is the absolute worse there can be

After Pinochet left Chile was invaded by communists?

She's at the same level as Mayol and Artés

in a way yeah, a lot of commie faggots got a little too happy when he lost the referendum so now there's like 8321798127398127 left political parties while there's only 2 right winged parties (right now)

Chileans must vote that Kast guy. He said Pinochet would vote for him so you know what to do.

The military in South America was probably the only thing that separated the communists from power.
Here we are having the first right wing party now

Every country was invaded by communists as part of the Zionist globalism plan

liking pinochet while being popular here is like the equal of being white in america
they want you to feel ashamed for it

Is José Antonio Kast /ourguy/?

All communists here are pro Palestine,they even come train MST and other left wing groups here

Here the same thing, try to say that the military killed without reason. The funny thing is that here only killed those who were in armed conflict the ''intellectuals'' of the left were only sent to London or Paris


gather around boys , we need those number
If quads , chile is saved


well i tried

Shit we are close , keep the rolls

I’d like to visit Chile. Whats the comfiest place, best national food dish, and what are your girls like?

just dont be out in nigth , and try to go whit someone that knows the country and you can enjoy the whole place

JAK will win

visit anywhere south from santiago [the capital]
puerto montt and south are comfy af
i'd say the best food is either anticuchos, empandas or sopaipillas
a lot of women are just money thots so i wouldnt really give it a try

vote KAST

As long you don't go to the north then you're gonna be alright.

Why do the numbers had abandoned us?

I can't let Piñera win.

This country won't survive a renewed left powered by anti-piñerism and supported by the pro immigration.

they havent

Such a shameful shit that Kast is gonna be the next president. Unbelievable, really.

ok yeah they might have

>says the false ideology

I am a proud Chilean Descendant, why would you be insulted about that genuine depiction of some Chileans?

Reminds me of Cubans ashamed of their own background. Picture related.

i just got the OP ones...
But we need more strength


It's kind of real.



Wish I were Chilean desu lads


It's fairly easy, you can marry for the green card even.

people here love europeans and americans, you can come to visit anytime

No, but people post those pictures every single time someone mentions Chile, and the posters are all latinamericans that look the same as the people in the picture. Of course there are a lot of brown people on Chile, but other latinos think that we are the only brown people in Chile.
But it's all friendly banter between countries.

Typical classless wannabe rightist, murica cock sucker. Go back to school, kid.

while that's true you might get mugged for it and will have to learn the many slangs

I'd be quite reticent to move to a non-English speaking nation. How devoutly Catholic is your average person?

Indeed, Chile is basically a diverse country only without blacks (well, not chilean blacks at least) and no asians

>implying i like the 56% faggots
>implying a classless society would work
> I M P LY I N G

In name only

You only get mugged if you're either retarded or in Santiago, or both.



Also that famous shame on our amerindian heritage it's completely fictitious, we are very proud on our south-americanism.

based JAK
>doesn't believe in degenerates
>hates free abortum
>follows natural methods because it's his own choice
>literally wants to rekt leeches and lazy retards who want easy money/free stuff
>values symbols and family
>wants to stop free inmigration
>supports more health centers and hospitals
>less taxes, more hardwork

And the only guy who can actually discuss whitout chimp out. A trully gentleman.

Sup Forums give us a hand for GEK

Is Piñera a jew enabler?

That's a pity to hear, what's church attendance like?

about time we got some digits

a signal!

Okay, I am slightly autist, so humor is hard for me to pickup.

My perception of Chileans is that they are ashamed of their Mapuche heritage. But I do not think there are any more Natives in Chile than there are in the majority of other Latin American countries.

No Idea, I'm a proddie, proddies are generally more religious than catholics here

in a way yeah
most adults and elderly go to church
its the youth being brainwashed by cultural marxism being taught that being an (((atheist))) is wacky and cool

Yes, as long as he can get some benefits out of it.

The only good nazbol is a dead nazbol. Fuck your nigger ideology

mapuches are just a problem and hated because colonials and early chile didnt genocide their asses
so now they think that because of the "horrible" past they can do anything as terrorist attacks by burning trucks

We are more ashamed of the "pure" mapuches that demand benefits and do as they want desu. If no mapuches remained or if they integrated better then people would feel comfier about their mestizo heritage, but when mapuches hate their mestizos it kinda leaves you in an awkward position.


There are some people that might be ashamed (sometimes we even use "indian" as an insult) but in the day to day life it doesn't matter, no one is going to deny you some delicious paltas because you look like you might have indigenous ascendance.

from zero to full retard in a split second.

why so angry meme ideology? c'mon remove that meme flag

>tfw mapuche and kast wins

Oh boy, I'm sure ready to vote for Bea right now!

He certainly uses the natural method.

El Chileno tiene un complejo de hace mucho tiempo.

Racialmente quiere ser Argentino y culturalmente Peruano.

>Delusional right winger thinks the right wing it's anti-mapuche.

people have a distain for mapuches becouse they act like the "muh reparatins" black

technically this, we need to help Piñera to build a good right wing government so when comes the next election the president will be Kast

>t. 15 year old

Is it today?

you know the funny thing is that pinochet won the mapuches in the referendum becouse he give them personal property no comunal bullshit