How should men flirt in Highschool?

How should men flirt in Highschool?

>How should men flirt in Highschool?
Girls are there to learn, not be your sex slave.

>Implying highschool girls fuck boys without cars

The left is quickly approaching the most insane and evil level of it’s societal policing. They’re now targeting children, namely, young boys.

Poor bastards won’t even stand a chance.

still high on the blue pill of allowing women to be the judge of your worth i see


This. They’re completely unable to understand that boys grow and develop in a different ways to girls. Or maybe (and more disturbingly so) they do understand, and they will stop at no limit to emasculate men across all periods of their lives.

schools should be segregated by gender

as they used to be

>be in middle school
>girls start a game of grab ass with some boy
>both are laughing taking turns grabbing each other
>male princinpal sees this
>yells at boy to stop
>girl immediately act offended and starts to cry
>boy gets suspended
>all guys in class get the sexual assault talk by same principal
>any questions
>"what if the girl grabs us first?"
>principal chuckles, "you wish"

Fucking double standards.

At least his daughter worked at the school. She had huge tits and wouldnt wear a bra, even during winter (california).

If you seriously put yourself in this danger by flirting with a woman in 2017 then you deserve what's going to happen to you.

How old is that cunt? Unless you were raped in a closet by the principal you shouldn't give two shits about bad school behavior as an adult. It's a time when kids are growing up. It's not like schoolgirls don't joke around with touching either.

Man practical jokes must suck now.

Don’t be ugly or a manlet

t. Pic rltd

t. roastie trying to filter out the beta boys who listen to her from the men that don't so she can fuck the latter

Grab em by the pussy

Where did this bitch go to high school, the Cong...
>profile picture

>I interacted with a boy!
Oh, the humanity! Of course, by the same token, I've been smacked, touched, and groped by girls...

I went to an all boys prep school and we would be overtly sexual all the time, which made nobody uncomfortable except for the one gay kid in my class. I feel sorry for the people who had to go through hs with girls, must’ve sucked

I thought they target boys too. But here is the thing, they don't target Chads. My son is an alpha Chad, but he is in middle school. He can get away with murder with his all female teachers. My daughter is a step above assburger and she constantly gets shit from the teachers. I think they target betas. I think my son can grab the teacher by the breast and they would love it. He probably did already.

what if I'm an ugly lanklet

i jokingly touched girls' tits all the time

but I was a chad

>implying women don’t fuck guys without cars
Been with my girlfriend for almost a year and have banged her pretty regularly. Not all women are all about materialism, thank God.

yo know as they say, a man @18 should at least have planted a tree and impregnated a teacher

> ugly as sin
> nows my time to get back at all those boys who wouldn't touch me in high school

Boys in school should study. Sexual activity in school is yet another symptom of the cancer which has metastasized throughout the west.

>Why can't I touch a girls behind
>Why can't I rip off her clothes and touch her boobs
>Why can't I rape her and cum inside
It's just flirting baby.

To be honest, if my mates paid me over 200k I still wouldn’t touch, grope or smack that fuckin thing, the fuckin state of it

Ignore them while acting confident, intelligent, and somewhat mysterious.

if that were true, why is there this place called behind the bikeshed?


by smacking, touching, or groping a part of a girl's body

but also you have to be a 10/10

Yep, that's the idea, just don't take her back to your place until you've rung her in.

> never been touched, smacked or groped
> by da boyz
> 2045
> still posting saltzy holograms about it on th weebz

Women and men shouldn't be in the same schools. Fuck you, fight me.

>Have you heard the good news?

>I'm the Assistant Distrcit Attorney, can I give you a ride home?

Quick story, funny because I thought about this randomly last night. Be me, living in the deep south. So, i'm dating a CUTE AS FUCK chink in high school, she isn't degenerate, a virgin, and not a sperg, she was really cool for the time. So, we break up and she gets with a half hispanic half nigger, nigger. Down here that is a huge insult, and you are ostracized. So, being a young asshole, 17 at the time, me and a few friends pass by her house late one night after this incident, and I busted all the windows on her car, as well as her side view mirrors. I'm such an asshole.

Don't fucking tickle girls or poke their sides. It's almost worse than a stranger smacking your ass. I know it seems cute but it's fucking annoying and ruins your chances and you will become the guy who does that thing they hate.

Learn how to flirt with girls with your eyes. Glance at them across the room but don't stare, make eye contact and hold it for a half second and smile do all that stuff that sounds super gay because that's what makes girls crazy when they're young and even when they're older. Don't do it too often, don't ignore your friends for her don't drop everything to talk to her don't be a faggot. Girls don't want to know you like them for sure even though they're dying to know they want to agonize about it with their friends and hope you like them first it's like the build up to waiting for Christmas eve. Don't call girls bitches or whores. Doing the smallest thing is a huge gesture but only if she's into you but don't start doing the taking care of her bf stuff until you're dating she's gotta earn it think of it as you giving it up too early and once she knows you will give up your nurture lady love feelings for any woman you're an instant turn off that is unfuckable the same way girls giving it up right away become worthless fuck holes.

yeah no

>10 year old boy touches girl
>is promptly castrated and sent to an indoctrination camp
>girl goes into therapy for the rest of her childhood
Is this the future they want?

based af user

this is the futur they are building


>"10" year old Muslim boy rapes girl
>Nothing happens, it's his culture, give him pamphlet showing healthy interracial polyamorous butt sex
>>Girl apologizes to Muslim for not knowing his culture

Its the future we need to flammen with the werfer. With extreme prejudice

>Beta dad
>Chad son
I want to see the television show.

A white trash girl said I had a nice ass and slapped me whenever she walked past. She'd also put her hands over my eyes and grab my non existent pecks. Her white trash friends would do do it too sometimes.

It made me really uncomfortable but I Atleast was happy someone found me attractive.

Them girls nigga fucking spanked my kanker sister fetish. Those were my favorite high school girls, probably because they were the only ones that would give me any attention.

>boys don't hit and smack each other at random
This woman is dumb.

u ever fug

Everyone I know would go around smacking each other in the balls and pulling each other's pants down in the hallway does that count?

are you aware of the fact that Flammenwerfers also can werf Flammen to burn leafs?

back in the day we did something in the playground that could be translated as a "corridor of death", where one should run between an angry mob. if the runner was a boy, shin kicks were usual - sometimes ass gropes from the girls if you were somewhat a chad.
if the runner was a girl, boy oh boy, we would use both hands and we would bury them deep.
we did this from age 12 to 16 probably.
those were the days

girls used to pinch my butt. Was I raped?

I fugged a cute and equally innocent virgin immigrant girl that had a crush on me.

I was and still am awkward as hell and need someone to initiate contact first.

Only if you want attention from peers now.

>tfw not being a part of gang groping as a 12 year old
Why even live?

But what ethnicity was she? I was lucky enough to be born with top tier social skills, self confident, and good looking. So it's always comes naturally, and i've never really had to think or try when it comes to that field. I actually have to tone it down, because i'll get too chad and make too many offensive jokes that sometimes turn them away.

this sentiment is retarted. if a women does something that would elicit a hit to a man you best know she getting smacked.

South Slav.

This. If feminists are so offended by normal boyish behavior, then make genders segregated again, as it used to be, and as it should be.
Boys and girls deserve separate education, according to their biological needs.

Nice, i've actually never met a Slav or Ethnic russian in my entire life. I'm 23.

When I used to play Rugby if you were walking around the changing rooms with your knob out the game was to grab it and pull it.

Rugby lads are pretty fucking gay

Yeah, especially when one cheeky lad doesn't let go, so you try to pull away, but he only pulls you closer again, and you continue this game of pleasure cat and mouse until he can't take it anymore and finally uses his mouth to finish you off and you finish in his mouth and he swallows the entire load before licking your knob clean. Gotta love cheeky pranks with your lads.

Good, let the fire wash over the leaf pile; the weak will be burned away, leaving the based leafs the only ones left. If its the price to be paid to uncuck my country then consider this my vote.

Good shit. Kekd

>ever touched a part of your body
>not just private parts, any part

The joke in that is that other woman do that shit to women way more often as a joke than men. A boy has never touched me. They took my hat as a joke (which was fine it was funny) but never groped or touched me. Only once a guy touched my chest by accident and he was shocked but I didnt make any big deal about it and we both ignored that it happened.

On the other hand "funny" women groped my ass, my chest and my waist as a joke. I fucking hate it and tell them to stop but since they are women its totally okay to touch the ass of another woman. Even as adults they still do it.

Men shouldn't be in high schools except as teachers, technicians, and administrators. They shouldn't ever flirt with high school aged children

Soon they'll be back to chaperones and arranged marriages.
Because unless you are the top 1% of men, approaching any women in a way that's not doomed to failure will carry the risk of being accused of sexual harassment.

We used to do this trick where we'd say "I bet you a pound I can make your boobs move without touching them", then just jiggle their boobs with our hands and pay them the pound.

One girl responded by saying "I bet I can make your dick move, too" and got really close and moaned in my ear. Safe to say that was probably the fastest hard on I ever got, and she was totally right. I gave her another quid.

im tellin

>by normal boyish behavior
That's the point, it's not "boyish behavior", it's human behavior. It's how people form more intimate emotional bonds.
I'm seriously wondering if all the people who are screeching about this are actually autistic and don't understand this. It doesn't even need to be sexually motivated, there's already a difference between greeting some coworker on the floor and putting your hand on his shoulder as you greet him while walking past.

I am too and still got to grope a a lot. Mind you these are English girls but you get the point
Height matters more than looks

They always believe the girls over the boys. Got into trouble a couple times for stuff I didn't even do, just because some girl needed an excuse. Twice they even admitted that they lied later but do you think anyone actually apologized to me?

>that ID

I had a nigress in JROTC who would always slap my ass in uniform. She was pregnant too.

Very common with teenage girls but does I've never noticed that with women



What if I just go around sniffing girls asses? Does it still count as sexual harassment?

Happens in "university" settings. I am 22 and it happened to me last week again. Its retarded.

thats good to hear
>tfw I literally don't leave my house, but people still visit me
>tfw sometimes they bring girls with them
>tfw the first thing they always say is 'god you are tall' or something like this
could be worse i guess

>Girls don't want to know you like them for sure even though they're dying to know they want to agonize about it with their friends and hope you like them first it's like the build up to waiting for Christmas eve
They sure enjoy fuckapps where absolutely zero buildup exists a lot for that.

With Sexbots. In non-coed schools

You probably have but their blood has been diluted though generations of burger breeding. You probably have some Slav in you

If you are a man in high school, you are probably black

Be the top 1% of males at school and friendzone any girl that so much as glances at you uninvited. Then find some quiet but still attractive girl with low self esteem and hook up with her instead so you can mould her into the perfect self loathing masochistic sex slave.

I wish I had a Slav inside me right now

that's the other side. not only does the boy get treated like he's a borderline rapist, they also brainwash the girl into thinking that she has suffered some harm.

>at the bar
>some drunk girl gropes my ass
>just pull her hand away
>enjoy the rest of the evening, forget about it by the next morning
>immediately get taken to the side and have everyone constantly tell you that your personal rights have been violated and that this will mentally scar you for life

Shit just have a pickup truck and be a starter on the football team at any high school in the southeast you get tons of pussy

>you'll never be young and live in a non-femnazi society again

And girls grabbed me. Made sexist comment ect

It's like in high school, people experiment sexually with classmates sometimes

Shush! Spike.

It's not about quantity, it's about having a girl that would kill herself at your behest.

Jesus moonwalking Christ, women are such whiny little cunts about everything. I've been sexually harassed before (and I mean actually harassed, not just catcalled or some horse shit that isn't actually sexual harassment) by both men and women. And you know what I did? I got the fuck over it and moved on with my life. I'm not posting this #MeToo shit all over social media.

Women just love to make everything suit their victim complex.

I've been found out!

for all their focus on humanities and some pipe-dream utopia where everyone can live together peacefully they sure understand nothing about human interaction

1) Be a chad
2) Do whatever the fuck you want
3) ????????
4) PROFIT!!!

Note: If you fail step 1, you will always lose.

No more co-ed schools. Bring back segregation of sexes.

Thank you for agreeing with me.
Boys can finally get back to non-handicapped schooling and beat you small-brained cunts in every discipline.