Does your government steal private property?
Does your government steal private property?
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That's called a roundabout.
They buy it.
>t. compulsory purchase order on my house because pakis filled the city and workers need more roads into london
Bonus points for anyone who can unlock the secrets behind this picture
Yes, like its their own. It's fucked up
>compulsory purchase
>wtf goyim why don't you want money everyone wants money
>(((home is in your heart)))
no, they own it to begin with
You might be 56% but at least you actually own something in that country of yours. In Poland if government wants to take something from you, they will.
Yes. Right now whole villages are being displaced to make room for coal mining operations. Home owners are bullied into selling their property to the energy company behind this operation.
>Bonus points for anyone who can unlock the secrets behind this picture
Chinese govt wanted to build a highway, home owner refused to sell. They built the road anyways and cut him off from water and energy. It was some geezer who had been living there forever.
We stole from the Indians and Hispanics.
of course they do
I live for slide treeds
>Implying expropriations don't exist in America
Stop getting gaslit by Sup Forums memes. Americans aren't any more free than we are. They're just lucky they have large swaths of land that are basically uninhabited.
Of course you're free to do what you want, if there's no one to see you.
They have to buy ours here by law, which is still shit, but I guess less shit that nothing.
Wow sounds like fun, was this recently?
Yeah, that's how they do it here as well.
The problem is that usually the state values your property below market value when they want to buy it.
Which is funny, because they almost always value well above market when they're calculating the taxes you owe.
Go figure.
>statist cucks will defend this
Will you at least be fairly compensated for it?
>Does your government steal private property?
Yes it is called Eminent Domain.
>Hi we are gov
>we want ur property
>here is half the value you could sell it for
>hand it over
>no negotiating
You can't steal something you already own
They totally can in America.
UK too, not saying we're better, just saying you're wrong.
You don't know what you are talking about. When US does shit like this nobody reports it. But we do it all the time. Now they like to fuck up you property instead of imminent domain it. Like seize your yard, and not pay for the house that's also ruined. US is the same moneygrabbing shitheads with seriously effective propaganda.
comp is key obviously.
especially if it is some soulless shit property like in pic.OP
hard to imagine that the owner of this couldn't be properly bought out but whadya know?
many such cases? sad!
Years ago there was a funny story about a group of people who tried to justify eminent domain on then Supreme Court Justice David Souter's farmhouse(there had been a decision that gave local governments more power to seize someones property). "The justification for such an eminent domain action is that our hotel will better serve the public interest as it will bring in economic development and higher tax revenue", would have been some pretty nice pottery if they got away with it.
Actually, so many that you wouldn't believe if I told you. They no longer seize an entire property, because it's expensive. The interesting thing is that it doesn't get reported. And fighting all the way to Supreme court is above what anyone can afford.
is there no app or lawers to organize those cases?
You have to read cases. A lot of fucked up shit is happening all the time. Fighting the government is very expensive and the judges are extremely pro government. I think recently a guy won a case against the government when some association funded his fight. It took over a decade. Again, msm doesn't report this shit.
these nail houses are so bizarre
Same as op
Peasants refuse to sell land to gov/developers
Gov/developers carry on with construction and cut off utilities to the house
Part of it's just the pace of Chinese development.
In the First World, things have been pretty good since the 50s or 60s, so there are lots of rules against changing things too quickly and fucking it up, and lots of opposition to any major change.
China just opened up like twenty years ago, and they've been trying to build a modern country as quickly as possible. There's no time to properly handle everything before breaking ground, so they start the project before all of the property is secured, assuming they'll be able to sort it out before it's done.
They probably don't give a fuck because they are still planning decades ahead (which can be great or awful).
every fucking government does that.
US government uses "Eminent Domain" to seize private property for infrastructure projects. It doesn't happen much as it did in the 50's and 60's when the interstate road systems were going in, but it does happen. There were a couple farm houses in my area that the government literally picked up and moved 300 yards away from a road project.
Recently there was a news blip about Cards Against Humanity buying land on the US Mexico border to stop Trump from building the wall. It won't make much difference, the government will make a claim to it, pay the owners "fair market value" for the land, and build it anyway.
Not if you shoot at the trucks trying to pave a road over your private road and property.
>they are still planning decades ahead
They really, really aren't.
Big, complex development projects in China are mostly looking to realize gains within 3 years. In America, you wouldn't even be done with the environmental studies in 3 years.
That's why a lot of absurd stuff actually gets constructed: they have a "the show must go on!" attitude. If there are planning problems, that's no reason to stop construction. Better to build something shitty and fix it later than to stop and have nothing built.
Donald Trump literally said that he wouldn't have a single building if it weren't for Eminent Domain
One of the biggest parts of his business was cozying up to lawmakers to get shit passed in his favor so he could build stuff. In his books he even talks about how he strategically did this to fuck over other property owners and force them to sell
Have fun getting SWAT'd. Resisting the government in cases like that can only end in a Waco2.0.
Then they shoot you and you don't even get the compensation they're offering.
We still have property and income taxes, so you dont really own your own money or property.
>In Poland if government wants to take something from you, they will.
Just like the Germans & Russians?
Considering inheritance taxes you don't even own your body.
You’re paying for the world’s most powerful military to protect your property for foreign invaders, you fucking imbecile.
(unless foreign invaders are undocumented workers, then you don’t have a choice)
why the fuck is little rocket man on there as a choice wtf lol