Atmospheric Aerosol Injections (Chemtrails)

So if you live in a populated area in the USA, I'm quite sure you have noticed the sky is completely greyed out almost every day. They spray these So2, nano aluminum gasses all fucking day and night. They say publicly it is to block the sun because "global warming"

I'm suspicious because Agenda 21 is a known thing, and atmospheric aerosol injection would the most efficient method to deliver a life expectancy reducing agent to reduce population #'s.

My question is this:

Does anyone here know FOR SURE what is going on?

Other urls found in this thread: modification

bump with the chemcoin

thread is being slid baaaaad

Sage and onion

somebodys got to know


cancer rates have shot up regardless of smoking rates

I'm just surprised no one gives a shit about something that has a direct effect on your life expectancy

It's called a fuel dump you, idiot, if a plane is too heavy to land safely (MAX landing weight being lower than MAX take off) it has to dump fuel in order to lower its weight.

Watch this video first

here in the united states east coast there are plains that fly day and night, usually 1 plane, then 1 mile behind it another one then another one then another one then another one. Each of these planes has a constant, uninterrupted stream of white following it during the entire flight. these planes are always flying in a stream in front of the sun, and eventually we get a grey belt in front of the sun. You cannot understand the magnitude or blatant obviousness of what I'm seeing unless you are here. It is astounding.

the sky looks like that pic almost every single day and almost none notices.

what did you expect from genital-mutilating western faggots?

> You cannot understand the magnitude or blatant obviousness of what I'm seeing unless you are here. It is astounding.

Eastcoastfag here. Everyday at lunch break, I watch and marvel at this. Everyday boomers ask me "lol why are you looking at the sky like that?"


take this faggotry to /x/


Doppler radar doesn't detect weather, it creates weather (and all storms) using the clouds created with chemtrails and power plant cooling evaporation. HAARP is a red herring.

This is how the whole thing works:

thank you sir. thought i was literally the only person on earth realizing the magnitude of this.. its also depressing seeing silver/grey skies when we remember as kids the sky was blue with actual real clouds instead of a massive grey belt

chemtrails theory is fucking stupid, why would they do that when they go HAARP already to controll the weather, dummies?

thank you sir

Anyone have direct involvement or know someone who does?

>government sprays poion on themselves because they want to die sooner

so they use HAARP to MOVE the aerosol created sulfur dioxide/ nano aluminum cloud.
But you can't just create clouds out of thin air, you need to put them there by rapid water evaporation towers (used to create hurricane harvey) or aerosol injection from aircraft

what you are describing is just normal contrails on a commonly used route for airtraffic though. im not saying chemtrails arent real. at the very least they are used experimentally, but a vast amount of what people claim is chemtrails are really just contrails. the thig in your pic, if really from the same area and day may actually be chemtrails for example

thats what I can't wrap my head around, but it could be looked atby them as "the end justifies the means"

Contrails disappear fast and don't spread, chemtrails stay way longer and spread into wide "cloud-bands".

No. HAARP doesn't work if the ionosphere isn't reflective enough.

Seeds clouds to prevent drought. We do it all the time in Texas. Everything’s a chemical gold, though, and not just from all the cars.

right but on the daily we can watch these "contrails" spread out and form a gray haze belt LITERALLY ONLY IN FRONT OF THE SUN

they do not evaporate, they dissipate into a gray collective sulfur dioxide belt that other planes fly behind and add too.

Again you cannot fathom ho blatantly obvious this chemtrailing is unless you witness it in person, daily..

I know what water vapor contrails look like, and the manor in which the evaporate/dissipate.

These are not that.

Both are used in the process.

stfu nigger, that's the most retarded shill response I have ever heard

thats what is claimed at least. at times normal contrails stay up for quite some time too though depending on humidity, airpressure and wind. i think the way to actually identify them is not by looking how long they stay, but how they spread over the complete sky after a while while contrails instead just dissappear after a while

who says its poison? could be all kinds of stuff. maybe they just darken the sky so they can fly some government blacprojects around. maybe they want to influence a states economy by altering the weather and thus crop productivity. even if poison who says (((they))) dont have a simple antipoison against that they wont give us.

correct sir. Again without SEEING THIS BEING DONE IN PERSON I would be saying its contrails too.

It is blatantly obvious at this point on the east coast. west coast barely does it.

It's not sulpher dioxide, it's silver iodide and they are manipulating the weather.

this video makes a lot of sense

Me too, it' so obvious and it's practically impossible to share with people because nobody wants to look up for long enough


Chem trials are nothing more than water vapor. A jet engines sucks in vast amount of air, it then compresses and mixing it with jet fuel. Which causes the the water vapor in the air to turn to steam. The steam is what you see coming out of a jet engine. It is not excess fuel! If it was it would burn too. As in the process of using After Burners to make the aircraft go faster. It is not mixed with aluminum. Aluminum is a light and strong. If that was the case the rest of the aircraft would catch on fire from the jet engines.

a microwave only vibrates certain molecules to create heat, mainly water

some materials are more conductive like metals, and you're not meant to put them in a microwave

>hurr durr there is nothing to chemtrails whatsoever

kill yourselves retards


You're basically evaporating all your drinkable fresh water to do this crap, which gives globalists a big incentive to play Hunger Games. Not worth it.

>It is blatantly obvious at this point on the east coast. west coast barely does it.

Weather war was used to feed the California fires and deprive them of rain relief. LA has smog nobody can explain, and people get headaches in Vegas that dust can't explain.

It's sad how people keep regurgitating that explanation and act like it's a blanket excuse for everything that trails behind a plane even though there are observeable differences. Times have changed.

>adjusting gross weight


i said surfer dioxide because I baited a cnn climate scientist into responding to this question on twitter "can we use the recent nasa test of the sounding rocket vapor canister release test to deliver something in the atmosphere to block the sun"

his response was something to the effect of "those canisters aren't capable of releasing the hundreds of tons of SO2 needed to get the job done"

aka airplanes work better.

we're not talking about contrails you imbecile

yeah that was the moment i realized it was real

Cancer rates have only gone up because of the use of harmful plastics

Just wait til the rubes find out they've been using strontium and barium too.

In James Bamford's book "The puzzle palace", he discusses the NSA's spraying of metals to increase their surveillance/communication capabilities.
This was in the 90s. I'm sure that as technology advances, their desire to get more information increased.
Don't forget-- their mission statement includes staying 5 years ahead of state of the art.

I see. One needs to understand the electrical properties of the atmosphere to understand why
using silver iodide is so important. One gram
of silver iodide when burnt turns into 600 trillion particulates. Very powerful.
It's also radioactive isotope, causing cancer.

it's SRM
Solar Radiation Management

the sun is outputting more frequencies than usual, SRM is to filter out UV from the sun so crops dont die, you can find details on this

the chemtrails can also be used to seed clouds and manipulate storms, and perhaps other uses

the goal isn't to poison people


Lots of available info on this. This for instance. modification

how would chemtrails help with survaillance?

Another east coast fag here. I smoke so I have a lot of time to look up at the sky and see this garbage unfolding. Living near an airport means there's no shortage of planes but it's pretty obvious when regular ones leave their little poofy trails that eventually dissipate vs. the ones whose trails criss cross, slowly widen and morph into a disgusting haze by afternoon.
I've also noticed at night that the clouds are now fucking white- like they're being illuminated by the full moon despite the moon not being out (or it being a new moon). Even some family members have noticed recently.. like my normie sis who's oblivious to anything "weird" asked me if I thought the sky was usually brighter lately or if if it was just her or were the clouds kinda bright for nighttime.

Also saw a couple of those rainbow clouds recently, like a horizontal cloud-to-cloud rather than a ground-to-ground arc rainbow facing "backwards" from the sun that only covered one cloud. I'm pretty convinced at this point that there's an abundance of some nasty shit in the sky either from trails or factory emissions or whatever other pollution we're over-producing. I wouldn't be surprised if they're gassing the goddamn sky to deal with a deteriorating jet stream or combat cloud depletion but it would be nice for them to at least confirm that they've found a new way to fuck us over.


>What are contrails


Not that I'm implying we're all being drugged into complacency, and spree killers are the Reavers or anything.

so considering the ones behind this already have the cure to cancer, it doesn't bear as much weight on them or their families

Also all aircraft have to follow flight paths. These flight paths are the traffic lanes of the sky. Smaller aircraft can deviate. But your commercials can/should not. So if all of the aircraft are following these paths. You would not be able to seed the sky's and chem trail the whole planet. Also I would like to mention that internal temps of a jet engine is extremely hot! Very few materials can handle these temps and pressures. So whatever chem you think they are using. Would not be able to with stand this environment. This was not mention to insult but to inform. I love a good conspiracy hopefully this will get you a better insight on your next one :)

Probably several things. It's metallic particles being sprayed.

1. Mind control for haarp
2. Nano bots to go inside everyone and everything
3. Weather control
4. Atmospheric space defense-laser capability
5. Increase cancer and lower male libido
6. Make more gays

Over the horizon capabilities.

The "regular" poofy contrails are actually powdered CO2 to supercool the water vapor before applying the Silver Iodide particulates.

right, i don't want to read a filthy book thats for fags!

* not my intention * Sorry need more coffee

Why do you think chems are fired through the engine?

Real chemtrails

Military aircraft dump fuel to lessen the risk of fire. When you see contrails coming from military jets approaching a landing, it's jet fuel. Jet fuel is poison. If you live near a military base, where there are planes landing all day and night, the cancer rate and all sorts of illnesses will be through the roof.

>not creating droughts across the world
>on 9/11 when no fly zone was declared across the US it did not rain for a week across the US
>you did not see this plane
>this plane is simply 'cloudseeding'
>operation silversky
>it does not spray you with live virus

Govt put it out there a while back.


that's cloud seeding. people have been doing that for ages. I've seen that done myself over an airforce base in california to provide cover from satellite surveillance.

Hey for u all those conspiracy nut heads, i want u answer this

What is fuel dumping in aviation terms

Nigga Morgellon's is a character builder

If you inironically believe in chemtrails - just kys.

Hundreds of thousands work in air traffic industries and NOT ONE OF THEM started talking about MILLIONS OF TONS OF DEADLY CHEMICALS pumped intot planes ON A DAILY BASIS? What are the odds? WHAT ARE THE ODDS?



bro the chemtrail planes on east coast come from all directions and meet in front of the sun. sometimes they weirdly bend as well. they are NOT commercial airliners. You can see commercial airplanes in the sky at the same time leaving no trail whatsoever.

This is blatantly obvious to those with common sense.

Anti Chemtrail fags need to fuck off.

thank you Patriot

Those high altitude planes are not spraying chemicals to alter the climate, or chemicals to reduce white male sperm counts, or any other conspiracy theories.

They are high altitude military jets using radiation detection systems. They're looking for illegal nuclear weapons and caches. Several months ago they had a test where they had to track a small cache of uranium that was successful - they homes in on it outside Las Vegas.


it amazes me how humans so stupid and may I add delusional can be able to use something so complex as a computer.

Seriously now, go and get your medicine and fuck off out of here to your nearest local mental hospital, degenerate tards.

>atmospheric aerosol injection would the most efficient method to deliver a life expectancy reducing agent
Read a book, nigger. Why would you dilute a drug in the atmosphere, when it could be administered by food, water, drugs or vaccines.

Those looked like flares, and in fact they basically are


Jet fuel is dumped at the rear of the aircraft and not at the engines. Its fuel it would ignite duh! I personally know. I have worked on the F-14, F-18, and the F-18 Super Hornet. But yes aircraft will dump fuel to lighten its load before landing.

"chemtrails theory is fucking stupid"

No it isn't. There's a grain of truth in every conspiracy theory. The grain here is that the military dumps tons of jet fuel in the air above their bases when planes come in for a landing. Look at the cancer rates near military bases and you'll see the reality of chemtrails

sorry to hear that, I've only been to Oregon on the west coast and its not as prevalent there.


You say chemtrails are real and spread by some mysterious aricraft. Take a 4k pic of the craft and post here. BURDEN OF PROOF LIES ON YOU, UNLESS YOU POST IT YOU'RE A FAGGOT.


this one applies to u too

Spray nozzle. Silver Iodide is injected directly into exhaust.

Absolutely correct. The spray planes don't show up on flightradar either.

>the sun is outputting more frequencies than usual
>SRM is to filter out UV from the sun
>gay meme flag
fucking kys you loser

Might be the laziest attempt at gaslighting I've seen in 14 years.


everyone's too busy looking down at dumbphones. really makes ya think

Spray nozzle

Because you have a choice in what you eat and drink

You do NOT have a choice in what you breathe



It's not manipulation if i'm pointing out that they're actually insane.

I've heard about this 'chemtrail' bullshit for 6 years, and there is no concrete evidence to support such claim.

Fuck outta here nut head.