*never loses a war*
*never loses a war*
*never fights a war
>Country is less than 80 years old
Yeah, Kekistan never lost a fucking war either.
Think about it...
Ummmm Hitler anybody?
Battles ending in stalemates are only wars in Jewish propaganda.
All your enemies are still there at war with you.
You have to go back
>almost killed off by whites
>had to be saved by whites
>sovereignty secured by whites
>kept afloat by allowance given by whites
>w-we control everything g-goy
Jews exist to help whites secure their global interests.
It's not a recognised legitimate country
>*blocks your sabbath*
They lost against Hezbollah
Only in a Jews mind can a war be won in seven days. This is Jewish fantasy and if applied to Germany they fought and won a thousand wars.
>Jews exist to help whites secure their global interests
That's the nicest thing anyone on Sup Forums has ever said about us. I'm planting you a tree in Israel, 04WRZJyz.
Truly one of the Righteous Among the Nations.
>Israel never fought a War
This is what happens when you let European kids attend Madrasas instead of public schools.
>lost last war with Hezbollah
>too scared to attack Syria then does a proxy war
>loses proxy war
>never loses...
*kills and bombs the greatest ally ship*
*greatest ally have a history of going to wars by bombed ships*
*greatest ally do nuffin*
BASED, even the fats FEAR THE JEW
Make sure to plant that tree in Palestinian territory and then claim it.
This site is one battle you will never win
Keep drinking your kosher kool aid
Battles are not wars.
You only make the claim to bolster nationalistic pride in your claim to occupied Palestine.
I'm no sandnigger apologist but Jews are pathological liars.
Fuck all Semitic filth.
Pretty much what happens when your country is being run by a bunch of Dispensationalist cult retards. The funny double-edged sword about Boomers ruining Christianity and creating generation after generation of new atheists, is that younger generations give no fucks whatsoever about Israel, which is why Jews are shilling American college campuses so much these days.
I can't really hate on a country for having pride in military conquest or worshiping victory. It's a refreshing contrast to our own cucked "if you kill them they win" political ideology.
Huh...Reading the old testament tells me they got cucked into slavery because they're a huge disappointment to their lord.
Really? Looks like your losing it to me.
That map makes it look like humanity is losing...
So the 1948 war ended as a stalemate?
So the Six Day War ended as a stalemate?
So the Yom Kippur War ended as a stalemate?
So the first Lebanon War ended as a stalemate?
The only actual stalemate was the second Lebanon war.
>not recognized
oh no, some muslim shitholes don't recognize us as a country.
In his mind he has already won.
Which enemies surrendered to Israel?
Every nation on earth recognises Canada.... just saying.
>Every nation on earth recognises Canada...
I wouldn't compare Israel to Cucknada if I were trying to make Israel look bad...
Maybe 50 years ago, but not today, Trudeau.
>*intercepts your missile*
>*flatten your village*
I hate them like I hate hell.
If you don't hate them you don't know them.
I've been to Israel, I doubt you know anything about them other than Sup Forums bullshit and some college campus Muslim faggotry.
Israel is an extension of the United States that gets shit done every day of the week. What the fuck do you do leaf other than steal our milk?
One day you will pay for your crimes.
I already paid all my parking tickets and, sorry, Muhammad, but traveling to Israel is not a crime in any non-Muslim country which Canada is not, yet, so cool your jets.
Jews as a race are already dead. You've lost the demographics war. You are finished.
I don't get this meme at all, by what metric or ideological twisting of reality has the State of Israel never fought a War?
Are we just going to replace reality with our own fiction or is there some ""clever"" rhetorical trick in play here?
they fought against low iq camel fuckers.
Uh sure I guess, but at least we're not cucks, so we'll always have that.
So the US didn't lose the Vietnam War because the US didn't surrender to North Vietnam?
None of those wars would have taken place without the aid of the goyim or if you filthy snivelling jews weren’t *GIVEN* land by the British empire. Face it every other nation on the planet was forged through conquering and sacrifice the kikes figured out a way as always to get what they want without working for it. Just waiting for Iran to nuke you off the map fuck you and fuck israel
Do Jews actually believe only Muslims hate them? Does that allow you to sleep at night.
I am white. You are filth
When you fight arabs you win be default.
A la Milo
I'm not a Jew, I just recognize the crucial part Jews play in securing Americas dominance as a global superpower.
English not your first language mosh?
ahh..I wonder why. holocaust happened in the heart of europe. as a "reward", occupy a place in the mideast. still feel superior to the surrouding old neighbours. always threatning them with invasions...then complains that a lot of nations don't support them. muh logic.
>starts every war
The holocaust was post war propaganda
basically this , technically they're wars but its like the emu war except emus were smarter and more organized .l
>Never fights own war
Is that better Leaf fag
the question is, why the mideast?! I don't have problems with jews. I just don't like everything behind Israel
You engage in mostly illegal ambush tactics bad the ensuing retaliatory response battle.
It is Zionist propaganda to claim anything near a war. Can you with a straight face claim Zionists don't indoctrinate you with these falsehoods for propaganda?
>I'm not a Jew, I just recognize the crucial part Jews play in securing Americas dominance as a global superpower.
No non Jew would ever say stupid shit like this
Jewish arguments are weaker than their scrawny inbred bodies I see at the gym.
>Do Jews actually believe only Muslims hate them?
No, everyone hates Jews.
>Does that allow you to sleep at night.
No, exercise does.
>I am white.
You sound like a butt-blasted Muslim though so your skin may be white but you're politically and ideologically BLACKED.
They help secure the power of our currency and help in the destabilization of our competition.
I still don't see how that correlates to any factual history... Am I the only one here who occasionally gets information outside of Sup Forums memes?
Reading Wikipedia or books about the Arab-Israeli Wars makes them seem like any other War to me. Maybe go outside of Sup Forums to find data.
Israel was bailed out of Yom Kippur war by United States. Also the 2006 war with Hezbollah was far from Israeli victory.
what is your problem with muslims? let me remind you that all the current problems in the mideast (thus this last mass migration in consequence) are due to Israel/USA actions/manipulation over the last 16 years (even before 9/11)
I don't really have a major problem with Muslims I just find their endless ear-splitting screeching about Israeli cruelty and violence annoying and hypocritical.
It's pretty ballsy of them to bitch so much about Jews "stealin they land" when they're stolen so much more land and are now trying to lay claim to the West as well.
Whining about how much they hate Jewish foreign invaders while shitting up every single major Western European city.
>Sup Forums getting this mad that Israel has been prosperous in its entirety
Politically I think an enemy of my enemy is if not a friend at least an ally.
The Jew parasite has infested the white race for a thousand years. Ideologically I am consistent with my bloodline.
The Jew is and always will be an enemy of my race.
"Israel has 200 nuclear weapons ‘all targeted on Tehran"
Call a skirmish a fucking War. Get back in the oven you undercooked parasite. You dirty fucking piece of shit kikes need to just fucking lay down and die already. The entire world is tired of your bull shit. If you don't stop, I guarantee you that within the next 50 years the world will eradicate you scum from the earth and not lose a moment of peace over it. It will be no more than stepping on a bug.
??? so if someone comes from abroad and occupy your land, it's ok? ffs, you expect a reaction from the people who were previously livin there
Feasting on goyum tax dollars for its survival.
Well done parasite
Why do you try to turn it into one then?
You'd think a "deport the Jews" fanboy would be okay with a Jewish ethnostate in a distant region.
>People hate Jews because Israel calls a War a War
Wow, the reasons behind ethnic hatred have sure become flimsy.
shhh Hezbullah doesn't count. Israel can't very well lose a war when they send America/ EU/ Canada to fight their wars for them. WE'RE the ones that lose the wars. Israel keeps us spinning our wheels and spending our money.
??? are you joking?
No one really helped us during the 1948 war. The US wanted us to delay the declaration to prevent a war. The closest thing to helping was that Czechoslovakia was kind enough to sell us weapons.
Only after the 1967 war the US started openly selling us arms, just because our enemies started to drift towards the Soviet Union.
We fought both the 1948 and the 1967 wars fairly.
cool story
I expect a reaction from the Palestinians, I laugh at the Muslim worlds' collective virtue-signalling and ideological frustration about an issue that has no effect on their miserable lives.
I'm not in support of that shit.
you do realize that, throughout all of history, land has been taken and lost, right? it's only immoral when jews do it? lol
and now they (and us by extension) are losing to iran. iran doesn't even have an economy
Russian propaganda detected.
>I'm not in support of that shit
All your leaders are
Arabs are terrible at war.
Hehehe triggered stormfag...
That's democracy for you. Most of my neighbors are cucks like this () faggot who think that Muslims are BASED and we need more of them.
jews are basically arabs. slightly better arabs, but arabs all the same. once the regular arabs had some non-arabs organizing them, israel suddenly got its ass kicked.
Kek. Jew so funny.
I didn't mean canadian leaders, I meant the jewish leaders
"I laugh at the Muslim worlds' collective virtue-signalling and ideological frustration about an issue that has no effect on their miserable lives."
wtf? Israel is always threatning their neighbours (that happens to be all muslim countries) and you expect the "muslim world" to BE just passive? ffs. also, again, the USA/NATO went on war with some mideast countries in the last 15 years. gimme a break
Until I show up and put you in an arm bar and my thumb up your butt you fanookS. PS I G0T B!G TMNBS
Fuck me, didnt think Kornets were that THICC
But at the end of the day we aren't going to lose.
it was pretty embarassing
Jewish leaders don't decide our immigration policy, though, Canadian leaders do.
Muslims are eternally butt-blasted about Israel and blame literally everything on Israel and the USA.
If they stopped trying to play Holocaust 2.0 maybe they wouldn't have so many problems with Israel.
Laugh at the Jewish world too because you just fell for the Jewish trap of adopting their lexicon.
Jews and their temple mount cognitive dissonance language jewspeak
You are the smartest person in the world.
everyone loses eventually. and the nation the Founders envisioned certainly lost and died decades ago. This globalist empire was never our destiny and patriots will cheer when it collapses.
Not at all, anyone could do this research in a few hours max thanks to the Internet.
That's what makes ignorance so much more amazing.
They lost in 70 AD now didn't (((they)))