Why is America such a shit country?
Why is America such a shit country?
It's not.
shit people shit country, that's why Mexico is even shittier
at least we don't jump off buildings for the meme
With insurance the injured burger would only pay a very little amount of that. It would cost the same amount in Japan. In Japan you pay taxes and in turn the government pays for your healthcare. In America this process is private, you pay an insurance company who will pay most of the bill. In turn Americans pay lower amount of taxes because the government doesn't need to take care of the healthcare.
However, this does mean that poor people are fucked.
Still mad we broke your winning streak in wars? It's okay, your asshole will tighten up again
ahh don't you fags like to wear diapers and buy and smell women's dirty underwear from vending machines?
>In turn Americans pay lower amount of taxes
American taxes are not significantly lower than here in Europe.
Irish, Italian and spic genetics
We're too generous and let millions in who fucked it up
Stop bully America.
There are too many le 56% thread.
Everything is driving distance away.
> Sit in your home
> Sit in your car
> Drive to destination
> Sit
> Eat disgusting garbage
> Sit in car
> Sit in traffic
> Sit at home
> Entire society based around these habits
Yanks had the closest thing to a utopia that this planet will ever see. Then they went full retard in the late 60s and handed it all to shitskins. The rest is history.
such a difficult question
Institutionalized racism, lack of diversity and white privilege.
Its actually a pretty good country but there are too many fat people which kinda grossed me out when I was there.
nice try
Multiracialism, unrestricted corporate development.
Infested with coons.
Controlled by kikes.
It's like a zombie parasite injecting cancer directly in to your cells. The only way to remove it is surgery.
Oh yeah, for certain. It's so wonderful having niggers and spics around.
Here's my wonderful experience working in a place full of spics and niggers:
>Start first day
>Niggers and spics tell me I'm on Camden camera
>What the fuck does that mean
>all the tools and materials are under constant surveillance
>everything still goes missing
>one spic leaves 5 dollars on the ground as a means of testing my aptitude
>whoops I fail the test, I ask whos 5 dollar bill it is but apparently the correct niggerspic answer was to leave the 5 dollars alone
>get fucked with constantly
>reminder this isn't a prison, this is a job
>quit after a week
whether you are a niggerspic or a bleeding heart inexperienced white liberal, go fuck yourself
Filled with mutts, spics and nigger.
Beware nip
Hello based finn
which part
we had a good run
So in other words you didn't stand up for yourself. Perhaps hit the gym so you aren't so susceptible to intimidation?
Men are supposed to be strong and able to defend themselves. Not run away crying then type angry posts on the internet.
For example, you should have taken the 5$. If they say "That's mine." You say "prove it or tough shit." That's what they get for playing mind games.
>cuzz of some niggas and many poooo-jeets
Because we are overdue for a revolution.
Just like the 1933 Revolution, we must take back our nation from the jew, but we won't invade Poland (Canada) after we win.