What the FUCK is your problem?
Unemployed members of Sup Forums
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There still commies outside.
I wish I was unemployed.
>implying I will ever be employed
you need to travel more.
Im a trust fund neet
>tfw too poor to be unemployed.
I left my previous job last Friday and sign the contract with my new company tomorrow.
Can't be helped.
>Tfw you bought the fuck education meme from Sup Forums
>Now you aren't qualified for much jobs
>You work at barely above minimum wage and your job is more intense than 8 hours at the gym
Kill me
Mentally unstable but conscious enough to realize it
My problem is that I worked retail for almost 10 years and I refuse to do shit work/slave labor again. I am trying to start my own business now, where other people can slave for me and i can pay them minimum wage and treat them like shit while I get all the profit.
>too poor to be unemployed
>Kill me
At least youre not a bitchtit fatty.
Sup Forums is my job
>Implying being fit, having a gf and a loving family makes one happy
I just want that sense of achievment, you know?
no jobs
Why would I contribute to a system that wants to get rid of me?
I went to the wrong school so people don't respect my degree. On top of that entry level positions open in September but don't start until June. So basically ever year I have to apply rapidly in September for positions a year later against a new crop of graduates. Otherwise any "entry-level" position requires two years of experience. The job market is totally fucked for some people.
this is extreme BS since friends with same degree as mine are sayn similar thing you just have to be smart and dont do what majority does
came here to post this
It's called winning at life, and the only way to win is not to play. You should try it sometime, wagecuck.
Because you get money to get power so you can become part of the system
Maybe in CR. I had an informational interview with a partner at one firm (I met his wife through my retail job and she set it up) and he said I had a decent resume but because I didn't get an internship he couldn't hire me. Well I can't very well get an internship after school now can I? Apart from that he said that for every position that opens he gets roughly 200 applications. Companies don't want to invest in employees anymore, they don't want to pay for training, they don't want to pay for anything. It's despicable.
>I'm a NEET pretending to be insane (so I get gibs)
>live out in the sticks
>got all the free time I want to study my electrician work, fix my car, learn arabic, read, and produce music.
>have enough time for a social life, gatherings, and to sleep with girls I know, as well as and other hobbies
>brew beer, dstill alcohol, and grow stuff to use or sell
>eat healthily so I'm never going to shitty expensive restaurants that are a pointless waste of time and money
>keep myself reasonably fit
>shitpost on here
Pretty awesome I say.
I think you don't understand how the system works. You get money and power in exchange for playing according to it's rules.
sounds good, maybe I'll pretend to be insane too, but why are you learning arabic? Want to visit germany in the future?
I'm not sure what the problem is, but they can come work with me at Walmart as I have been for over a decade.
Start your own company doing what you want to do; set up an S Corp and get a 6 month contract at some decent starting wage. Build your skillset and start charging more as you gain experience.
Playing by the rules gets you nowhere
Im lazy my dude
do not need to work...
I'm stupid and can't get a degree.
Yes no. The written down rules are only for the useful idiots who are the worker bees, the non-written rules are what gets you ahead and according to those a guy who's a threat to the game won't get into any position where he could do damage. Not if it can be prevented.
i'm insane
In my country, most of the jobs are given to people who suck politician dicks, and I'm not into that kind of excercise. Whoever gets a job is a potential traitor.
Give me a break, I just lost my job last week for drinking, gotta get my shit together and get another one.
you get it from teaching
>Unemployed members of Sup Forums
honorary niggers
the bar is set at 58. you want to achieve something? try passing it.
le 56%
>but why are you learning arabic?
Because I already know Spanish. Italian and Portuguese seems far too easy to learn, so I was thinking of trying something with a completely different writing system. Thought Arabic was good since it's widely spoken. East Asian languages will take up too much time, plus I have no interest in ever moving that way.
>maybe I'll pretend to be insane too
helps even more if you bring a family member along alike your mother, lol honestly. She can just help with the cause claiming you wee born a retard or whatever. Literally, when you see the psychiatrist three times per year, you just give it all a few flinches, tics, and retard spasms for just 10 minutes and you're all done.
I'm working but I don't blame some Sup Forumsacks for being NEET.
you're probably going to fag out into a rage over how you need to do X and X to get laid by whitey; when all you literally have to do is be there. biggest cucks in the world.
Not a reason, work and buy a gun to solve the problem eventually
Buy guns and defend your homeland?
Classic fucking Tasmania. I bet you're hooked on crystal meth as well right?
My homeland can go fuck itself. The same idiots who complain now were the once got Merkel elected in the first place.
Only way to win is not to play.
worked ass off to get enough money to go back to college (well more like worked my back off since now I have chronic pain in my spine)
good enough?
Study from New Zealand shows only men pay taxes:
Why should I slave away for a bunch of cunts who give me nothing when I can actually live decently off of NEETbux?
I quit my last job (after giving 2 weeks notice) because the pay wasn't work the work and they started being insistent about workers doing overtime instead of hiring the 15+ employees they needed
So now I'm sending out CVs and sitting on my money (I refuse to apply for welfare/... emplyment insurance? Whatever that crap I paid into was)
>Failed the bar exam by 5 points
>Over qualified to be a paralegal
>Not a licensed attorney so no self starter shit going my way.
Law school is a joke unless you know someone
go get your cdl...
thinking of going over to Canada on a working holiday. BC to be specific.
Or you're Jewish
refuse to participate in a society I have no stake in
> He's not self-employed
How much did you earn Mr.Shekelberg this week, cuck?
I've heard that arabic dialects countries are so different that they can't understand each other, is that true?
> Literally, when you see the psychiatrist three times per year, you just give it all a few flinches, tics, and retard spasms for just 10 minutes and you're all done.
Kek I'd have to practice that if I don't want to laugh at myself. Or maybe laughing like a retard while doing this is a good idea?
>Want to buy a gun
>Need license
>Need a safe to store guns
>Need a seperate safe for ammo
>Need to take classes so you can handle a gun
>can only transport the gun in a locked container
>need a valid reason to own a gun (historic collection, hunter, member of shooting club)
>government can take your license away whenever they decide to, for whatever reason they can come up with
>they can come to your house whenever they want to check if everything is stored the right way
yeah no thanks
no incentive to work. i already get to shitpost and watch cuck porn in my mom basement all day.
Does anybody here need a job? I've got two spaces open in my soul-crushery.
I have debilitating anxiety issues, and I'm prone to bouts of depression. I am almost socially inept and I cant keep a job. people don't like me and they seem to be put off by how awkward I am.
I am trying to be better though. reading often, working out every day. eating right. maintaining my home. I also like to play guitar. you can hate me and people like me, Sup Forums, but we aren't all pieces of shit who aren't trying to better ourselves. it wouldn't kill you to be compassionate Sup Forums
Someeee body once told me the worlddd is gonna roll me...........Fucking man the fuck up and combat it then mate, letting it beat you isn't the way forward.
jobless people is clearly YOUR problem, you fucking proletarian!
hang yourself!
im working out every day and being the best i can be in my home and trying to get out as often as possible to be around people.
Why would I work when the gov is importing thousands of Groids to work for me
I'm employed but it really blows working for someone else being their slave I am so fucking sick of it. Honestly not sure if being dead or being a wage slave is better.
shortly after arriving at 4chins i found out i had autism from some user
Yeah there's like 30 different dialects i think, but I'll have to see how that goes. I've only just picked up the basics over the last 3 weeks after picking up some language books from my local library, as well as some audio books by made by some polish guy who speaks like 20 different languages.
>they can't understand each other, is that true?
Highly likely. Although as an Englishman, I can't even understand a Scotman at this point. Especially after he's done 9 trips to the bar.
>Kek I'd have to practice that if I don't want to laugh at myself. Or maybe laughing like a retard while doing this is a good idea?
Depends. Last time I visited I kept psml before my appountment knowing about the whole scene I'm going to cause. Try not to make shit obvious though. Keep your head down, and sound nervous as fuck as if you struggle to step outside of your front door.
During the appointment I was acting so nervous with my knees shaking that my knee hit the underneath of the table which sent pens and pencils flying into the air. Only do shit like that once, and that's all you need. Try not to make it obvious.
My last appointment was with a solid 8/10 chick. Shamne I had to act like such a retard. Gibs is Gibs though.
I'm a househusband, it's you who should get a job.
>pay tax towards go towards somalis mansions
>pay tax towards disgusting slut single mums who will neverface their consequences
>pay tax towards Marxist educational system
>pay tax towards a police force AKA LGBT+ Twitter Defence League
>pay tax towards rapey muslims to sit in a cell and play COD online
>court system is against you
>wages are compressed thanks to females in workforce
It's depressing actually. Female vote/access to the workforce combined with white knighted gynocetnrism will always end so badly.
This. Me making $7/hr isn't going to change anything except make me more miserable.
I have seasonal work
November until March or April is not a lot to do
always got some things going on at home. take care of the cows
thanks for sharing your knowledge, if they'll ever drag me out of my NEETcave I'll have some ideas how to act.
>Although as an Englishman, I can't even understand a Scotman at this point. Especially after he's done 9 trips to the bar
some of my relatives are from scotland, I know what you mean. The first time I talked to them I didn't understand a word, but back then I just had some school lessons about english. Now I understand most of what they say, but a drunk scotsman? I don't think so.
>Implies wage slaving makes equestrians
Ignore meme flags and their digits.
wagecuck here
death welcome
>not sitting at home investing and trading crypto currency while playing video games all day
But hey, at least you're "employed".
>want to waste his precious time to jews and their system
Never going to be employed.
>paying a government to make your life more miserable
>basically sucking your boss's dick
>helping a society you have no place in
Good luck, employee.
>thanks for sharing your knowledge, if they'll ever drag me out of my NEETcave I'll have some ideas how to act.
How do you get on gibs anyway? Is it that easy to just say ''Im not working'' over there? lol
Extreme dislike of other human beings, extreme dislike of talking, inability to operate most vehicles due to inborn vision/balance issues, and social anxiety.
That means no getting around (at least in Dogfuck, USA) and no connections, which in this day and age means no job. Fell for the STEM meme (chemical engineering, summa) and I interned frequently in college; doesn't help if you're Major Ass Burger. If you're socially crippled and don't have a pile of money drop into your lap for seed capital (to either invest or start a business of your own, and that latter one still probably won't work because, you know, socially retarded), you're fucked.
And get replaced by robots in ten years, I'll save my booty thanks.
TFW when living vicariously the life of a NEET via a Nepalese basket weaving forum. Wage cucking hurts my soul.
my parents pay for everything. Afaik to get gibs while being capable to work you have to visit the gibs office at least once a month and talk to them. Friend of mine doesn't work either and lives alone, he always has to take part in weird government programs to keep the gibs running.
>year 5778
>being goyim chattel
top cuck
All of your social anxiety is just due to you being a massive pussy you little fag
Work is for low wage stuffers basically working at tacco bell. Advance. Let others do the work while you sit on your ass the whole day managing that insanity you basically thought of out of delusion and it KINDA works.
Why does this happen?
Why do people act like they will go crazy if they can't work?
well I feel inadequate and like less of a man not having a job. also, not having anywhere to go i tend to feel stir crazy. i dont have friends who i actually hang out with either, so the lack of social interaction leads to feeling out of practice and i end up feeling like more of an autist. but thats all on me and anyone like me. i can go out and be around people, join groups, socialize and keep busy... these things are just a lot easier when you have a job. its easy to fall into depression when you're a neet.
Excuse me? lol of course work is great, it keeps you active. How am I meant to look after my child if you aren't paying your hard earned money towards me via taxes? It's not my fault my bf left me lmao. I'm a strong super single mommy you know.
Why would anyone in their right mind will actually work?
How fucking stupid you have to be to put any labour for some rich persons pocket?
Nah, neet life for me, keep on being a wage slave.
I dont have a job personally and i'm doing a post-degree finance minor. I want independence, i'm sick of asking for money even though I spend nothing and want to live alone. I hate feeling like a child , i'm
22. Doing my military service during next year. I want to achieve shit
If only it could be cured with calling people massive pussies and little faggots.
Boring people who can't entertain themselves
>go to uni
>realize that only 5% of what you learn there would be relevant to the job later on
>drop out of uni
>start working in the family business with your father teaching you all the important stuff
>fast forward 4 years
>be in a secure position thanks to nepotism and actually taking over the family business next year
Nepotism is the only way to find a job these job. I pity all those overqualified fuckers that compete for the few skilled jobs that are left. I also pity everyone of you who have well-adjusted parents and don't take advantage of that. If you have successful parents just learn their profession or something related to that and don't complain later on when you wasted your opportunity for an life on easy mode. It's literally the choices you make.
I am living off of my trust fund and I hope that if I live frugal enough I can continue living off the fat of the land quietly until I die.
I'm busy being a successful neet
i make more money trading swing stocks than i could ever possibly, with my total lack of formal education, hope to earn. also fuck being a wage cuck. working on my own time, even when im not doing good is invaluable to me. fuck dedicating 40hrs a week to some place that i dont even have any ownership over.
How do you get benefits for life though? Fake mental illness?
>tfw employed and wish I was still studying