Columbine Shooting Comment


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This is worse than the BBC writing about the decline of Sup Forums. Get a grip user

I'm not sure about that but we will see.

Another Slide thread :^)

All mass shootings were executed by pedophiles.

OP probably made that comment and posted it on Sup Forums to get (you)s.
kys nigger

Let's hope its not real.

>uk time
pack it up, nothing will happen

>white british teen runs amok with plastic spoons

Hopefully just a LARPer, but that is really fucking stupid thing for him to be posting online.

>Let's hope it's not real
What board do you think you're on?

Lmao when did they do that? Sounds hilarious.


go at it fella I'm rooting for you

Hackers doxxed Aaron 15.
This is him apparently.


Hold on, I think I know that guy. It's an old classmate of mine.
Samuil Hideiski.


Funny, he looks like an old friend of mine. Samuel Hidalgo.

He can't keep getting away with it

I just talked to feds and they said their hands are tied. He might get away with it.

Just imagine the devestation if just one person managed to get a gun in UK. The entire country would be helpless and would have to call U.S. military to stop him.

Funny, to me he looks like a friend of mine that went missing over two months ago, his name was Samu Hyyppä.

Implying Sam could get doxxxed. Fuck off.

And if this kid ain't joking, let's hope he's a leftist...

>uk time

well shit, he's gonna post a racist pepe on the school board.
death sentence by being personally beheaded by the queen is the sentence for that

The journalist was apparently in a thread on here and admited that he made the whole 'operation' just so it could fail so he could shill his book via an article. It was next level false flag fake news.

damn these youtubers spreading terror, when they gonna shut it down

Every single time.
>captcha no exit sign

>posts it on Sup Forums
>the second most monitored board on Sup Forums
>thinks it will still happen

lol that kid is getting shipped to guantanamo as we speak, good job OP you fucking retard

Wait I think i know him, isn't that Samuel Hydrangea the 3rd of little Wimbledon?

hey that looks like my cousin, Sam van der Hijden

May be muslim stuff.

W-What's the first?

Sup Forums obviously

Kid’s are already in school at 7am (or earlier) in the UK? School doesn’t usually start until 745-8am here, at the earliest. Sounds like a larp

he said UK time, could be happening in another timezone

school starts at 9am here

Kinda looks like the 2nd Vegas shooter Sam-uel Al-Hayde

Nah school starts at like half 8 here in the uk must be a larp but who knows

>uk time
Kek. In 2 days, the british government will ban assault pinecones and people will need a to pay a tree growing licence. Bongs will have to show ID to access parks and forests

Well, he’s not talking about US because it would be like 2-3am here @ 7am UK time.

Bullshit, that's my uncle, Samuel Hydén, who went AWOL


Le ebin meme

He looks like an old friend of mine, Samir al-Hayadi


oi did you bin that knife??? KEK!!


Which will it be?

It was some dumb kid after all. What a fucking idiot, he will probably get arrested for this

oh fuck i feel pretty bad now for the kid omg

i hate the bbc they seem to inspect my house go in my bedroom every 6 months but its meant to be once a year at most

he deleted his comment after i said you gonna get vanned,make sure you yell corbyn did it lol

That's one fine officer.

imagine this little shit getting swatted....hey that bone zone guy is pretty cool.

keep pushing it


>arresting a 9 year old

Activate it.

Pedophiles are AWOKE

this meme is extremely forced and unfunny

let me guess it came out of Sup Forums didnt it

That is illegal you know


mah boi

CNN actually reported that last church was shot up by Sam Hyde

Hello Aaron15

refresh there is a new threat from this bone zone guy. I hear he is not to be messed with. Once he gave a spic a wedgie so hard his balls popped off.

This mass shooting is what all true edgy teenagers strive for.

The spic representative said that and he heard it from Univision (I think).

You're forced and unfunny. Your unfunnyness is so forced, it's as if you just raped the thread with your lack of humor. Your tiny, flaccid, lack of humor.

this new guy is serious for real. I hear he once gave a spic a wedgie so hard that poop hole got welded shut from the anal shock. I hear he is pretty cool too.

>half 8
fucking bong english at it's finest

holy fuck best way to start a day

That's your comment you fat clot

he is still scared that he will be swatted. lets make stupid demands.

yes yes, all fun and jokes but u know this guy ACTUALLY BLEW A TRANNY?
stop idolizing this faggot

nuh uh home boy. thats err a kid i know a school. he's a bit retardo and wear diapers. but he is serious guys. he just wants to gas the jews like papa hitler

Holy shit hahaha


>screencap of a YouTube comment on some random video minutes after it was posted


pic related

He is scared now, kek

It's ok to get excited user, who knows senpai!

full damage control


i'm losing my shit every one type cookie in the coments

Get him vanned. I don't find school shootings funny. Also the Columbine shooters were KIKES

>random comment made recently that OP just somehow magically managed to find mere minutes after it was posted
>youtube poster now doing some retarded cookie shit claiming Sup Forums is spooking him
>implying OP isnt just some sad sack of shit attention seeker

one of his videos,he has the reddit app,kek

So, how many years this kid can get?

That's why needs to get swatted. Punishment is necessary

Then OP must be underage.

I thinking he is double trolling us....he needs to say cookie more.



>UK time
lol the female british police are going to run around in circles talking on their radios like they always do while kids are dying

Anyone have the phone number do r the UK police so we can get him thrown in the slammer?

>Sup Forums is very intellengent website and cool website

Birth of a new meme?

>7 in the morning UK time
>nighttime in the US

I'm thinking not gonna happen

Is Aaron, dareisay, /ourguy/?

Its 15 years for naughty thoughts so at least a few life sentences