No 8values thread

>no 8values thread

time for an 8values thread!

pic related, it's mine



Enlightened progressive liberal

>liberal testing machine broke

I want to light a flame that the ages will not extinguish

Good luck with that.


>markets 65%



FUGGGG I'm a fucking neocon wtf

Fuck OP, fucking faggot.


would share a community with you


Right Wing Populism, no surprise.


8values before Sup Forums


8values after Sup Forums

I didnt understand some questions


How come you all are quite Authoritarian?

lots of cuckservatives ITT


The market will fix it(tm)

>I didnt understand some questions
Like a real centrist




Master race reporting




centrist FTW


>not being a radical centrist

im technicly a theocratic neo-feudalist(catholic church above ancapistan) and most hoppean ancaps either get fundamentalism or ultracapitalism

that's why I love hoppeans