Why does everyone hate Poland? I know that it's been shit on by Europe historically for ages, however, everyone is white, no Muslim terrorist attacks, Christian, nationalistic, and redpilled news stations? Hate 'em, because you ain't 'em?
Why does everyone hate Poland? I know that it's been shit on by Europe historically for ages, however...
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I don't
Because Poles (and Slavs) aren't white. They are predominantly a mix of Asian and Middle-Eastern.
Is it the daily Poland hate thread?
It is now
The answer is: because Sup Forums (and Sup Forums in general) is inherently contrarian, and with the influx of BASED BOLAN STRONK posts and articles, the counter-narrative has developed.
Also, they are not white
Because Poland never bends under foreign pressure and does their willing, and we're occupying literal center of Europe.
Because you use meme flags and make threads like this at least twice a day faggot.
I don't, Poland stronk!
How is this a meme flag? It's the flag of Poland on their country, maybe the flag and country as a whole is a fucking joke.
And nobody regularly make Polish discussion threads, just Polish hate threads.
Fuck off, honestly
poolaks and khazarian masters jews are parasites
poolaks (jews) live on a stolen clay
poolaks hating other slavs
poolaks are euroniggas
Only cucks hate the polacks. I have the hugest freedom boner for Poland. I'll eventually travel through EU Commistan just to visit Poland for the first time.
You fucking keep it together, Poland. If we fail here in the states then you're my only other hope for raising a giant white (superior) christian family.
Only hatred towards Poland i have encountered here is from Germs and Hohols, which i find to be a compliment when coming from their mouth.
euros are jealous of Poland's refusal to not take the islam dick up the ass
Because you guys keep bitching at Germans when you should be looking eastwards
We have a proud boy over here.
Our country is a utter fucking shithole, just face it already.
mfw minimum wage is 2,5USD
mfw politicians are making us the second north korea
Dude check outside. Your sister might be gangbanged to death right now.
I'm sure Englandistan knows all about being white
You can look white but not be white. For instance, Germans. Unless you speak a Romance language, you are not white.
I like Poland.
Poland is great. It also has far fewer fat fucks than e.g. US.
>posting a youtube video with "conspiracy" in the title as proof
How about kill yourself
Ok, you go love them.
Even the Poles hate Poland or there wouldn't be 2 million of them living in Germany, England, France and Netherlands EACH.
polish fags are in the same tier as refugees
It's the retarded Nordicucks who are gonna go extinct and become Islamic while Poland and East Europe will stand.
they are the low expectation uneducated human scum, you can have them you literal dumpsters of europe. we're glad you're ridding us of them
> →
no poolak, you where slaves i khazaria, escaped (male) or earned (female) species destroyed native Celtic;Gothic;German; Baltic European area... foooked Germans in to helping you to deal with Latvians (Prussians)
but as nothing else, you are euroniggas- slaves
Guess we need to live to your expectation and start killing you and raping you en mass then.
Because they're nothing but loudmouthed larpers who have never achieved anything significant but all the time bitch about
>muh poland stronk
They have clear inferiority complex, especially towards Germans and Russians.
What are you even talking about
Everyone likes Poland
You seem to be speaking a really broken version of english language. I have this sneaking suspicion that you might be a shitskin.
Poland is so good I don't know why anyone right wing wouldn't like them
>Guess we need to live to your expectation and start killing you and raping you en mass then.
you did so ever, since you got to central Europe in 8-10'th centuries and ever after (WW2)
>They have clear inferiority complex, especially towards Germans and Russians.
Naah we like russians (hate their goverment), we do HATE germans and Germany, and if you think it's inferiority complex you should probably brush up on your country history kraut.
Do elfs exist?
Oh wait we already do
Polish people are the most convicted european refugees in UK.
I hate them because they're not American.
>You seem to be speaking a really broken version of english language. I have this sneaking suspicion that you might be a shitskin.
neither shitskins or euroniggas are welcome here!
Stop falling for baits
He is not even british
lurk more faggot
Personally love Poland
These are all reasons we love Poland though.
your even worser with the eu pasaport you can work as cheap/black toilet cleaner,ass wiper etc. so you destory the local labour market
>no retort to what was provided
>duuh u r slaves bc it sound familiar in english loool!11!1!!!1
>In 2010, 6,777 Poles were convicted of crimes
And now my faggy friendo, how many Poles are there in the UK? According to the British Office of National Statistics - 911,000 in 2016.
So lets do the math. 6777/911000 = 0.00743%.
How revolting!
Also why they pretends to hate USA.
>confusing economic migrants as refugees
>doesn't know what per capita is
Because most poles I met were simple minded, amphetamine and booze loving faggots. But I'm from slovakia and people here aren't that much different.
I love Poland.
Everyone hating on them is just an envious subhuman that would probably kill for his country to be as redpilled as Poland is.
We don't hate USA, in fact, we like USA
We only hate americans on Sup Forums
Because they are the most ignorant nation on Sup Forums
you can say the same for the refugees you faggot,i said it before your in the same tier as refugees your arguments even proved it
NWO hates Poland because of the things you discribed. No Muslim invasion. They hate US too thanks to Trumps new policy against Muslim and Mexican invaders.
>you can say the same for the refugees
Oh really?
I hate Poland.
>And now my faggy friendo, how many Poles are there in the UK? According to the British Office of National Statistics - 911,000 in 2016
You have to go back.
zajebisty z ciebie matematyk
Liberals hate them because of what you said, capitalist right hates them because they won’t let business flood them with immigrants. Gee, it’s almost like it’s two sides of the same coin.
nice source lmao
nie zesraj się sebek :^)
Poland hate NAZI like you. Dude give it up NAZI died in 1945. NeoNAZI post war was creation of FBI. Just like FBI creates terrorist so they can justify is bloated budget and it's own existence.
Because Poles hate Europeans.
Unlike Tyrone, Luca, Chang, Ahmed and Juan, right? You civnat whore.
By the way OP
Pay attention to what's happening in real life
The more we resist west, the more pol hates us
Isn't that strange?
How typical of a kraut forest nigger.
meme flag
How about that's not Poland for starters, Poland is a little shitty island that sent all the jews into Germany due to MUH CHRISTIANITY and MUH EQUALITY. that's not poland.
Nuke everywhere but USA, Poland, and Japan? Leaf faggots are generally ok too, so we'll wait to nuke them last and give em a chance to uncuck. Double nukes for all muslim countries (which I guess includes most of EU now - remember to send iodine tabs to the polacks), triple nukes for niggers, quad nukes for Israel.
Wait what was the fucking question? Poland is second best country on the planey next to USA. If Bill's wife had won then Poland would be #1.
Are poles just accelerationists? Grab as much from an evil system and let it burn as quickly as possible?
calling bullshit on that.
Your local job market is based on plumbing only? You guys are in worse shape than i ever imagined.
oy wey, oy wey
>By the way OP
>Pay attention to what's happening in real life
>The more we resist west, the more pol hates us
>Isn't that strange?
nobody like jews...
why hate Polaks? no reasons
Funny when you look at neoNAZI march or KKK march you find people with big nose amongst them. Along with clean cut federal agent looking people too. Can you say false flag.
because they were the first gibs me dat of europe
Poland is a shitty little island that invited all the middle eastern Jews into their country so they could shuttle them over into russia and germany due to MUH CHRISTIANITY MUH NEED TO FORGIVE. fuck off niggers
>not a western political (they would have said ZOG back in the day) sockpuppet
diud you see the antisemitism in your parades?
you think this can be tolerated in 2017???
you polish scum will not get away with that
we will take over your Government and you will receive a tidal wave of immigrants until you are no more
you fucking jew haters
hang on while you can we will get you in the end
The entire Polish economy is based on cleaning toilets in Bongland.
>meme flag
>poles have huge nationalist rally with open anti-semitism
>suddenly poland hate threads all over this shithole
Watcha doin' /leftypol/?
>The entire Polish economy is based on cleaning toilets in Bongland.
not entirely true!
they cant clean toilets properly either
Give back Lithuanian lands, Polish thieves. These lands were won fair and square in battle against Mongols, that cucked slavshits. You acted like Jews and stole them.
To be honest I got this pic from some random thread long time ago and use it when im bored with 52% memes.
self hating polak(jew)?
oy wey!
>Sandnigger attempt at English language
Pretty much.
the only reason someone would dislike Poland is if they are a faggot cuck
lookie lookie, what's this?
polak (jew) says:
>the only reason someone would dislike Poland is if they are a faggot cuck
me?- laughs!
My post from another thread? Well done, you have an IQ above room temperature.
You have no understanding of geography, amerimutt.
>it's been shit on by Europe historically for ages
They're a decent country and nation I guess. Not sure how would they treat a Russian because of media but I've never heard anything bad about modern Poland. All bad things are ancient history only LARPers care about.