Soy isn't turning men into faggots according to Vegan Gains
stop your copy pasta shit posting
>implying I give a fuck about the opinion of a schizo half breed fucking harry potter
Thank god he removed himself from the genpool.
So future generation don't have to deal with his offspring.
Doesn't Vegan Gains have mutant sized biceps and nothing else built up?
Also I think vegan gains has autism.
No joke.
>Do I look like a pussy to you?
Unironically, yes.
Did he get a vasectomy?
>listening to dyel lifter that belives all science is paid by the meat industry
yeah nah
He's the destiny of /fit/
Seems more like PJW once again jumped on another Sup Forums meme and then Vegan Gains failed to realize PJW was making a video on a meme.
he has a point. pencil neck pjw is in no place to call anyone a pussy with his noodle arms
vegan gains wedding
Veganism is a cult. You can't reason with these people.
>vegan mutt
>worth anyone's time
Fuck off.
VG is just being super whiny here and is really not helping his case.
It seems like he's turned into a hysterical woman :^)
Vegan gains talks like a faggot.
The psycho is unironically correct. It’s not soy, it’s probably the fact that they can eat shit and generally not excersize then they use their consumption of that flavorless goop to be like “see I’m healthy guyzzz”
hurr hurr cult hurr, im assuming cleaning my room also makes me part of the kordan peterson cult.
His fucking voice though, it seems like his voice is borderline cracking every other sentence.
Not exactly a good posterboy for soy if he wants to disprove the myth of soyboys.
They wore sweats to their wedding?
Yes 2 years ago, because condoms are not vegan
see below
>shilling vegan half nigger weirdo with geekhead and massive arms that still somehow look weak
Doubles of truth. Just listen to that voice tho.
PJW is pencil dick thin.
VeganGainz is muscular.
EganGainz also does look much more feminine than PJW (in the face). VeganGayz may be muscular, but he sounds like a fag and has the face of a fag. It's interesting
Vegan gains fucks trannies.
I watched the first 5 minutes and Richard is quite the hypocrite. He calls out this other guy for being obsessed with manliness and masculinity but then his argument turns into FITE ME BRO I GOT BIG MUSCLES N SHEEIT.
Richard is truly a special kind of retard
>VeganGainz is muscular
this is the greengoblin pre cycle
vegecucks are literal cucks
> steroid mongrel destroys atrazine mongrel
And what`s the point?
even if he is correct he is still a nigger, what did you expect?
>vegan autismo
>giving him watches
no thanks, I'm gonna wait for Elgintensity to TRAP and destroy him and then watch that
is he a lefty? I saw a one side weakness in bench press when I was 16. You know what it's from, don't ya?
and then what?
What for is this called?
>Implying he isn't still low test.
>Implying he doesn't look like a pussy.
>Muh gym muscle
Lifting does not make you a good fighter.
are you dyslexic or retarded?
He looked muscular in the video thumbnail.
And even in your PIC he still has a decent amount of bicep/triceps muscle.
But he's a faggot in personality and mentality. That much is clear.
>do i look like a pussy?
yes absolutely. you sit, talk and gesture like a faggot
>well lets test our testosterone in the ring then!
said the weightlifter. test it in a lab you cuck, you look like yours is below detection limit
>newest studies
2010 lel. nice bias. dear veganfag, how do you explain estrogenization in infants fed with soy-based formula? ask every fucking endocrinologist.
cow milk master race you dumbfuck cumgargling plantfucker
pic related, a decorated, loved austrian alpine „fleckvieh“ cow, happy to give her milk to her proud human friends
ask me how i know you don't lift
he has the muscle mass of a 1 year drug free lifter after 10 years of constant lifting
>thinks a nig nog jew hybrid abomination has a valid opinion
>thinks an homosexual degenerate like PJW has a valid opinion.
>Someone unironically watches them as a "fan"
Also lmao at "Do I look like a pussy to you?"
Yes, yes he does. Soft skin, lispy voice, no real defined masculine features, feminine hand gestures.
Richard has been lifting 10 years and he only benches 250 pounds. Pathetic.
He also frequently refers to athletes who built their physique or careers eating meat and then went vegan later on in their careers and says that is proof you can get big and strong as a vegan.
That's an old photo, he's way bigger now, and stronger than most people on /fit/
holy shit they're poor
He's been lifting for several years though and he's a literal fitness youtuber. Still looks like a basic bitch curlbro
Isn't PJW married and only leaves that ambiguous to triggers retards such as yourself?
You being butthurt about the Vegan faggot doesn't mean he doesn't have muscle.
Look at his arms compares to PJW and tell me which one has more muscle..
Go on, I'll wait.
>he balloon'd up in one year after stalling for 5
damn you activated my almonds lad
Please be true, please be true!
He's bigger than you, stronger than you and you have no arguments so post body or shut the fuck up
>comparing a vegan cuck that's been lifting for 10 years with a nonlifter
compare the green goblin with actual lifters you moron
Vegan gains is a huge faggot, soy really does turn men gay
t. green goblin post cycle
lmaoing at your insecurity and need to show off that you bought a cycle on the internet
Vegan Gains please leave
He's honestly pretty weak -- look at his lifts.
Especially given his black genetics and the number of years he's been lifting.
t. powerlifter manlet that's stronger than he is
>if your great grandmother didn't eat it you should avoid it to the best of your capabilities
what is wrong with you? how is that a good rule? was your grandmother healthy and strong? no she was likely 5 feet tall and had horrible teth
> t. Vegangains
Just cutting back a bit on your red meat and locally sourcing your own chicken/fish is all you really need
That was the topic of the video and this thread, in case you missed it..
Greengoblin does have muscle, that's obvious..
PJW lifts? At all? Anything?
I severely doubt those arms are achievable natty, much less as a vegan
Vegan here. Meat-eaters, you win.
I mean holy shit, why does she groom herself like that if not to be obnoxious as hell?
Fuck this soy boy kike puppet he's a fucking degenerate piece of shit, controlled opposition who will blame everyone but the fucking jews.
of course he has more muscle than some nonlifter e celeb
but comparing yourself to mediocrity is something a vegan cuck would do
these guys are debating milk our something, oh thats interesting.
"join our cult it's better you guys" - vegans
"...." - people who eat normally
ya i don't see a difference here
>according to Vegan Gains
Holy shit, is this a joke?
Is that really his wife?
>Why do people hate you?
>Idk because I'm better than everyone?
Burn it all with fire. Please. Jesus.
t. Male Mezzo-Soprano
No straight man visits gay quarters and clubs.
Lol i get to the gym only 2 times a week and i look way better than that shit, also he talks like a faggot.
He hasn't consistently been lifting for 10 years straight. He took a break to focus on martial arts. In the past year or so that he's been making constant progress and added almost 100lb to his bench so far.
Don't know if it's because she is a eurocuck but she has a hideously obnoxious personality as well. Richard supports her with his youtube money while she sits at home all day playing league of legends and contributing nothing to the relationship. Richard is her meal ticket.
I have the same experience with vegetarians that everyone else has: Every vegetarian that I have ever met is insane!
There are essential fats contained in meat that a human needs for their brain, the vegetarians obviously don't get that in their diet.
>600000 people die every year in the US of Heart Dissease
>vegans have way lower risks for heart dissease
Yo why you pushing yo shit on me dawg, we be fine eating mcdahnalds
i agree. it's really easy to spot an autist by how fake their behavior is.
they just act as "normal" as possible to appear "rational"
theyre beta males. they just go with whatever the popular opinion is to avoid feeling like they are in the wrong, so they havent even gone out and retrieved accurate information about the world around them. it's all done vicariously. these people have no imagination or balls.
Man his arms look like shit. Looks like he has some sort of genetic disorder that he cant form normal muscles
Ahh, makes sense now.
STFU up soyboi cuck and take brainforce now!!
>that short muscle belly
shit genetics and low IQ
literally worst of the worst
I didn't realize he trained (jiu jitsu). Well now I'm torn. Most people who train are good folks. But he's just so hateable.
It wasn't the steroids, it was the beans and rice that did this.
10 years of natural vegan lifting. This is what peak performance looks like.
Me on the left.
her voice is lower than his, kek
can someone who watched this tell us if she identifies as trans? (explain the title)
How about that, everyone that tries to disprove the soyboy meme turns out to be twinks with castrato voices.
he's janoy cresva levels of symmetry
Vegan Gains is without a doubt a huge pussy with tons of estrogen. If you want to be a healthy bodybuilder do what this guy does:
>Too much of a brainlet to understand what mayonaise streaming media man and plant diet guy are talking about
>that bf all year round
lmaoing at your naivete
I’m not posting pics of my body for you to beat off to, fagaroni.
I bet his only income is his mediocre channel, she probably doesn't work either
Yeah she seems almost autistic or something. That whole interview was her droning on with nothing, sounds like she doesn't even like him.
Where is she from? Estonia or something?
he's also on a cycle right now and still looks like a faggot
One of the biggest betas I've seen
Hope he knows steroids aren't vegan
Belgium or Germany I believe.