The SPD party wants to lower the age of pornography and air interracial porn that was filmed with tax money on public television so the kids learn tolerance.

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Pls translate


>Lower the age of pornography
>They make you watch porn as a teenager in Germany

I will not translate the whole bullshit the left is a stupid meme
they want tax funded porn....

Too lazy. Use google translate.
Basically what I said. They want to fund interracial porn with tax money and air it on public television for kids to see

It's like european countries are on a race of faggotry and no one wants to give quarter.

"The whole diversity of bodyshapes, genders, ethnics, sexuallity and sexually practices"

Gotta indoctrinate the kids.

No not on air, they want it online at statefundedmedia sites.
Anyways they are retarded.

>lower the age of pornography
You mean lower age you can legally view porn, right?

Its just the "Jusos" can be described as Social Democrats youth.
They are really peak faggotry, but they have nearly 0 political might.

youth organization of a lefty party wants subsidies for inclusive, feminist porn after swedish model. the party couldn't come to an agreement aka nothing burger.

>Durch den Aufkauf und das kostenlose Verfügbarmachen in der Online-Mediathek der öffentlich-rechtlichen Sender. Wir fordern, dass die Altersfreigabe für Pornografie hierfür überprüft und ggf. heruntergesetzt wird.

Is this some kind of elaborate ruse? Jesus, jusos are beyond help.

lmao i thought for a minute that they would legalize child porn.

>Da vor allem im Internet kostenlose Pornographie konsumiert wird, muss auch feministischer Porno gebührenfrei, dauerhaft und niedrigschwellig verfügbar sein. Daher fordern wir eine Filmförderung nach schwedischem Vorbild.

"niederschwellig verfügbar", they basically want to brainwash kids

Jesus Christ Germany, what the fuck are you doing?


>He He yes nothing happening here in Germany nothing to see he he we're only "discussing" it he he pls move on

Cucks like you allow this to happen. The spd needs to be publically shamed for this

Its not even about that, they just want to make it so, that "erotica" is no longer considered PEGI 18 and can be shown on public tv during the appropriate hours.

Makes kinda sense if you think about the fact, that the age of consent is 14, but you can't even buy a playboy until you are 18.

Then yor thread is fucking worthless you retard. How are we suppose to get mad if we don't understand your dead language?

Use google translate. I already summed it up perfectly.

We both know Google sucks. Stop being a lazy fuck and do something. This is why you country is going through this. Because you are LAZY.

Meh. We have daily news like this.
I already gave you cliffnotes the rest is just lots of bloat about how the porn specifically needs to be multi ethnic

>specifically needs to be multi ethnic
That's disgusting btw

What can you do to stop it?

Muslims will riot if you show their women getting fucked by white men

I think interracial porn often ends up objectifying the black male who is only useful for good big dick and novelty factor. It's the porn genre for racists because it admits the black man is inferior in everything but his physicality



Damn when I was a kid we only had Girls Gone Wild commercials.

This is a shit thread, Opie is a fucking loser. Saged.

Honestly surprised Sweden didn't think of this first...

>Honestly surprised Sweden didn't think of this first...

They did. This concept comes from Sweden under the same name. It is currently done in Sweden, as stated in the proposal.

They want to remake a project that was made in Sweden called Dirty Diarys or something. So yes Sweden tought of it first.

It will be white women with niggers and arabs.

Epic troll OP

I love how easy it is to get Sup Forums worked up even though they can't even read the source material, jesus fucking christ
OP's link is a request by some random Jusos member.

Jusos being the "Young Socialists" faction of the SPD, the party that lost so hard in the last election that people cried. And even within that party, that is on an all-time low since recorded history, nobody takes the Jusos seriously

in a nutshell

>porn shows a deceptive picture of the sex
>sweden makes great state fundet porn
>diffrent Ethnicitys
>diffrent body types
>germany to implement state sponsored porn agency to cuck them self quicker

germany is a shithole, just nuke that shit already...

German anons like
Are ok with cuck porn


These fucking Kikes
Always pushing the sexual degeneracy on children
we need to exclude them from it countries by force if necessary

Makes you understand why so many people want Hitler back

Here is "Dirty Diaries". This Swedish porn film is the one that is influencing the German policy. I haven't seen it, as I'm at brunch right now, but I googled the title because it's importance of the fucking dumb state sanctioned shit. Anyways, I need to give my daughter and hubby attention...
Cheers! *holding my mojito drink 4 U*

It's Germans in this case. I have no doubts that some kike is ideological behind them, but it's Germans advocating for this.

We need to push this meme


i am too new and dont have any reeee screaming frog pictures yet, but now what be the best time. Why is my country going to shit? reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Youth socialist party urges our actual socialist party to make "feminist approved" porn from Sweden available for everyone. These videos will be boradcasted by our tax payer funded TV program. They also want to lower the age needed for watching the videos.

Won't work


Sodom and Gomorrah
When will it stop

It will work for black women

black women hate race mixing desu

is that Michaela Strachan?

j-jokes on you im german too, haha...ha...

kill me please...

Man what the fuck happened to Germany... You guys need a 4th reich really fucking soon, otherwise you'll end up like Sweden.

just a short rundown

The SPD (socialist party of germany) (SPD is the second most popular party in germany) (their boss is Martin Schulz who said this pic related)
wants to make "sexual education" like in sweden

>want to push "feministic porn?"
>better payment for porn actors and actresses
>no forced or rapey shit anymore
>free porn n'shit
>>want to represent the variety of people in our society (more minorities in porn)

>"Die Darstellung von Vielfalt an Körperformen, Geschlechtern, ethnischer Herkunft, Sexualität und Sexualpraktiken"
More representation of the variety of bodytypes,sexes, ethnic origin, sexuality and sexual pratices (again more minorities in porn and more skinny and fatties in porn)
sorry for my bad english havent used it for a long while

They want to air Swedish feminist porn that was produced with Swedish tax money and includes interracial themes, consent, and whatnot.

Death to G*rmany


louis ck would be proud

They want to produce some of their own too

>the absolute state of Germany


How do you say "Hey German man, get in. We're saving your race." in German?

>black guys in porn only used for good big dick
>good big dick
the eternal leaf posting again

>lower the age of pornography
isnt this good? you can watch QT ephes take it in without being jailed lol

Search " blanda up " , we have been doing this for years and the girl is even singing our national anthem while getting blacked.

holy shit fellow germans what are you doing

>holy shit fellow germans what are you doing
Suicide. Will go full red pill tomorrow. Lets see what the chicks in my workplace will say about this story.
Will also drop Rape statistics, im so mad right now

Reminder that sexual education was the idea of the man who did this.

Ruining Europe?

>so the kids learn tolerance

Showing porn on the TV to begin with

Nuke now

1. Germany
2. Sweden
3. Canada

Everyday I pray an asteroid hits this disgusting planet.

Yeah, keep dreaming buddy. Demographics in decline, no one cares, Europe is probably going out with a whimper, not a bang.

Germany, what the fuck. What the hell is going over there? For the love of Christ, I'll take a dozen more Paddocks than that trash.

More like a soft moan as the last mulatto Austrian half breed gets dicked by her Syrian lover at 8 years old in some small town in Bavaria, Germanistan 2038.

fucking disgusting nigger lover kike shit
fuck off germany

Nah, Its Tay Tay.

Weimar Mark 2 incoming

that will come, don't worry.

This has to be some backwards psyop shit to get real germans to take their country back by force. This is unbelievable...

What are you gonna do? Lose again?


so basically they will hire black guys to bang underage girls and show it to kids so kinds grow up BETTER KEKS than their parents ? oh niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

better cucks*

So did it already started or some faggots want to do it in the future? Either way, the simple existence of this should be enough for the genociders to meet the rope desudesudesu

legalize child porn when?

Honestly the most viable thing now is to just convert to Islam and turn against the liberals that are destroying the country.

Fuck off homo. Don't pretend like it's not already being done in swedecuckistan, and anything those faggots do you try to follow.
I give it 1 year before it's a-ok in Germany, too.

Traitors and Jews will be tortured to death

Why didnt Hitler win?

>feminist porn
So no porn at all?

Pretty much

text translates as follows:

"We want to ensure 50+% for rightwingers (AFD) in the next election. t. leftycucks"


Black cocks aren't oppressive you know