What are some comics good for learning about U.S. history?
What are some comics good for learning about U.S. history?
>We should tear down artistic buildings and statues because we have feelings for X Minority.
Sorry, but last I checked, as a Britbong, people like General lee helped path the way for reunification. While Native Americans were literally raiding American settlements.
What are some comics that do it for no monetary compensation?
>While Native Americans were literally raiding American settlements.
That they but by pushing off the rightful owners after reducing their population to a fraction of what is was before their arrival.
It's people likes these who are Social Marxists
They don't KNOW they're social marxists, they're too stupid to realize they've been indoctrinated into the cult of anti-nationalism. There is only one word for it. SAD!
Sorry, but the native Americans were not a united group and even more importantly, the Native Americans loved murdering each other and taking their lands, Like every other human group in History.
To argue one group was "Unfairly" treated by the great game is just favoritism of said group.
>"the natives had no concept of owning land, you tricked them out of that land they owned"
That's not really a justification for genocide. They killed eachother, but they didn't wipe their own population down to shambles.
You are retarded if you think the Sue, the Apache or the Comanche were innocent. All the plains raiders were conquerers who shoved older tribes off their lands after they acquired horses from the Spanish.
That's why that Black Rock Sue protest was so damn hilarious last year. Ancestral sacred land, my ass. They weren't even in that area before 1650.
Yes. Yes they did.
The Apache were famous for killing off entire tribes.
Introduced disease was the biggest killer of indigenous americans by leagues. The emphasis on the tiny fraction of intentional murder as a proportion of the native americans population decline is an willful exaggeration by liberal scholars and grievance mongers.
They totally wiped out smaller tribes and enslaved people when they could. It was a major way genetic diversity was preserved. Do you even know the ancient Sue motto about every tribe that wasn't them?
"They hate us and they fear us and that is how we like it."
Look man, if even the King of the Monsters think they should be taken down then maybe they weren't that good for society to begin with.
What I find hilarious is the biggest atrocities of the Indian Wars was just the Federals telling Sherman to "Go do to the Indians what you did to the South." It's such a disconnect to see the Yankees go "Yeah, fuck the South." when talking about their countrymen then go "Those poor, innocent, murdering scalping enslaving Indians."
To be frank, leaving aside the history and everything, classical statues and plinths look far nicer in public spces than modern art does, so I'd rather they stay around because if they're taken down, you KNOW they'll be replaced with some post-modern abstract piece of shit sculpture.
I for one would love more post-modern art if it means I get more of this.
forgetting your history and demonizing people to the point of absurdity are a lack of emotional maturity, not some kind of interesting foresight.
To claim the confederates were purely about Slavery only to oppress the "Poor Negros" and not to keep their own economy from sinking.
The small time payoffs given by the "Yankies" at the time were nothing, and the constant failings of the federal government to create plans of action to save the Southern States forced the Confederacies hand.
Not to mention the thousands of outer issues the Federal Government were forcing.
You want proof of all of this? Look at the former confederate states? They're all poor and under-maintained.
if we were to destroy every monument of a great man who didn't conform to today's moral standards in some way, almost everyone born before the 20th century would qualify for that
a monument should be understood as celebrating the particular great deeds of a person, not their entire private life through the eye of modern morality
To be fair, Sherman was a war criminal like many northern generals and what he did to civilians in the south is unconscionable. May he rot in hell for all eternity.
You mean some pathetic beta-male using Photoshop for 10 seconds to parrot stupid opinions?
>To claim the confederates were purely about Slavery only to oppress the "Poor Negros" and not to keep their own economy from sinking.
That's pretty cringey.
>Seeing politics through pop culture.wmv
That's what they're calling for though. There's a growing movement to tear down Nelson's column for example.
No just the sheer absurdity of Godzilla being far left and trying to smash the patriarchy.
To be fair, the south thought owning humans was ok as long you label them as subhuman and then attacked their own countrymen when they realize that Slavery was becoming outdated.
Slavery kept the Souths economy afloat.
The Federal Government refused any real help to wean the south off of slavery. Paying off the Slave owners was literally the most half-assed move.
If the fucking statues are an issue, move them into museums where they can be preserved and viewed in context. I'm sure the local museums would appreciate the donations. Then just put a generic fountain or a plinth or something in the spot.
The worst thing about this is Godzilla using a wrecking ball. What a fucking hack.
>To claim the confederates were purely about Slavery
A claim that was made by the confederates at every turn.
>We shouldn't honor the accomplishments of great men whom we owe our lives to because they were mean to black people
I'd find it funny if they actually applied it universally. Like how MLK was a great speechmaker and did a great service for civil rights but was adulterous sleezy scum morally in his personal life. People even knew that when he was active. They just didn't care. Kinda like how Trump got elected even with the access hollywood tape and whatnot.
Hmmm, more slaves exist today than ever during the south. Your typing with keyboard that most likely has had slavery touch it in some point of production.
Evidently you should be raped to death, citizen or not.
Welcome to not reading the context of my post, if you want to just pat yourself on the back for your Historical stupidity go bacl to tumblr.
Let me propose a question for you; If the American Civil War ended with a confederate victory, would slavery still exist in America?
Napoleon Quote.jpg
Agreed, along with every traitorous Southern general. Especially Ulysses, he's such a cuck and a traitor he fought to defend slavery even though he didn't believe in it just because everyone else was doing it. That fucking pussy.
>Slavery kept the Souths economy afloat.
So owning humans is ok as long they make a buck?
>People are bad
>Better raze fucking everything and the kitchen sink to the ground
While I'm sure the native americans were as shitty as any other tribal society, I don't think you can look at the overall history of the settlers and the natives and go "well, it all evens out in the end".
As for the statues, while I'm sure Lee helped reunification, he is by far most widely remembered and celebrated for being, you know, anti-reunification in the position of the confederate general. Honestly, I find it kinda weird that the US were ever OK with putting up statues of what were essentially traitors everywhere.
>if the confederates wonwould slavery still exist in america?
Bitch I am fucking English, We paved the way for the Abolition of the Barbery Slave Trade.
Slavery isn't okay. But pretending the Federal Government didn't purposefully offer no meaningful alternative is delusion.
Context matters, General Lee was instramental in both sides, and deserves remembrance.
>Oh fuck turns out that was a bad idea.
>Ulysses, he's such a cuck and a traitor he fought to defend slavery even though he didn't believe in it
Wow, its almost as if there were other issues than slavery as a reason to support the south in fighting for independence... naw, the daily show said it was slavery I believe the smug funny man
The South thought that people who aren't going to be affected by a big piece of legislation shouldn't be able to shove it down everyone else's throats.
Kinda like how today the sections of the country that depend on factories and mines fucking hate the people from service areas that go "Well these things are just going to disappear. Fuck you and deal with it. Doesn't affect me."
States had the right to secede.
>hating on Sherman
Does he have to come back down there, Atlanta?
Every city he marched to that surrendered and cooperated, he treated fairly. Every city that resisted and fought him, he razed to the ground. And as for Atlanta, the fire was accidental.
ummmmm.... because DRUMPH
You spelled "Sioux" wrong. You may be right, but you just hurt your credibility right there.
>Bitch I am fucking English.
You mean the english that was still profiting off the united states slave trade well up to the civil war?
What does this have to do with anything tho?
>Every other group that’s ever existed in human history has not had the albatross around it, that it only remembers as a form of guilt and expiation, and as a Moloch before sacrifices must be made, their own moments of grief and of slaughter and of ferocity. They configured the world in another way.
>When the Greeks sacked a city in internal warfare, everyone would be enslaved. But they did not remember, when their bards sang of their victories, that they had denied human rights of other Greek city states.
>No people can survive if it incorporates as a mental substructure an anti-heroic myth about itself.
Not unless their name is "Texas".
>naw, the daily show said it was slavery I believe the smug funny man
Most schools have been teaching it was about slavery forever you don't really need to use that strawman.
I'm not even American buddy, I'm Australian with a history major. Sherman was a fucking scumbag of the worst kind.
>War crimes are fine if they're commited by the winning side
They're not crimes if you're the winner.
>I don't think you can look at the overall history of the settlers and the natives and go "well, it all evens out in the end".
It does in the West. This isn't the good boys like the Cherokee or the Chocktaw in the East and South that got double fucked by the government. These were the Huns of the Plains. Texas in particular had the only cannibal tribes in the whole country.
Peaceful tribes got rounded up and resettled to Oklahoma. The Indian Wars were fought by the toughest meanest sons of bitches on the continent.
You can argue that those people also did good things. You can't argue that for confederate shit. Any confederate monument should be removed and anyone who protests should have their hands amputated. Anything glorifying Confederate horseshit should never have been allowed to be made in the first place. We were way too soft on the Southern retards to begin with.
Yeah but lets not kid yourself, you didn't pay attention in school.
Because the south thought slavery was awesome and wanted nothing more than to Keep slavery the law of the land to they point they secede and tried to decalre war on america.
According to multiple founding fathers who drafted the Constitution, no they didn't.
Sherman did what was necessary to end the war. Surprisingly, war is ugly. Stop making moral judgement's from your 20th century worldview, btw, your professors should be telling you this.
Nuke Alabama
>and deserves remembrance.
Probably does, but on that note, a quick check on wikipedia says the he personally opposed the building of confederate memorial monuments, as he thought they would "revent the healing of wounds inflicted during the war". Which is kinda my point, the statues aren't gloryfing Lee, they're effectively gloryfing the Confederates. Not that they should be torn down and destroyed though.
As an aside, I find it weird that of all the southern ideals and values to focus on, the Confederates became the source of southern pride. A group who, economical factors aside, owned slaves and were willing to enter a civil war that nearly tore the country apart in order to defend their right to own slaves.
If you can't handle the brutality of war then don't declare war.
Not how it works kiddo.
War crimes are just a propaganda tool to demonise an enemy.
It's exactly how that works.
>Stop making moral judgement's from your 20th century worldview,
And I bet you still agree with the message of OPs comic don't cha.
Because if you understood your History correctly, it wasn't Federal North America who decided "Oh let's stop slavery"
It was the knock on effect of the British Empire no longer partaking in the Barbary slave trade.
So the slavery which profited ALL of America had now dried up, and the British were basically sending out letters to their trading partners that they refuse to side with Slave-owners.
Seeing as America's biggest trading partner was the British Empire, and at the time, utterly afraid of losing their free monies from said British, they planned reformations.
Now, If the Federal Government was smart, they'd have instituted laws and processions to fairly try and keep the southern Economy afloat.
They did not. Hence the war.
And to correct retards like A Confederate America would have had CLOSER bonds to Britain, and would have been forced to reduce Slavery eventually anyway.
>Evil Germans conquer Paris without harming a soul, what monsters!
>Based Brits level Dresden killing 10s of thousands, DO IT AGAIN BOMBER HARRIS
>You can argue that those people also did good things. You can't argue that for confederate shit.
t. brainwashed Yankee
Those men of Dixie were brave boys who fought to defend their country from foreign invaders who threatened to destroy their way of life. To honour them is to honor the spirit of America itself.
We British have had no delusions about our Warcrimes.
We justify them by telling people not to make war on us.
>britbongs in charge of US history
>It does in the West
Yeah, but I'm not talking about just the west.
>pretending the Federal Government didn't purposefully offer no meaningful alternative is delusion.
Maybe the south shouldn't have been so dependent on slave labor then. You cannot win this argument because all of your arguments stem from the belief that slavery is justifiable.
>As for the statues, while I'm sure Lee helped reunification, he is by far most widely remembered and celebrated for being, you know, anti-reunification in the position of the confederate general. Honestly, I find it kinda weird that the US were ever OK with putting up statues of what were essentially traitors everywhere.
The North were evidently a bunch of huge pussies. Now we have to deal with this mess over 100 years later.
>foreign invaders
This is a troll post, right? There were literal families split by this war. People who had relatives on the other side. This was a split in a single country, and you're being taken in by revisionist lost cause bs if you're trying to argue differently.
Slavery was a natural outgrowth of unregulated capitalism
>Maybe the south shouldn't have been so dependent on slave labor then.
Hahaha stop being farmers. Like, get a different industry.
And according to multiple found fathers who drafted the Constitution, they did.
Maybe you should go back to tumblr if you demonize people forced upon a necessity.
The cotton plantations could have easily been run by low wage workers if they imported them from the North.
Almost like a job for the Federal Government.
So the Southern states should have just let their economies collapse?
>Every city that resisted and fought him, he razed to the ground.
Okay, retard, only one person gets to make that decision. Applying the consequences of that decision to everyone else in the city is literally evil.
This is a conversation about Civil War and later era Indian stuff so it is. Everything in the rest of the country was settled by the 1830's.
What? Britain banned slavery in 1807.
Do you really think people on Sup Forums fall for the 'Evil German' meme in 2017, evidently the truth comes out and history remembers who committed the war crimes no matter who wins
I'd rather listen to founding fathers than found fathers. Why are the found fathers found? Did they run away from their kids like a bunch of Nogs? Figures they'de say secession is fine.
Burgers are subhuman filth. They have no culture or history.
I'll be sure to stop and ask every fucking civilian their opinion on economic issues next time I take a city. You fucking moron. Welcome to war.
You know exactly what I mean. Many founding fathers supported the right of states to secede from the Union. The fact that the Civil War was even a thing is proof that the matter wasn't settled.
Stop posting if you think slavery is unjustifiable, you are LITERALLY benefiting from slavery right now, you cancer on society.
I guess you just don't care because the slaves are asian and brown in some far off country.
>white people have no culture
You sound like a nigger.
You can restructure an economy. The South had a cultural emotional attachment to slavery. And they didn't want to have to admit that they were wrong.
>Many founding fathers supported the right of states to secede from the Union
And they didn't get it in fucking writing like Texas did, so they can shut the fuck up
>Leave the Union on the grounds that freeing slaves violates states rights
>Draft your own Constitution expressly forbidding the any "southern" state from repealing slavery
Southerner "banter" is pretty silly.
Also I like how everyone always forgets (who am I kidding most Americans can't be bothered to even learn their own history) that attempts to repeal and abolish slavery started as early as 1688, And Thomas Jefferson himself was one of the first to attempt to stop slavery in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, before his fellow delegates changed the thing. Not only that, as President, Jefferson signed the Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves on March 2, 1807. He may have own slaves but not for lack of trying to get them all free.
Yanks piss and moan about their leaders not just ending slavery right then because that's what a ruler aught to do but then shit on monarchy in the same breath. You cannot free yourselves from a king and ratify a constitution for a democratic republic with a congress that passes law and then turn around and retroactively demand your first president should have ended slavery like a fucking king could do, ignoring the wishes of said congress at the time, Washington new this and Jefferson learned this in his attempts.
And Europeans are not a unified group, yet people are crying how the native European is being replaced.
>Many founding fathers supported the right of states to secede from the Union
Which ones?
>it wasn't Federal North America who decided "Oh let's stop slavery"
Except yeah it was.
>It was the knock on effect of the British Empire no longer partaking in the Barbary slave trade.
Except they still were in an unoffical account.
>So the slavery which profited ALL of America had now dried up
Except no as Slavery was the way of life in the south, it wasn't just seen as business but as a culturally high mark for the south and Southern legislators pushed against any and all anti-slavery attempts like admitting new territories as anti-slave states.
Not that guy, but to be fair, it's a bit simple to just say "well maybe just restructure your whole economy". But really, the economy vs. slavery debate is kinda moot, since it wasn't like the south was begrudgingly using slaves.
I mean, I guess at first it feels "wrong" to use slaves. But if you can convince yourself and everyone else that they're subhuman, then you've created a system of institutionalized racism that let's you oppress others and still be a good guy. Some people paint it like the south really, really, hated black people, while I don't think that's true, because I don't think a slave owner hated black people any more than he would hate a dog, a horse, or any other commodity.
Europe is home to many rich, deep cultures. America has not created any good culture of its own.