How can a series with such a ludicrous amount of best girl potential fuck up badly enough to include Nakata as a...

How can a series with such a ludicrous amount of best girl potential fuck up badly enough to include Nakata as a character?

All black haired girls a best, brown haired shitters can leave.

Absolutely this.
Rihoko is just as if not more shit than Sae

Glad you can agree, user.

Also post Amagamis.

Sae may not be a good girl, but her route is pretty fun.

I need help, Sup Forums. I can't choose between sensei, Haruka and Kaoru

A harem is the only way to make them all happy, you know.

Can't help you there, user, especially since I'm dealing with the same problem.

Listen to your heart.

Any more news on Seiren?


Why the hate?

Well to be fair, Haruka and Hibiki are a 2-for-1 package so that doesn't help at all.

You marry one of the younger ones and fuck sensei on the side until she gets way too old.

The voice.

I actually thought her voice was cute. One of my favorite arcs of the bunch

I don't know, OP. She's low tier for sure but she still makes my dick hard

Tubby is mai waifu. Don't you forget it.

Did it take you two seasons to get her out of the friendzone?

Don't make me sit on you

Best girl incoming

I completely skipped it and will never watch it. She's so fucking annoying.

It's not so bad when you concentrate on the important parts

Depends. Whose bitties are those?

You already forgot who we were talking about?

I wouldn't be able to identify the tits of a girl whose arc I skipped, senpai.

Sae is the tittymonster of the series. At least confirmed. There's a possibility Rihoko might be bigger since hers are about the same size when clothed and we don't get proper angles and such when she's less clothed or even naked. They're supposed much bigger than they appear.

Not even through the process of elimination?

Whats up with all the Amagami threads lately?
Is it that time of year?

>Watcha doing?
>Thingken of pool

Surface of the Pool~

We're close user.

Getting close to yeah. Plus, that new series as well


Yup. I nearly forgot because it's still 70-80 degrees and sunny where I live.

I want to fuck this pool


Fun things really were fun back then.

if only m00t was still here

Nakata's lacking of character is made up by the narrator.


>Nakata's lack of character is made up by Nakata



What's wrong with Sae? Not that I disagree I'm just curious about what the reasons are.

every time

I hate the shy, short girl with pigtails thing so much.



Fat ass

I know


You know it to be true.

i'll fight you



>thinks her figure is the problem

I do. My love of cakes overflows with power.

someone have the chari scene?





Now who said her figure is a problem? It's fine as fuck. Honestly, it's between her, Haruka, or Kaoru.

She's in that sauna to get a slimmer figure

I'm about to watch her arc tonight. My body is not ready.

Sexhair is love sexhair is life!

Well get it ready, user.

Is that PSP game still untranslated? I love sex hair, I have no idea how to get into this series other than the PSP game and a couple of manga with her in it. My shit netbook can't even start up an emulator.

Okay. So... do you hate shy girls, short girls, and girls with pigtail things? Or is it only when these characteristics are combined that you hate it?

I've always hated them and after pic related I hate them even more. It mostly boils down to the fact that I have always found pigtails to be off putting and they are always worst girls of their series.

Fine the way it is really.

Im going to stalk her Heart

We know. She doesn't.

All I'd say is convince her she's fine the way she is!

If we consider the token tittymon kouhai's bio, and Seiren takes place one year after our man finds love, then wouldn't that mean that we get more of sensei, since we're back to the same school?

>no keiko gf





Tanaka has an ending in the VN.



user please.

"Please" yourself. I stand by what I said 100%. You're entitled to your opinion as I am mine, so don't try and change it.

Bitch please.

I think it's rather cute, if not odd, that Kaoru reacted the way she did.

She kinda looks like Shiki there.

This is a series that went out of its way to ruin every girl.

People can't handle shortstacks.


What the hell is this gif?

An accurate summation of Tachibana character.

he is a faggot


You sound jealous.


>he is a faggot

Hey man, I don't like him that much either but anyone who can land both Sexhair and Haruka can't be that bad.

people are still mad

And rightfully so.

Nigga you know that condom's got a hole in it
Not that you have a choice

this is so true

But Junichi is supposed to be your self insert.

The perfect human

Junichi has one of the best personalities in a harem/romance. He's definitely not just a generic self-insert.

>that fucking gap