We actually are

Name one successful black king, black monarchy or black ruler
>inb4 tribal chiefs
You have no culture except twerking (invented by whites) and rap music (invented by whites) plus all music is inevitably white since we invented it. Also call out to Parker my bro wassssssssssuuuuppppppppp (Budweiser commercial)

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>Name one successful black king, black monarchy or black ruler
Mansa Musa

Mansa Musa of Mali

inb4 this is the only good answer for the entire thread

Have to go all the way back to the Nubian empire. Really the only African powers in history, were only loosely related to anything Sub Saharan.

Based Nigerians disagree ...

Mansa Musa (wealthiest man in human history)

>rap music (invented by whites)

then why are there lots of decent black rappers, male and female, and only one or two white rappers that aren't cringe city?

and eddie murphy's dad in Coming to America was a succesful african king.

we waz.... oh wait that was the white man

Shaka Zulu, Songhai Dynasty, Haile Selassie, Prempeh I of the Ashanti, Seku of the Kong.

If you don't want people to learn about black history; don't try to pretend like blacks have no history.

>king salassiii
The nigger God impersonator???? Lmao!!!!!!

How is being one of the richest people during their times not successful?

I wasn't saying there weren't any other African Empires you fucking dope. I was saying that's likely to be the answer most people used in the thread. Good to see other people know a little more than your average person, but don't put words in my mouth.

Mansa Musa I

Ok, sorry.

>If you don't want people to learn about black history; don't try to pretend like blacks have no history.

That's where your wrong Bucko
>richest man in history
>doesn't mention king Schlomomon

apology accepted


Rameses 3 of Egypt you fucking retards. He lead the most powerful and advanced civilization on earth. We are still trying to figure out how the pharaohs did some of the things they did

He's not even on the top 10.

>Solomon - 40k pounds of gold net worth according to most favorable (((account)))
>Mansa Musa - 2k pounds of gold per year just from domestic mining

except not a nigger

Let's archive

Ramses was half white .. that's why Ule Brenner portrayed him.
>Ramses was black
>no proofs

You truly are a low iq nigger.
>mansa munsa mined gold
Typical nigger behavior
>Schlomomon was gifted more golf than any nigroid

What exactly was Solomon's net worth? Exactly how rich was he? There has never been a human in history who had SO MUCH gold and silver "at his fingertips" such that it was as common as pebbles! Since we know he ruled Israel for forty years, and that he brought in roughly 1.1 BILLION dollars of gold EACH YEAR, we can safely assume his assets were in the billions of dollars.

Solomon, however, possessed even MORE riches than what was mentioned above. He also inherited wealth from his father David, regularly received gold and silver from the kings of Arabia, governors and merchants, and heavily taxed his own people. Additionally, as if that was not enough, he received tribute money from countries and kingdoms, plus gold, silver, ivory, animals, slaves and so on every three years due to his business partnership with the King of Tyre AND he garnered gifts of gold, spices, precious stones, garments, armor, and so on EACH YEAR from a variety of others!

It is safe to say that the king was certainly RICH, and likely one of the top ten wealthiest humans EVER given the amount and variety of goods that came to him on a regular basis!

Mansa musa controlled a trading post and got rich off traders passing through. Literally did nothing but collect

>dubious historical accounts
>trusting the fucking (((bible)))
>including gifted wealth from David
>completely ignoring the fact that we're even arguing about who was richer between a black man and a jew; i.e. neither are wh*Te
Fuck off; you are historically illiterate and you're just mad there aren't enough stormniggers on this board for this thread to go your way


>didn't buy nuffin

As opposed to all those guys who worked at McDonalds for their millions

For one, that's a hyperbole. I'm sure he did more than that. Two, we aren't talking about successful black people. It's undeniable to claim he wasn't successful.

>Name one successful black king, black monarchy or black ruler
That doesn't say anything about "he has to be richer than everybody else". Just kill yourself OP.

>he's not the richest therefore all blacks are invalid twerkers

Nice googling brah.

>Solomon as your reference
Use Augustus Caesar; 20% of world GDP. He's wh*Te too!

>thinking you could get away with this little research in your echo chamber
Go back to stormnigger; Sup Forums is a libertarian board.

He was literally in the right place at the right time then the crown fell on his lap. He then proceeded to travel to Mecca and broke every nations economy between the west coast of Africa and Mecca by devaluing gold. He was a shit king.

If you include hereditary heads of state and include their sates wealth as personal wealth which is retarded anyway. The richest person ever would have been queen victoria.

I'm not trying to say he was particularly good; but OP is just fucking wrong.

I don't think Queen Victoria actually beats out Augustus because by then the taxes went to the state rather than directly to the Queen.

Are you saying he wasn't successful? I still haven't gotten an answer on how someone can be rich but not successful. I could care less what he did. I'm just answering the request-Name a successful black person.


>mansa munsa only name named
So pitiful you think you have history OR culture

>Shaka Zulu, Songhai Dynasty, Haile Selassie, Prempeh I of the Ashanti, Seku of the Kong

still seems shockingly small in number when you consider that they are the future.

The question wasn't who is more successful, the question was to name one successful black king. Mansa Musa is one successful black king.

But they're not the future; half of those niggers are gonna die and the other half will be working for the chinese.

>Shaka Zulu

....... >mfw

Kangz meme was a psy-op to make it so if you bring up how far across the world ancient Europeans got and how influential they were on those ancient cultures: they will tell you you are crazy like an Afrocentrist.

I bet you could get a "lol KANGZ" comment just bringing up how for Alexander the Great spread Greeks.


Mansa Musa was pretty successful.

Not saying that changes much, but yeah.

>Be me
>Shaka Zulu
>start waging full on wars instead of minor disputes
>using short sticks instead of long sticks
>exile all the young men after we win a war
>said men use same tactics we used
>exile all those men
yfw all of southern Africa has it's men exiled
yfw African family removed from existence

Ironic, but the very first king of all time was Nimrod - a black man. He ruled Babylon and literally tried to take over and enslave the entire world at that time. We are still living in the shadow of that ancient Babylonian One World Government/Religion/Race type of thinking, nowadays called 'Mystery Babylon'. It is still the primary force behind the New World Order, carried forth by Freemasonry.

Hate me all you want but it is the truth.


Just search around - you can find many, many sources saying the same thing. William Cooper's series on Mystery Babylon is excellent and extremely thorough.

Barack Obama.

>using the word nigger in 2017
porch monkey
brown baboon
melon muncher
chicken bone sucker
blue back
jungle bunny
government honey
chocolate cricket
black crow