I was just wondering, with the whole #ItsOkayToBeWhite campaign...

I was just wondering, with the whole #ItsOkayToBeWhite campaign, what if one of us posts #ItsOkayToBeBlack just to see how the media reacts to it? If they say this is empowering and promoting diversity the media will come out as a hypo critic piece of shit. Idk, just an idea.

Do not alter the message. IOTBW does not need a sequel, any follow up should be entirely unconnected.

You're a meme flag neckbeard nigger go back

its a great idea. commence!

Its Okay To Be BlackBeard

It's ok for a woman to be a housewife.

This should be the only non related follow up.

This. It's not even about race but it will still resonate the state of society as a whole.

ink expenses will be much higher

it's okay to be yourself, with Sup Forums on the bottom in small print.
spam it like something has never been spammed before and watch the media try and spin it


Not to mention that woman will virtue signal for it and even though signaling is not an ideal trait, the conclusion leads to positive fruits.

I don't have a social media to spread this but soon any user will.

Are you Mike?

>what if one of us posts #ItsOkayToBeBlack just to see how the media reacts to it?

There will be no reaction. No one will notify the uni admins, call the police, or contact reporters.

Fuck off back to sheddit kike cum sock.

I was going to make a meme about how your a jew but honestly there's no such thing as bad publicity.

iam not even a kike but ok you imbred fuck and its retarded cousin no-vote country can suck my hairy balls.

only thing i wanted to say is that in order to mess with peoples heads is not to just spam ''its okay to be white''

give the people something to think about, that Sup Forums isnt full off larpers but normal human beings that also have a vote (sorry there puerto rico).
youll actually make the media spin itself into its grave if you did something more moderate.
the whole ok to be white thing wasnt a race thing to begin with.. its okay to be anyone.

so why not use this as an advantage for once

What part of fuck off back to sheddit kike scum don't you understand?

Have baby penises make you that retarded?

Fuck off kekistani shithead.


considering all the coddling and enabling, this would be good. it would remind niggers of their place and trigger messiah complexed white liberals

Wow a meme made you incredibly angry hairy balls more like no balls

oh look, the sockpuppet of the u.s. learned some new words, but still cant read.

not a KIKE, get it into your thick skull or did that hurricane also blow so much wind up your ass that youre just reciting bullshit to get rid of it?
jesus christ i met some stubborn puerto rican fucktards in my life but you have outdone yourself.
still would prolly fuck your sister tho if you got one.
puerto rican ladies are good under the sheets

I was thinking about printing ones that just said "It's ok to be"

>learned some new words

So besides also being a retarded baby penis eating kike you're also schizophrenic?

Oh right, we're close to December and you're just acting out all your guilt, you filthy kike just go get your nose stuffed with a latke while you click your next leddit link and kindly fuck off, cum suck.