This is perfectly normal. Stop being so transphobic, bigots!
that dick shrink
Shit is disgusing
sick fuck! Off to the mental ward with you.
kek, Aleister Crowley is laughing his ass off right now
Why'd they stop taking pictures just as they were transitioning the most quickly?
It was pretty cool seeing the changes right at the last few seconds.
transexualism the only mental illness that requires everyone else to play along.
Not girly enough for me desu
>that dick shrink
No, bigot! His dick is not shrinking...her clitoris is finally coming into form.
More holes for us to fuck I don't know why are you angry?
-1 Male competitors
+1 female that was going to be fucked by that male
and later
-1 human when it kills itself
ends up as quite a feminine penis indeed
Why they always have bad hair? greasy, weak and always the ugly brown, probably because weak and greasy make it even worse when it's brown.
Why am I so annoyed by this?
This. What the hell man
>being this mentally ill
t-the shrink
which products are hormone packed again?
This is honestly one of the best mental illnesses. People here will pretend they're grossed out but I know a lot of people secretly think that traps are hot and would want to fuck one.
yeah most right wingers are sexually repressed, it's Sup Forums so they'll virtue signal their disgust but in reality they're ready to unzip
this has got to stop. its embarrasing to the human race
>Leviticus 18:22 - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.
now fuck off sodomite
it's not gay, if the penis is feminine
this whole transexual shit started first in the occult circles circa 1900. they think it's a form of making humans ''androgynous'' again, uniting the male and female parts of the soul. kek
many of Crowley's adepts turned into trannies after his death. keep in mind that this was happening during a time when people had no idea about trannies.
Manly P Hall was warning about this perversion of the teaching all the way back in 1928, when he published The Secret Teaching of all ages,
from the occult circles this shit leaked to the masses. it's a way through wich the elites try to corrupt the normies in order to usher in their new luciferian world order
It killed itself probably. Trannies trick everyone into supporting them then off themselves leaving behind tons of medical debt which they more than likely tricked someone into helping them.
Remember the government is so cucked they'd rather this be the norm than let researchers look into treating it as a mental disorder.
Looks better with a dick and no boobs.
Thanks common filth, but have you actually read the Bible or just watched some YouTube videos?
what the fuck it had a bigger dick than me
Not ever once.
>a lot of people secretly think that traps are hot and would want to fuck one.
and no nobody would want to fuck that skinny dude. normal people fuck moist vaginas not shitty assholes
Daily reminder that Baphomet is literally a tranny.
From soyboy to qt girl (male) with feminine penis
Enjoy your ban, Shlomo.
i'm 560 pages deep, it's very boring 2bh and i don't understand most of it
Did you ever catch that story about the guy whose boyfriend got him drunk and then injected alcohol into his balls?
He said his testicles shriveled up like raisins and his dick shrank and became useless.
Why are you quoting it then... Also, start with the new testament its more interesting.
Im 560 pages deep in ur mom
meh, the idea behind this is millenias old. it's about philosophically combining both (philosophical/esoteric) elements of maleness and femalesness in order to have a balanced spiritual development.
the recent shit with Baphomet / The goat of Mendes is new age/luciferian/satanic crap that is relatively new. Like Manly P Hall said it's a carnal perversion of a millenarian teaching.
this fucking pussy gave up on a big dick!
fucking disgusting
there is nothing normal about mental illness you stupid fucking faggot
This. What the actual fuck.
How can you hate your own dick?
It's my favorite body part. If I went blind, I'd jerk off one last time and then kill myself. If I lost my dick, I'd just kill myself.
It's normal in the sense that insanity cause those that suffer from it to act in strange ways
>implying you dont want to be in a womans body instead
Being a man sucks. Women have vaginas and bobs
>Stop being so transphobic, bigots!
Fuck off and die, faggot. GTFO of Sup Forums.
i'd deffo bum a cute trap. they have to be really cute though in the face, though. i can't deal with overly masculine features. i'd even treat them like a real girl for a bit, might be nice.
it's not a sustainable relationship, though. that's why they kill themselves, being trans is only good between 16 and 32. after that it's just an ugly man in a dress with fake tits.
Wait, what? Why would losing your sight mean you can't enjoy your dick?