Can someone tell me anything bad about todays feminism?

Can someone tell me anything bad about todays feminism?

Can you tell us anything GOOD about today's feminism?

>todays feminism

Feminism has always been bad, and it's always been pushed by emasculated men. When suffrage was passed for women the majority of women (70%) didn't even support it.

It's consequences have also drastically lowered women's happiness. Today, women have to
1) graduate high school
2) graduate college
3) obtain high paying job
4) pay for rent/utilities
5) find decent man
6) have children

And this is all before their ovaries dry up. You can thank feminism for overburdening women with bullshit.

Ohshit didnt see that one coming

So, Ive been working to achieve a sissygasm on and off for roughly the last year. Frequently I would get to the point where it felt like I was going to climax but before I could reach the tipping point my ass would contract, attempting to force the dildo out. This was very uncomfortable, and sometimes painful, and completely undid any progress made during that session. In an attempt to make it easier to achieve the coveted sissygasm I put myself in chastity for the week. Today I cleaned myself up, put on some of my favorite hypnos on my TV and spent roughly 3 hours fucking my pussy. About one hour in I felt an incredibly intense burning pleasure in my clitty and it started spasming, shooting out cum. I had done it. My first sissygasm and it felt amazing. But I was still insatiably horny and I kept going. For the next two hours I would have waves of pleasure wash over me as rammed my prostate with my dildo. At one point I had a sissygasm so intense that I started uncontrollably peeing. And, since I was in full slut mode I cupped it in my hands and slurped it all up. It was very sticky and gooey as it was also full of precum. After three hours I am still insatiably horny, but am too exhausted to continue. However, if someone just walked in with their cock out I would mindlessly start sucking it and then take it in my now gaping hole. I just wanted to say thank you Sup Forums for showing me what my purpose is in life and guiding me along the way to being an anal whore. If there was any doubt in my mind that I was not a sissy cumslut they are now gone, replaced with the desire to experience more pleasure from my pussy being used.

Edit: I woke up this morning and the first thing I did was lube up my pussy with spit and finger myself because I was still so horny.

nice pasta

Thats great

Tell me more about why feminism has changed from bad to worse

The idea that women are entitled to something they did not, as individuals, earn. Collectivising rights, based on gender, instead of protecting the liberty of all. Equality under the law is achieved. You cannot discriminated based on gender. What, then, is the purpose of feminism? It is to install a matriarchy. It is to dismantle a perceived "patriarchy" that does not, in fact, exist. Meritocracy is antithetical to the feminist agenda, because it is, at it's core, today, a form of marxist thought - it tells women that they are oppressed, encourages them to hate their oppressor, in this case, men. They fail to realise that men do not oppress women, that women oppress themselves by wallowing in victim mentalities and not filling their minds with facts, educating themselves properly about how the world works.

Women in the work force have increased labor supply therefor decreasing wages and making it harder for men to support a family off of their income. This has, in turn, made families more dependant on nannies and the State to raise their offspring creating generations of children who are largely maladaptive and perverse.

Keep going!!

Feminism has made it legal to kill an unborn child even if the Father of said fetus objects to that. This is immoral as you are effectively murdering another persons child. Feminism has made many countries on a hair trigger for identifying 'rape culture' but refuses to act on the thousands upon thoudands of rapes that happen every year due to our corrupt prison industries.

Feminism is Jewish subversion of white countries. Feminism weakens us a great deal, it pits white women against white men.

As a personal anecdote, feminism wasted years of my life on dependant gibmedat soyboys who assumed I would be the breadwinner, housekeeper and the future mother of their children all because I was convinced I was a (((strong wommin))) and had a proper education. It is a scapegoat for weak men to leech off of women and stay beta manchildren well into their 30s. Feminism is truely a cancer. I now work in an all leftist female environment (education) and I see them telling little boys how they can and cant play with eachother (especially no pretend shooting) effectively setting them up to be the next generation of feminized men (that is, unless their will can resist this brainwashing). Feels sad man.jpg

And yet, without them it seems unfeasible to run our current economies. Quite a dilemma?

Especially this. A healthy relationship can rarely, if ever, exist between a man and a woman if each does not know their place. Women should not be in charge of leading their man. They should not be the decision makers. If it comes to this, its because she is with a beta, and she will inevitably lose attraction and passion for such a weak willed man. Its in our nature. Womens egos, in general, have grown out of control.

Their emblem looks like a Christian cross is fisting some hole.


Literally everything about modern feminism is bad. If feminists weren't complete hypocrites they'd be the most anti-Muslim people on Earth and yet somehow they all seem to support Islamic invasion.

It is. I think a very large, new movement of women praising the stay at home mother across the globe would have to take place before something like that became possible. Unfortunately many modern women view commitment to family and childrearing as some type of cop out, waste of life or intellect, and at worse a literal prison sentence. Im praying for a change but Im going to statt with myself first.


The hypocrisies are literally endless. Feminists cant into logic whatsoever.

>More important than kids and marriage

What could possibly be more important? Some stupid job? Being a whore?


On the positive side, women with this level of vapidness and concete should never procreate their genetics as they are likely shit tier in intelligence.

Your posts are great! Keep going!

>giulia Shlomo

Are you male? Did you grow up in Sweden?

You should be able to come up with a few things on your own?

Woman are children trapped in an adult body.
Woman can be molded in any way.

Can't stop myself posting that pic.


top kek

The gender pay gap is a myth. Women going to college subverts them from having children when they are most healthy and fertile, therefor producing generations of offspring that are more likely to have genetic conditions, weakening our genetic stock overall.

Honestly I just want to hear you guys' opinions and thoughts about this, there for I wont say what i think. Sorry.
But keep going please, give me some of the best arguments you have!

The oppression olympics that feminism has become is a never ending downward spiral. I dont feel like explaining all the details of this but its illogical as a whole. Intersectional feminism is a trash postmodernist ideology that is browbeaten into students across the globe now. Listen to some of Jordan Petersons discussions on it he has some very good points to make on this subject though I dont agree with everything he believes.


Why are you looking for answers about today's feminism on Sup Forums?

There are lots of things going on terribly since a few decades, feminism may be one of them. From my point of view (and I've been in a feminist collective for 5 months, non-inclusive) they didn't have to mix with lgbt people nor anti-racist groups. the trannies started ruling the place because they were "the most oppressed". We couldn't even talk about abortion because "not all women have vaginas".

And nowdays feminism it's not a movement, they're just a bunch of girls that follow a trend about being rebellious against their parents. They all dress the same and listen to the same shit. Some of them are really promiscuous and post nudes online yet they hate porno.

But then you have the betas and omegas calling all women whore which leads you to a point of believing that we both men and women are doomed. They can fuck their sex bots and "bros" while pretending that someday they'll have artificial wombs, after all we are retarded cheaters that can only feel love for black cock.

It doesn't have to be like this.

Feminism = Hatred of males, family and nation

Literally a communist hydra head

Got any suggestions where else i should go and look?

Talk to a feminist who is older than 50 years old, read about feminism in several paper books (mostly by women and maybe some by men), anyone can post shit online but its a little bit harder to print dumb ideas.

I could be wrong I know.

>Talk to a feminist who is older than 50 years old
wtf are you talking about...they are all fucking dead with their cats.

this sums up about today's feminist

50 years old and already dead? You must live in a shithole with no clean water. Cats are cool.

fuck off fag
feminist are literally girls who whore through their 20's and 30's to
catch STDs or other fucking horrible disease and die in their 40's.