You have 10 seconds to convince me the Irish are white


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Whiter than you, muhammed.

I have failed you user.

t. Eiremutt

>Britnigger calls Irish mutts

jesus at least use a proxy.

Whites should be on the same team. Not arguing over whos the purest wtf. Fuck the britbong for starting this & fuck the nigger for falling for the b8

Their history is literally worse than Ethiopia's.

Irishmen are literal subhumans

Archived it

All the micks I've had the displeasure of encountering were massive furfags

The average "english" is far more black than the average "Irish"

Leave the irish alone you pakicunt

you're still with us

>viciously attack the Irish for no reason
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this

>infighting within white people
wow i wonder who caused this.

Stop stealing the insult about us, fucking britbong

If we were white we would apologize for it and spend the century fucking niggers and cheering our demographic demise.

Sorry if that's not European enough for you lot.

Go suck Merkel's tits you Euroshit soyboy

>some subhuman sandnigger shit calls me names that don't even make sense
Damn son you sure showed me

I'm Irish and I made this merchant gif. Surely, tis enough to pass the tests of whiteness.

Ireland is the only European country on the Atlantic that never had an empire.


Austria isn't even a real country. You don't have your own currency or even a border. You are the typical effeminate Euroshit butthurt about Britain crushing you in both world wars.

The illuminati hate the Gaelic

>Irish were the first slaves sent to America
>Witch hunts were to eradicate the Irish and their knowledge of medical procedures, midwivery, medicinal plants and culture from antediluvial times
>Salem "witches" "speaking in tounges" were reciting lord's prayer in gaelic
>Pict culture is carried on in polynesia from ancient culture and illuminati tried to bury it to say they invented all scientific knkwledge
>sheeeit. Even the ancient gaelic term for spiritual enlightenment is "bodhi" as in bodhidharma - a buddha, the previous christ.

>demanding a christian burial for a whore's son

t.bad teeth McGee that let''s a goatfucking shitskin be in charge of his capital and that can get arrested for saying the wrong thing online
Brits really are just niggers in disguise

The Irish are one of the last countries of Celts. The true Europeans. Germanic tribes were nothing more then filthy Refugees escaping from there war torn lands. Sounds familiar?

t. 20% black 15% Irish 20% Anglo 10% German 35% Spic Amerimutt

>he can't refute my point so he screeches about a Paki mayor who has no power other than passing through bus timetables

You're literally ruled by unelected Jews in a country we made up lmao

Pic is one of my Irish ancestors, we are just as white as continentals, we are all Indo Europeans.

The mayor of their capital city isn't muslim

>talks about le effeminate non-sense when there's a right wing government in place
The only effeminate cucks are you brits and your "le brexit" that did absolutely fucking nothing your country is lost.

But our Taoiseach is a gay Indian

wtf is wrong with buicks?

Seems to be an increase in anti-Irish posts lately. Coincidentally if the white Irish and brits don't get along brexit could be halted.

Jesus Christ I take it back you guys are cucked

>right wing
>pro EU

Pick one little continent nigger

A mayor doesn't do anything important.

Meanwhile Ireland's president or whatever they have in that little EU slave colony is a literal gay poo in loo.

end of discussion.

How did they distinguish Irish people from other whites if they changed surnames? They are not colour coded like black slaves, so how did the system work?

they're not
a nigger atleast kills niggers and sell crack

Fuck off Jew.
>is blank white? Xd
