Why is Trump so obsessed with Hillary?
Why is Trump so obsessed with Hillary?
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Aside from the criminal aspect he is actively tackling, this is the same line fat women come up with. Her delusion is pretty sad, she would have been much better off completely leaving the public eye, now she is making a fool of herself and going to be facing criminal charges.
Hillary embodies every argument why women shouldn't be in the workplace.
Hysterical, irrational, emotional, unprofessional, whiny, annoying, entitled and on and on.
Women wanted an equal chance and said all these accusations were insulting and degrading and just men trying to maintain power. And look at where it ended up.
That’s just what girls say when they like a boy and he rejects her
>omg like this guy is so obsessed with me
It's good when all of your followers are angry at something other than you.
A year after the election, Obama was busy being POTUS. He wasn't obsessing over McCain or Romney. But Trump has been a terrible president so all he can do is live in the past or play golf
Because she's going to jail.
>Oh, you think trying to start a nuclear war is bad, but at least I'm not Hillary Clinton!
>What do you mean multiple members of my staff have been arrested for lying about their ties to Russia? Let me talk about Hillary Clinton!
He should be praying every single day she never dies or he might actually have to answer questions about his actions.
Oh who am I kidding, he'll just talk about Obama instead.
>hillary spends 24 hours a day shitposting on trump and undermining his administration
WOW SO BRAVE!! #stillwithher
>Donald trump does the presidential equivalent of saying lol shut up bitch
>Hillary Clinton will never be president
You can't say that for sure
1. He wants her to stay in the public sqhere, and he knows she can't resist it, when he attacks her.
2. The left is completely shattered. No one really wants to associate with the Clintons anymore.
3. He keeps the image of DNC as Clintons camp, because all the leftists will 'come to her rescue' and defend her.
4. By challenging her to run for election in 2020, he indirectly distances himself from the U1 investigation. Because he seems to have no knowledge upon the indictments coming out soon.
Why is Trump so obsessed with her? What? How about every week she carries on about Russia and has a whine about why she lost. Every damn week is a new excuse as to why she lost. It's as if no one has told her she's not relevant anymore.
Because she is the head of criminal network that has actively been working to undermine our political system for her own personal gain?
Yeah thats why.
I think you have things a little mixed up there. O_o
The last several months has just been him telling the FBI "Stop investigating crimes committed by my employees. Investigate her!"
It's simple.. just like Putin needs a scapegoat (the US) to blame for it's poor economy and rampant brain drain, Trump needs a scapegoat (Hillary) to blame for his completely ineffectual presidency, where shit is not getting done. Don't hold your breath on tax reform,
Yeah no
Idiot newfag
>when you're so retarded you can't grasp the basic concept of economics
Any country that lived under Socialism is going to have a poor economy from the fallout for years you retarded piece of shit
I haven't heard him mention her name since shortly after the election. All I hear from Shillary that clings on to the msm she still controls, her books and her and soros shill campaigns is
>muh russia
>muh trump
>muh collusion
>muh trump
>I really won
>muh trump
>muh trump
>it was my turn
>muh trump
>it would be abuse to probe uranium one
>muh trump
it's been old for almost a fucking year. ffs they even sent people(podesta) on tv here just a couple of months ago going just like her as if people voted here(well there are a few k voters living here) and that the election wasn't done yet
to fuck her white virgin pussy
He's right though.
Are you retarded? He tweets about her constantly.
Because Trump knows that keeping the Clinton's in the spotlight will hurt the democrats. Every time that vapid cunt opens her mouth, she trashes the DNC and all the people who failed her. She wrote a fucking book about it, how pathetic is that?
The DNC wants to move on, but as long as that old hag is cackling away they can't. In fact, hillary is going to fuck the dems in 2020 for revenge. Its going to be glorious.
That is the best vagina I have ever seen. Sauce?
Well she wrote a book about him and is spreading lies about him so he has to respond
>t-t-trump's twitter!1
Romney and McCain weren't doing television interviews every fucking day trying to play a victim role.
She’s obsessed with herself.
>Fugitive: Police "are obsessed" with me
> to protect the United States from enemies both foreign and domestic
She and her shills represent both
Dear Jury I would like to present my first piece of evidence for the defense, and that is that the prosecution is just OBSESSED with the defendant. They literally track every crime xir makes, and would just not let go of it.
>Trump will never be a legitimate president
Trump knows he didn't win legitimately, so in his mind he feels he still needs to campaign to win the election properly. Which includes defeating his running opponent, hence his obsession with her.
They're obsessed with each other. But not as much as these insufferable boobs are obsessed with themselves.
He's obsessed with destroying the people and system that made 9/11 happen. He lost friends to that Saudi/Israeli attack (S.A. and Israel leaders are in bed with each other) and vowed revenge.
Orange Truffle Snuffels is obsessed with whatever it is obsessed with. Like Spiderpig in that movie. Such behaviour is good for the Bitcoin.
He wouldn't be entirely wrong. Trade restrictions and the US destabilzed Libya and Syria to get that oil pipeline to beat the Russians to securing their oil trade with Europe. Russia's fault for being dependent on oil, but still.
Events with Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Isis, Libya, Iran, are all related to oil politics, which has as one of the main goals to keep Russia from rising again as a threat.
because it's the one "win" he's gotten in the past year
Why not, always good for a laugh.
but it is she who said that, not Trump
standard practice, blame your opponent for what youre guilty of. Its like a natural reaction for her, she cant even help it.
>the one win
>winning the presidency of the united states vs an opponent that the media, government, and global billionaires all worked behind the scenes to anoint.
pretty big fucking win soyboy
He's obssesed with her because he knows she's the rightful president whilst he's just a buffoon and a fraud
Shes gone insane lmao