Prepare your anus, EUr*pe.
WW3 is coming
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Britain caliphate fighting european calliphate?
oh nononon
>Guy that posts meme has British flag
>Dumbass kraut posts meme about burgers
>Buthurt amerimut
>too pussy to admit he fucked up
>Posts Ad hominem
Do you always just lash out at us burgers when you hear your mom and your new stepdad Ahmed fucking in the next room or is this your first time?
How to explain this to EU Government?
What is EU?
>one post by ID
and Sup Forums will take the bait and shitpost themselfs in to the ground
Canadians and Britishtanis will be your fifth column.
Britbongistans are like you fucking nigger jews fuck you mutt fat fuck.
shut up Sveabdul, you somali half-pipe
Hopefully. Getting pretty fucking bored over here.
>US has least cucked laws but le 53% face and lowering
>West Europe has racial homogeneity but their cuck policies will lead to le 53% face in a few decades
>East Europe is white people trying their hardest to be niggers
What countries can be fixed?
>mutts believe russia will put up with their shit
kek, soy is getting to your brains
Thank God for Putin!
Why would Europe ever be at war with America? Europe is an American vassal to begin with, under total control from Washington, so where would this war come from?
>East Europe is white people trying their hardest to be niggers
Wrong faggot. East Europe is white people trying their hardest to survive after their countries have been robbed blind and plunged into eternal debt by a certain tribe of dual-citizenship wielding (((Americans)))
We'd never post those nasty amerimut memes, friend.
>BTFO by based Great Britain
>post 56% memes and cry about how much you hate America
Look, sandnigger shoping in Portugal
Fuck you oslo nigger!
we're neutral and decided not to opt into the EU army, so no thanks.
Using a nuke is considered a rage quit
Do Europeans really believe they aren't colossal shitposting faggots?
We need a new name for those memes. They're a D&C op by some group - they started all at once a couple weeks ago.
Sup Forums might as well be a brown shower fetish board if that's what it's come to. I love how some of the really dumb Euros are now doing that group's work for them.
You have never been to eastern Europe, we have more whites than u and we are more traditional and religious
such a shame to realize what both my grandfathers' fought for.
the pretentious ones do
its just bantz get over it
the only reason the "D&C shilling" is having any effect is because you are letting it have an effect
germany vs japan.
I think you got your alliances wrong m8.
You get the gas first, globalist mongol.
>joins the EU
>refuses to legalize abortion legal
>lowers their taxes to steal German businesses
>fails to take in refugees
>declines to join the EU army
Ireland is a Chad nation
Can I fight for the Based Alliance
you are delusional if you think you won't be part of the caliphate nigel
This is so cool. World is ridding curing the eczema rash.
They're best bros with the US now.
Populism triumphed in Britain and the US whereas Germany reelected Mutti.
We da Nazis nao
>United Amerimutt of Israel
>Chinck colony
>Little Chink Colony
>Le ebin based animu creator XD XD
>Aliens from a far away wasteland
People from Kosovo and Chechenia, teach us some lessons you have learned in your civil wars because certainly many are coming to western europe soon
>Includes Hungary
>Includes Slovakia
>Includes Poland
Every day that passes Brits are becoming more anti EU and redpilled.
You elected Trump and you're only 56% white. Imagine what we can do with only 5% Muslims.
if it was just bantz we would be getting new ones
instead all 60 or so of them came out on the same day and have been re-spammed ever since
sure makes an oldfag ponder
>What is EU?
A proto-NWO construct that failed
It's not bantz. If you were there - it was a coordinated assault that flooded the board.
Mods mostly have it under control, but annoys me to no end when my fellow Euros are doing that group's work for them.
> Moortugal
> Italy
Yeah, at least most of them died well before things turned into total shit. The boomers really fucked us over.
They are all pro EU and will therefore serve willingly in the EU Caliphate army.
Sometimes it's fun
>Based Alliance
>tfw if Canada was in proximity to the Middle East like Europe we would be in the same situation as Sweden, Germany, and the UK
Will I be okay if I move to swiss?
Bubbles from the Wire moved to Germany.
You're in the same situation anyway
Rise! Men of the West
>ever winning a war ever
>UK, Canada and Australia
We'll gas you together with the jews. Migration is a trick to get a stronger anti-semetic movement in europe. Wake the fuck up anglos
nice norway proxy shart.
Germany let them in and the continent rolled over. They're your problem not ours.
>memeflag calling someone else a proxy
Pretty much this, and even the white Americans are still usually Jews.
They have to ask us
>Estados Unidos de América
>Pakistan 2.0
rly nigga?
Louk at me...I am de captin now...
No that's Canada. We're actually doing better with reforms in the way and ICE not being cucked by King Nigger.
I do hope the anglosphere joins up for the big one though.
Actual retard
You are invited Poland, Hungary is not. The Magyars will burn.
rape ecks dee
England, Canada and Eastern Europe should change places.
>You see
If it is to smash shitskins, we are in, like always.
if it is to have another brother's war among us euros,fck that shit.
Local Italian Man Single Handedly Destroys Intercontinental Coalition.
>Finland next to the shittiest, most cucked countries in the world
Is this really how the world sees us? I don't want to live anymore.
Throw overrun Bongland and cucked Canada in the European caliphate. Can't you see your brownies will need to go before you side with the glorious American and Russian liberators?
>allying with america
>overrun Bongland
okay 56%
>knowing precisely what's going to happen and doing nothing to avert it
the Based Alliance is missing Israel
>forgetting that the suburbs and farmlands are near 100% white
the shit people on this board tell themselves
>not a European Caliphate
>european country
>doesn't think this is overrun
Difference between america and englistan is that the white man came LATER. He didn't originate in america. You're getting cucked in your fucking HOMELAND
Israel is waiting to see who will win, so they can fix another Holohoax.
That's really sad.
obviously the (((Based Alliance))) will win as it contains Israel's greatest ally!
Imagine the damage that someone could do with a Semi.
more proof that ancaps are the biggest newfags on this board
Thats insane
my angus is peppered