> be me first year film production student
>our university forces us to make in groups a documentary about any subject
>the art fags in my group chose to do it about a drag queen
>we pick our roles and i am the cinematographer
>an individual in my group has a drag friend and we negotiate the dates and the subject for our documentary
> we go to the fags house and we start filming
>have an epiphany to trigger the fag just to get some reactions out of my group-mates on film
>i sperged out as we are filming and call him a mentally ill degenerate in addition i start stating facts and statistics about trans suicide rates and how they are damaging society,finish the monologue by telling him to kill himself
> everyone is flabbergasted
> i have everything on camera
> 2 days pass and i learn the news that the fag actually did it
>my group spreads the news in my uni and everyone knows what i did
>received a shit tone of hate messages from the other libshits,my parents have been notified and i have a meeting with the university administrators on monday
>hopefully the media doesn't get notified but likely they will
am i going to jail or what ?
Other urls found in this thread:
No idiot. You're not going to jail.
We had this thread last week. And the week before that. Sage.
Was he legally an adult?
Him killing himself is his business
Also get a real major
If this is real, deny deny and deny. If not you're going to jail
This is a lie
Post screencaps or else this is larping
Are you mentally ill? Who just blurts shit like that out? Oh also saged.
it's not your fault he's a statistic
I do. My neighbour is a tranny and I tell him to kill himself every day
godspeed op, fight whatever they do to you
Why did you post this here?
Where else am i supposed to post this?
Yes he will
Why would you want to post it at all?
pic or didn't happen
God speed user
>am i going to jail or what ?
Obviously no-
>dat flag
It was nice knowing you.
Pasta I think but if not credits to you. You are alpha and based as fuck man
get an extra perspective,the deed is allready done anw
> be me first year film production student
Ok. I'll bookmark this thread and post it the next time I see it.
>post claiming he has video
>doesn't post video
Yeah nah. Saged and hidden.
Had this thread already.
Digits and the film will be released under the title "The Final Transition"
are you retarded or what why i would post something that incriminates me plus all the evidence have been dealt with
I remember this from a few months ago! Brits sure kill a lot of queers.
I see. I suppose it could help.
Just keep in mind that they may find this thread if they check your pc.
Mods should delete confirmed larp threads
Do it ass fag
I regret wasting time on this thread.
I laughed very very hard OP.
It hurt.
I'm pretty sure you're guaranteed VIP seats in Heaven.
>That flag
Better convert to Islam quick
Show us the video faggot and we might give our blessings when they cut your pee pee off.
god's work OP
"Das rite keel, keel da faggots. Bang bang nigga bang bang if I'm see da homo on da streets I keel keel kill da homo BIX NOOD."
No matter what happens you did the right thing.
Oh. Looks like someone did my work for me.
Delete the video evidence and deny it.
Fucking this. Haha
Enjoy prison, Muhammad.
I've heard this story before. Good pasta.
>am i going to jail or what ?
Depends. Did you have a license for those comments you used?
Doing gods work user
You're alright, mohammed.
Even if the story isn't true, you're going to jail for posting this.
Idiots itt
If they did that, most of the catalog would be gone.
1. Use Hillary defense on trial.
2. Record it too.
Youre not going to jail. But you never gonna have any social life again
Top kek.
Probably fake but if not mate. deny everything and then delete the Evidence (Why you didn't already do this befor asking what to do your a dumbfag) Also stick by what you said fuck those trans gay boi's, if stating facts makes you kill yourself then thats natural selection baby.
"Say what again i fucking dare you"
Weak larp.
>finish the monologue by telling him to kill himself
>the absolute madman actually doest it
Have your libshit mates got any copy of the video? If it's just you who has the video then nuke whatever device it's on and you should get away with it as long as you don't fall for any interview questions that are designed to trip you up/make you admit things. If anyone else has any evidence that isn't just a statement then you're literally going to prison even if it's a short sentence you'll be converted to Islam the first day, they will probably accept you for driving a fag to kill himself but other than that, enjoy your new life a Muhammed with a criminal record.
She did more than just said "kys"
Fake, but the fact that the Tranny actually did it is amusing
nvm, confirmed larp thread by .
Abandon thread, reminder that sage goes in the options field.
Let me guess - Istra?
Is it illegal to tell someone to kys?
Don't think you will be in legal trouble but you will face a social backlash because "muh feelings"
his last act was to prove you right.
still doesn't make it nice, but it's something.
Drop out, sever any and all ties, lay low, change your name, and come back again.
Also, pursue a non-shit major this time.
Old pasta. atleast you waited a bit but jesus m8
(either that or this is a common thing that happens)
Share the footage of your spergout with us in webm form with audio on the gif board before it becomes evidence and we won't get to see it or hear from you for a while.
Oh, fuck off OP. Sage
this is an old pasta.... wtf are you doing!
You're going to jail. In America, we have a time-honored tradition of believing people are responsible for their own decisions, but not so in third world Europe.
You’re not suppose to force feed the red pill in amounts that would lead to a overdose.
read this and stop replying you impatient retards
guess whats in my options field, op
it was just the straw that broke the castrated camel's back
you bongs are hopeless
you talk about statistics related to suicide and somebody offs themselves?
how stupid are you to think that something like this gets you accused of a crime???
I salute you