Why are Catholics so left wing?

Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Ireland, France, Spain etc are all socialist shitholes. Also Catholics in Protestant countries vote for leftist causes (pic related).

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we are not left wing

Because they are a bunch of fucking pussies

I dont know. In the ancient times they were badass (crusades), and now we have a fucking left wing pope.

The Pope is infallible to Catholics.

The Pope is a Marxist.

Therefore all Catholics are Marxist.


Reminder that "Pope" literally means "Father"

The Protestant Work Ethic was a key cultural factor that lead to social trends like individualism, personal responsibility, and entrepreneurship.

Catholicism encouraged the tradition of paying the church to forgive your sins; and this lead to a general lack of individual responsibility and more reliance on the state.

Not to mention, most Protestants descended from based Anglo-Germanic genes.

despite what Sup Forums tradcucks larping as Catholics think I find the RC Church way more subversive than any Mainline Protestant denomination. Catholics want more third world parishioners both here and there as that is how their church has always functioned, by taking money from peasants. Mainline churches really just think they're doing the moral thing by helping Africans and other assorted Third Worlders

Is there any refutation to the statement that the pope is infallible? I never see anyone counter it with anything other than "Heresy!!!"

spain is half socialist because of a 40 year fascist dictatorship. will take generations to bounce back

yet alot of times i mention i'm a protestant here, i get called a cuck, weird innit

They can't counter it because it's literally in their "rulebook". ALL of the popes are infallible. They also believe that little round wafer literally becomes the flesh and blood of Christ Jesus. Not symbolically, literally.


Be cause ur monarchy destroy the good monarchy and make thats countries a banana republics
Is the fault of the eternal anglo.
>catholic protestant are the same to Roman Catholics
what is the opus dei, what is the cristero war.
Stop to be a faggot only cause the irish want independence to ur fucking island and go to study.


Because Catholics are against progress.
They are authoritarian.

Your English is really bad. No wonder Americans want to keep you beaners out.

because they are an evil pagan cult that worships the beast and licks the boots of the kike

It's the Jesuits, it's always the Jesuits

you clowns are generalizing a diverse group of millions of people across the whole Earth

it is obvious that Christian values fights degeneracy and strongly promotes faithful women

Yeah ok

Poland and Austria are traditionally Catholic and the only two Western/not poor as shit developed European countries which don't seem to be supercucked.
Catholics in the US voted Trump even when you count the nonwhites.
> Ireland
> Socialist shithole
> France
> Shithole
> Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico
> Shitholes because of policy and not because of demographics


All the real Catholics down their got killed off in the dorty wars and Cristeneros stuff in mexico its a jew run show down their

> Poland and Austria
Shit, I meant Italy and Austria

Why don't "protestant" countries believe in God?

I love how people pretend "Catholic" Nations are in existence like this is the early 19th Century or something lol

Secularism, "human rightsism", occultism, satanism, and our favorite owners of all media, govs, and banking JEWS

They're too smart to believe in fairy tales.


Because of the Catholic Jesuit military. The papacy didn't take the reformation too well.

Guilt rhetoric is super effective against Catholics.

some middle eastern watered down version of judaism is not our type of god. Finally getting rid of 2 millennia of christianity thank fuck

i'm catholic because of my parents, but this book redpilled me. catholics just want to get by and are literally bugmen of religion. it's seen in their very ritualistic broadway-esque religious practices

i had a latina bully me over my religion and literally said she converted out of catholicism because it felt like dude turn your brain off: the religion

>hes argument is u are a Chicano ggg bad english x,d
>i have the Mexican flag and i stay in my country
what a faggot, only i can say a last worlds
>John Wyclif, juden, british and founder of the protestants
Te podría explicar un poco de historia, tu sabes ¿No?, para que dejes de ser un iletrado.

Non teneas aurum totum quod splendet ut aurum.

They follow a communist Jew what do you fucking expect.