She's right, you know

She's right, you know.

>ace men
>aro men
>allocishet men
What did she mean by this? Am I an ace man?

Fuck, I should really report on how Tavistock and the Sanger Institute run an international organ and fetus trafficking ring before they brainwash all our waifus. Sad!

Also I note that gay men aren't on this list, this just confirms that they're no longer an officially oppressed group. Bad luck faggots, you're with us now.

Then you aren't supporting International Mens Day. You are supporting minority groups you feel are discriminated against.

>Hey shitlords and shitlasses, we're going to show you on #internationalmnsday just how inclusive we feminists are to men around the world by supporting a small minority of freaks in your gender. The rest of you can just fuck off.

Suicide IS an option for her, and a very viable and attactive one.

> men of color on the same level as disabled men

isn't that racist?

fellas we gotta start genociding the f*male race

I don't speak no French nigger, what the hell does that mean

bug men

I dont know what half of those things are...

>ace men
>aro men
>allocishet men

No fucking idea, the closest I could find is "cishet" from the Queer Dictionary:

"Cishet, used as both an adjective and a noun, describes a person who is both cisgender and heterosexual."

Islam can't come soon enough

I wonder who's behind the divide and conquer of the sexes

Maybe it's French for Holocaust? Gotta include muh never forget whenever we can, goynon.

Someone wanna string up this mouthy bass, preferably with piano wire?
There's a war against heteros that's why we need "HYPER CHAUVINISM" and put them back in the basement, they can't even be in the kitchen anymore cause they burn the fucking bread...Useless parasites..

Yes (((who))) could it possibly be...

also wtf is an ace man?

what in the everloving fuck is an allocishet man?

Fuck Islam we don't need no faggy ass backsand religion, we need "HYPER CHAUVINISM"

>The most toxic of men want to destroy toxic masculinity

Leftists really need to be eradicated

Men who like Ace Combat

What the fuck is International Mens Day?
I don't care about having a stupid "official" day
That's the kind of shit faggots care about

this. why not just call it what it really is, "Whine About Straight White Men on Twitter Day?"

Oh wait, that's also every other day

>ace = asexual
>aro = aromantic
>allo = other sexual
>cishet = cisgender (non tranny) heterosexual
I just had a fun time on google

I sexually identify as a space man

why the fuck is international men's day being taken over by filthy women

and toxic masculinity has done quite well for me


I sexually identify as a space cowboy.

she is anti Transmasculine then

It's 2017. This is the ideal male body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

That is not a cowboy.

On #InternationalGasDay I'm here for the stories of the jews, commies, niggers, muslims, commie-jews and jew-niggers working to destroy the white race.

it's not even ironic, it's sad how freaks like that are portrayed as the norm nowadays

>trans men

So this cunt is supporting women with mental illnesses on men’s day. Kek


MRA support men desu

>Ace men
>aro men
It should be illegal to make up bullshit terms and expect others to know what the hell they mean.

I want to read the rest of this novel

It’s also International Toilet Day.

>wants to help all men that have minimal to zero reproduction chances

What is that excerpt from, user?

i assume this is replacing man with nigger

i read something similar written by james tiptree

Its HILARIOUS that shes "standing up for ace men"

"Ace men" are treated like freaks by women, outside out of playful jabs among friends, men never shame an "ace man" for not having sex, its always the women who treat virgin males as if they were dogshit on their shoes.

The fucking irony of a woman claiming "ace men" have stories of suffering from "allocishet men"

Lol, fucking roastie is a parrot

The more I see of roasties like the one in the OP, the closer I get to becoming an ace man.

Yes, because preventing suicide help is helping men.

They're "ace men" until they say why they don't like to be with women, then they're just fat nerdy virgin MGTOWs/incels to them.