Drop your S O Y B O Y memes here.
Drop your S O Y B O Y memes here
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all canadians are honorary soyboys
I've heard this is actually an ftm.
I fucking love this new meme
that's an f2m tranny though
Fuck off hetero scum, soy is joy
>soy is bad
It's something that gets debunked in minutes if you research it. Soy will not turn you into a girl, not make you gay. Factors such as malnutrition, ridiculous amounts of sugar, and the lack of exercise is what causes the young americans to look and behave like this. This is the cause of the falling testosterone levels, not the soy.
If anything, the phytoestrogens would block the absorption of real oestrogen (like that in MILK) and do you a favour in the long term.
>that moment you realize the soyboy memes are the backlash to le 56% face memes
>that moment you realize soyboys are likely the very people posting the meme
56% memes are as bad as chad memes
that explains the dreadful goatee
Soy vey
Stop perpetuating this meme, there's no such thing as trans. It's literally impossible to change your gender.
Only possibility is to self mutilate and cross dress.
That's not a boy though.
56% memes are gold. You're a little faggot who doesn't like getting the other side of the joke for once.
i love low resolution "trolling." Epic!!!!!
(I'm a recovering soyboy. Y u so mad)
soy is fucking animal feed
either way, that's not a soyboy but a roided up chick.
This is a mossad psy-op to push more white men in to eating meat and associate it with nazism/fascism/racism and anti-science in order to push the global warming agenda forward.
By jumping on board this stupid meme you're just going to criminalize meat-eating faster.
u r dumb
I think you guys might be making me schitzo. I actually read 'playboy' on the thong as 'soyboy'.
How soon before the gangstalking begins!
yeah, there's nothing inherently wrong with soy, except maybe how Big Ag is eating itself again (corn vs. soy lobbies).
the pic of the ranch dressing ingredients label explains it well: all hydrogenated oils are cancer, not just soybean oil. real men dress their salads with vinegar and mustard.
chicken is washed with poisons that fail to clean the shit, then degrade into standing water so pathogens like E. coli and salmonella can proliferate. the chickens themselves are pumped full of feminizing hormones and poison food. you are cancer.
What's wrong with soy? We eat tofu and drink soy milk all the time around here and we're fine.
I think you are.
All the shitskin pretenders here who send hate to people on twitter under the guise of white supremacy have managed to get a cartoon frog labeled as literal hate speech. It's not much of a stretch to get this meme in the mainstream too.
>why meat-eating is white supremacy
I tell you, if you see this headline, remember this conversation. Shitskins and brainlets (you) ruin everything.
>writes some tl;dr shit with reddit spacing
u r veri veri dumb desu
Is anzu a male
its just another
i hope you eat more meat and processed food so you die at 50. there are too many people on the planet. i also want to abort the entirety of africa and asia.
OK, shitskin brainlet.
Nothing, its just a meme, /pol is just retarded and puts on a blindfold when it comes to discussing nutrition.
Soy does not raise estrogen levels. Dairy does. Meat does.
You have no clue what you’re talking about
Lmao you can even see the fucking orange tip on the rifle. The absolute state of fags
>t.paki nigger that rapes goats everyday
t.guy wearing a bra to contain his soy tits
>wahhh it's pointing out we're not 100% white
>it's been done before
Le Joo maymay
Le X aint white maymays
Le nigger maymay
Le poo in loo maymay
Le women maymay
Etc. etc.
Seems you only care when it's about your kind....
>paki nigger
t. tanned european
>chicken is washed with poisons that fail to clean the shit, then degrade into standing water so pathogens like E. coli and salmonella can proliferate. the chickens themselves are pumped full of feminizing hormones and poison food. you are cancer.
what do you think about faggotnigger antifa members?
>Factors such as
Had one break his wrist trying to punch me in a restaurant once. It was the funniest and most frustrating event I've ever been a part of. The faggot swung at me from behind but his wrist just crashed into the side of my head and cracked. All because I told him and his faggy friends to wind their necks in with the flaming. I'm not a particularly big bloke, but I have no idea why he thought he'd get anywhere with a fight.
Bruh, he consumed excess soy. That's like 9 servings of it a day.
>when people make fun of you, you dont laugh
>when people make fun of others you laugh
Le epic argument fellow redditor, upboated
I'd rather be a tanned european than a goatfucking pedophile worshipping pakinigger like you
a true man can laugh at himself without feeling weaker.
>Man 1
What a Count Cuckula
>honorary soyboys
it's probably the corn industry realizing they can use Sup Forums to sway public opinion, then once there's a measurable impact on the consumption of soy, use that to justify even more subsidies. corn is cancer. meat and dairy are cancer, and they're also corn.
Is he a SOYBOI
t. tanned magapede shitskin meme-pusher
How many politicians have you sent memes to on Twitter? Last one to get banned loses...
Yeah, push meat=white supremacy meme! Shit the world up more, shitskin.
>We're fine
>everyone is below 1m60
>small dick
>weak beta males
>yellow cucks
Yes goys you'll be fine if you drink soy milk.
No, he punches nazis. Alpha as fuck.
stay away from the soy, boys.
Sounds untrue. Why would these weak people even fight? You need years of practice before considering starting one.
Isn't that forbidden in your country?
I've lost family and friends to soy.
Not. even. once.
This is what happens to you when all you eat is Jack Link's beef jerky and mountain dew.
>spouting r*ddit memes while he's using r*eddit spacings
Just stop I'm not even reading your posts anymore because you clearly are a braindead sub 80 IQ nigger
Is that what aids does? Is she gonna be ok?
Maybe asians are less susceptible to it, but there is a strong correlation among westerners with soy consumption and being pussies.
>It's something that gets debunked in minutes if you research it.
You talk like a homo.
Look, I can too write text in MSPaint and even highlight the words.
i don't care. whoever eats factory meat will become a fat loser with high blood pressure, then die of a heart attack. disgusting.
being a weight-lifter simply hardens the fat into a rock-hard rotund figure with no strength or flexibility.
He looks like he's 10
Exactly this, meat and dairy industries were using false articles and inacurate biased "research" reports to demonize soy and hide the dreaded truth about their products since forever.
>I'm not even reading your posts anymore
Because you're a brainlet shitskin.
Is there a straight edge equivalent to soy boy?
more like 12 IMO
Good eye user
How did that guy turn him self in to a golum?
Soy is just the tip of the iceberg that is our shitty industrial agriculture complex.
End corporate welfare for factory farms.
>excess soy
Any soy for white men is excess soy. The very fact that any amount of it can cause hypogonadism is a red flag. You would have to be a masochist to keep eating that shit.
Reminder that onions are the anti-soy.
Eating fresh onions boosts your testosterone.
Don't be a soy boy, be an onion lad.
Name me THREE things wrong with feminine men. I dare ya.
Meanwhile these people do no harm to me, and they certainly aren't going around stabbing and beating up people.
Fuck off, thats "bubble gut" a known side effect of certain steroid use.
anzu is a girl retard
>absolute chad
>got nerves of steel
>his vision is augmented
>likes to make a silent takedown
>but has no problem with GEP gunning the shit out of someone
>at the same time is compassionate ("what a shame")
>that trenchcoat
>a bomb
>exclusively eats soy food and chocolate bars
How is that possible
but soy is making azn girls THICC.
Cybernetics and roids.
So, what's the difference between a soy boy and a nu-male?
excess water causes death.
He doesn't punch Nazis. He can barely walk. This fat fuck can only dream of punching anything except his limp dick.
Low testosterone causes crippling depression, a lack of confidence and decreased ability to handle stress. Not to mention all the other medical problems associated with low testosterone from erectile dysfunction to osteoporosis. Politically they are also more likely to vote for people who want to take your money away from you.
different name, same thing. like GRIDS and AIDS.
The old cuck argument. "A true man can _______ without feeling weak"
Look at all these meme-spouting brainlets shitting up the board.
>see a thread about
>instead of making a post in that thread just make a new thread
>6 other brainlets repeat it
Sub-120 IQ genocide when?
there seems to be an overlap, but soy-boys appear to be in their late teens and early 20s - nu-males, on the other hand, are slightly older than that
doesn't look like it.
>t. soyboy
80 glasses or so yeah. Not "9 servings". Also water is essential for life - soy is not.
It's already started, you just haven't realized it yet