Convince me the Holocaust didn't happen

Give me some proof that the Holocaust didn't happen. Any is good. Give me the pics and more. I can't fucking understand how you fucking fags think that the Holocaust in its entirety might have been faked, so I want you to convince me the best you can. Please enlighten me

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kys strawman nigger

There's two options.
>The Holocaust didn't happen and the Germans are not a master race for killing muh 6 gorillion
>The Holocaust did happen and the Germans are a master race for orchestrating the the most efficient mass murder in the history of mankind.
Pick your poison, because both are bad for your narrative.

I know you're a shill so I saged

Yeah, can you fucking prove to me that the data is wrong about the 6 Million? How the fuck can you deny that? If you were anything close to an industrious or studious person, you would have known how many fucking intellectuals, painters, musicians etc fled the US and lost many relatives to the Holocaust. There's no fucking way the Holocaust didn't happen and the numbers are wrong. There is literally none, NOT ONE German scientist or philosopher that was fully jew that was able to stay and work or do anything in German dominated Europe between 1939-1945. It's impossible. There are none.

Fucking stupid fag.
>>The Holocaust did happen and the Germans are a master race for orchestrating the the most efficient mass murder in the history of mankind.

They did the most efficient mass murder in the history of the World (actually no, that was done by the soviets), but it doesn't matter, if they really were the master race, they would have won the war you gigantic mongoloid shit.

>pixels are proof

baby's first trick question.

How do you explain this then you fag?

>There is literally none, NOT ONE German scientist or philosopher that was fully jew that was able to stay and work or do anything in German dominated Europe between 1939-1945.
And yet they still managed to orchestrate the largest, most efficient mass murder in history. You think they'd be stuck to bashing them over the head with clubs without all of those superior intelligent Jewish scientists and philosophers there.
>(actually no, that was done by the soviets),
OH, so when we're having a dick measuring contest over how many people our ideologies killed, it's a mass murder. When we're trying to keep people from realizing communism is a mass murderous ideology, it's JUST A FAMINE.

>And yet they still managed to orchestrate the largest, most efficient mass murder in history. You think they'd be stuck to bashing them over the head with clubs without all of those superior intelligent Jewish scientists and philosophers there.

Killing and rounding up people and shooting them is much easier than developing theories of theoretical physics or advanced mathematics, you dumbass faggot.
>OH, so when we're having a dick measuring contest over how many people our ideologies killed, it's a mass murder. When we're trying to keep people from realizing communism is a mass murderous ideology, it's JUST A FAMINE.

Fuck off m8. I never said anything about the Soviets and I fully aknowledge that they were the most awful dictatorial regime in the 20th century, but that doesn't dispel the fact that the Third Reich orchestrated the Holocaust. You fucking dumbass faggot.

The Evidence is just overwhelming. The Holocaust DID HAPPEN

UK cut food supplies and a similar number of soldiers died too \(o_O)/

>In the middle of a war
>Allocate half your resources on a 3-year operation to burn Jews to crisp and dispose of all evidence 24/7
>No ashes discovered
>No questions asked
Mmkay, nothing suspicious here.

Which is why it's super illegal to question or dig up or anything, and also why we never mention the holodomor.

Typhus is a hell of a drug.

>Mongolians in 1258 after the won the siege of Bagdad killed 800.000 civilians (arab sources say 2.000.000) in less then a week
>it took a highly industrialized nation/people of 65 milion with an army of 6.5 milion at it's peak, with advanced weapons to kill 6 gorilians (1.2 milion) in 6 years while feeding them, and giving them entertaiment
>more jews died because of forced labour and starvating and disese as they build supply lines which were also getting bombed, or in camps that they couldn't feed then what people believe
>more jews died at the hand of Stalin, as he purged 800.000/1.200.000 milion people(not all jewish) from his admistration many were jewish
>There were plans to relocate jews to pallestine that even Hitler himself would eventually see that it's a good plan Havaar agreement
>There was a plan to relocated 80.000 families to madagacar, many polish jews.
>Many officers, who saw that the end of the war was comming, and that they were losing choose to act on their hate and shot, burned many
>Having 5 ovens, and 2000 people in "shower" rooms to be gased and have those 2000 dead bodies moved using two elevators as the gas rooms were underground, is ridiculous. Then imagine they had to do that everyday for 6 years until they killed 1.2 milion
>would have been 100 times easier to legally be able to shot jews on sight, or put a manhunt and make it legal for any citizen to praticipate in the killing of the jews, the whole jewish population would have been decimated in weeks if not months and NOT ONE would have survived

>killing partisans who were fighting against you in a war

the holohoax is simply the labelling of the germans efforts to win the war as a crime against humanity

Most of the data and papers of their operations were burned you fucking idiot. The germans knew they were about to lose and didn't fucking want their crimes to be seen, so they did the most to hide it, but the fact still remains that there were countless jews who never made it out of the War.

>nd also why we never mention the holodomor.

Holodomor happened, granted. But the thing is that Stalin and the Communist Government deliberately did whatever they could to downplay the genocide and their guilt in it. It's no wonder there is so little research on it.

>The hate the german people had for the jews is understable, their economy destoryed, jews owned the banks, jews owned the media, jews owned and practiced prostitution of minors and social experiments based around transniggerism and sex change to dilute and destory the german indenty so they can profit more.

>Does everything looks familar? Just look around you

>so the german people elected an passionate man, they gave him the power to fix their damn country, to make GERMANY great again through unity.
>Many approved of these, many choose it willingly, when social decadece and your society is attacked many will choose an autorative rule to go fix the problem, even if that problem means killing, conquring, or forcing it's people to behave.

Does you beliefs matter? If it happened it happened, if not then not.


you're not here to learn, you're here to bitch. Also stop making this shitty thread faggot.


Dis broves holobaust bobnt bappen

Prove it happened using scientific proof only.

>nobody is disputed that people died
>nobody is disputed that certain people were targeted based on their religion and ethnic background
>but nobody talks of the crimes of the jewish people inside of germany
>we've been fed lies about Germany intentions, we are told stories about how they wanted to destory humanity, and the whole world leaving only the german master race
>it doesn't add up
>there is no shame in killing a horse that is no longer or is not a use to you
>why is there a shame in killing a retard or steralize him
>there is no shame in allowing a people to hunt down wolfs or bears that attack your villages and cities, and you start hunting season to control their population
>why is there a shame in not calling for the heads of those that would shame and destroy us

The jews did this. They did what they could to change the current view on sexuality (liek Kurt Freund and Magnus Hirschfeld), but that doens't mean that the correct course of action should be killing or extermination. They were just theories of sexuality, and you take that as motive enough to make a full genocide of a people.


No evidence. You need evidence. Like a gas chamber for example, or corpses.

>the jews own the media
>the jews own the gov
>the jews own the banks
>the jews own the books that we use to teach our children
>the jews are playing with fire once more
And one day everything will colapse, as it did before... they will profit, and we will rise.
But this time, things won't go in their favor

Just use your common sense. It is illegal to question the Holocaust in multiple countries. It's the only historical event that you're not allowed to question.

Look at who implemented those laws and who is in power now. The top 10 donors to Hillary Clinton were ALL Jewish, in a country where Jews only make up 2% of the population. Ask yourself why they decided to make Hitler the symbol of all evil, rather than other dictators who killed tenfold times more than the alleged 6 million, without addressing any of the crimes Jews had committed against their host countries.

They were kicked out of over 109 countries because they couldn't stop destroying the countries that allowed them in. They were a problem and there was no other choice but to put them in concentration camps, along with homosexuals and other criminals.

fake history, fake news, fake research, fake names, fake hair, fake id... did world war 2 fappen or nah?

I agree on your point about the Holodomor being an intentional genocide, it wasn't simply a famine everyone suffered, the Bolshevik government was entirely foreign and largely Jewish, and hated the Slavs that lived under their control. The Holodomor seems plausibly to have been a way for the communists to depopulate Ukraine to prevent it from ever rebelling again or to be used as manpower for an invader or liberator.

When it comes to the Holocaust, keep in mind there are numerous anomalies surrounding how it was investigated, and the fact nobody has questioned whether or not the Jews could have been transferred to the Soviet Union and killed during or after the war took place by Slavs taking revenge on what they had experienced under the USSR.

Granted, I still think 600k to 1 million Jews died due to all causes, including natural or other forms not intentionally caused by the Axis and any groups fighting under their flags, such as Ukrainians, Baltics, Poles, Italians, etc...

The key in all of this is that there is stacks of information about this war in Allied and Soviet archives that still haven't seen the light of day, anybody thinking the current historical establishment has all the facts on hand, has no biases, can't be wrong, or has no self-interest or deception in play in their works is basically accepting a truth on incomplete evidence or a significant lack of it.

What if 4.5-5.5 million Jews were slaughtered by the Soviets? There has not been sufficient transparency to rule this out. Trips checked.

I don't have any evidence because I am no fucking scientist and have never been to these camps. But the thing is, if you take a look at scientists, philosophers, musicians, inventors, physicists etc, and you study them and their lives, if you take up Niels Bohr, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Richard Feynman, Hans Bethe, Stanislaw Ulam, von Neumann, Robert Oppenheimer. If you go around looking and studying the lives and the works of the greatest minds of the 20th Century. You'll see that there are NONE, none who come from Europe at that time. Afterwards, there are very, very, very few Jewish people from Europe, there are almost none. It's undeniable. What happened to all those people? Why are there no more philosophers, scientists and musicians that are European Jews? Why are there only american jews after 1945? We could talk all day about conspiracy theories on whether Auschwitz had or not gas chambers, but the simple fucking fact is that there are NO JEWS in Europe after 45. Just try looking up, in Germany you will find NONE right after 45 and a few decades. They ALL FUCKING DIED.

>They were just theories of sexuality, and you take that as motive enough to make a full genocide of a people.
Because when you calmly ask them stop a million times and they just double down, what else do you do? Hitler didn't come close to winning in the elections before he took over, but the increase in votes his party received over those elections should've alerted them that people were pissed. Of course, though, just like in the present year, instead of saying "oh gee, maybe we are forcing social and cultural change a little more than people like" they double down and call everyone who disagrees a bigoted racist. And once again, enough people are going to be isolated by these actions that another far right group will likely get their votes.

Then your people are starving as a piece of bread cost 5 trilion marks, and just 5 years ago it was just 5.
When your people are disguted of whats going on in their country, as the jews are running it.
Hate build up, support for drastic actions is needed as people cry for a solution
When your daughters of 10-12 years are selling their bodies in jewish owned Brothels, you going to hate the jew
Your blood will boil, and will you do anything to remove the rats that have destoryed your country.

Germany blamed both Britan and France, whom they saw under jewish/zionist control for the economically colapse of their nation aswell.

To whom they were forced to pay even if they kinda won the war, they gave up terriorities.

Maybe for you is not justifed living a comfy life.
But imagine being a native german people having your nation destoryed, having men sucking off other men pretending to be women in the streets
Having children selling their bodies, and you not being able to feed your family.

You gonna have to stab those whom you see that run things.

Yet there was no plan to completly whipe out the jewish people, or other inferior races
But there was a plan to REMOVE all the jewish from offices, running business, being control the german state.

Because in what world does the 1% of a minority control the 99% of the majority.

In what world do jews non-native to germany control the german people...

I'll tell you... in this world
Put yourself in the shoes of a german father, who is seeing his nation destoryed, and you'll beg Mr Adolf to do everything he can to fix that shit.

Not today, kid.

>Give me some proof that the Holocaust didn't happen
typical jew pilpul. first of all, the burden of proof is on those making affirmative claims. the more spectacular the claim the greater the evidence needs to be. the holocaust as described meets the criteria for a spectacular claim. secondly, one of the cornerstones of the western justice system is witness impeachment, the calling into question of witness testimony that is contradictory or has been proven false and discarding it. much witness testimony at the nuremburg trials and in written accounts have been proven to be complete fabrications. many examples are here in this thread.

>Give me some proof that the Holocaust didn't happen
It doesn't matter what I believe, but the fact is, its up to people to prove their claim, not for others to disprove.

Is there any proof of Gas chambers?

>christian: You cant disprove god!
>(((you))): the one making the claim has to provide proof.
....later that day...
>(((you))): prove that the holocaust didn't happen!

Here you go, faggot. We, the "allied" forces, gunned down countless trains.

"B-b-but it was those evil nazis who loaded them in traincars and then shot them only to have to drag them back out again"

>Holodomor happened, granted.

The Holodomor did not happen.

Show me the mass graves of the millions of Ukrainians who died.

lets throw some redpills now

>Why are there no more philosophers, scientists and musicians that are European Jews? Why are there only american jews after 1945?
Because Europe got fed up with their shit. Just like Americans are getting fed up with their shit and some other poor sap country like China will save them next. Then once China gets sick of them, ANOTHER poor sap country will be guilted into saving them.

>Being this fucking mad

Holy fucking shit. Enough with the drama romafag. The situation in Germany was bad but it wasn't nearly as bad as the situation in the Soviet Union and the idea that the brothels were run exclusively by jews is a myth that has been largely debunked. Read something before talking, and also, learn how to write as well, your writing is riddled with typos, you fucking idiot.

Name is r/jewshmm
What did kek mean by this?

>hur hur germany starved the people of poland and france
wtf you wanted them to do in times of war, without trade, and an infrastrusture that was getting bombed.
Germany wanted an allianced with the Polish people
He did hate slavs, especially refugees that were running away like today from poor slav countries to germany doing things like prostitutions, there are writtens that show you could fuck 12 years old slav girl... mm mm can you imagine that tight pussy
Hilter didn't hate central european slavs, he didn't hate hunz. Maybe there was some dislikes, yet both romanians, italians and hungz fought alongside germans in their atempt to make Europe european.


>Read something before talking, and also, learn how to write as well, your writing is riddled with typos, you fucking idiot.
i dont have to refute u bc of grammatical errors

>Implying Rosa Luxembourg and the other German socialists wanted to have their country run like the Soviets did.

fucking pleb. Read some history.

>The situation in Germany was bad but it wasn't nearly as bad as the situation in the Soviet Union
Yes, we get it, communism and the USSR sucked, but that doesn't means Germans weren't suffering either. Just because America isn't a shithole like Africa doesn't mean we shouldn't try to strive for better.

Read the rest of the post idiotic cumwhore.

If hitler really wanted to kill the Jews, why wouldn’t he just starve them to death?

Why waste so much time and resources and money on cyklon b, food, clothes and digging mass graves (oh wait sheeet they never found them)?

Especially during at the end of the war when the red army was heading for berlin.

They could have just left the Jews with no water or food for 3-5 days and the Jews would have died.

A dirty Jewish communist is still a dirty Jewish communist. Mao was different Khrushchev in running his communist shithole, but it was still a communist shithole.

>whom the jews also made?
You do realise that the whole bolshevik revolution was jewish, and they killed 10-12 milion christians as they took over shit.

The reason why there was a bolshevik revolution was Germanies fault, in a way to take down Russia and destory the eastern front, they put Lenin on a train to Petersburg whom later caused the colapse the country.

Yes Stalin mananged to cut the ropes of the Jewish puppers during the Great purge, thats the whole point of the COLD WAR

Jewish intrest in the west vs ex-soviet puppet the USSR.

Thats why this pic related makes shitload of sense

Divide and conqure

>using wikipedia as a reliable source

Only Sup Forumslack fags.

>this romafag being this stupid

Wow. I knew you fags had low IQ, but I didn't think it was this low.

Plz debunk this

>wikipedia is a good place to start
>secondly thats what the jews allow you to see
>yfw the jews don't even hide these facts.

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW

Bonus points if you do the pic too

>Plz debunk this

I don't need to fucking debunk it because it's a retarded assumption, and even unfalsifiable by your fucking retarded standards. Go fuck yourself

went through my pictures to find something related, you better read it faggot

>Muh 6 millions

>If hitler really wanted to kill the Jews, why wouldn’t he just starve them to death?

He didn't. He just wanted them gone. Which is why the transfer agreement was implemented.

see also, "The Flat"

An Israeli film. The Jewish characters discussed in the documentary remained in contact with and continued to socialize with their SS liaisons after the war. Weird thing to do if the orthodox story were true.

yer do know that calling people names and attacking the individual doesn't prove or disprove anything.

You are bascily giving validation because you lack the ability to give an argument

>argument discarded

I didn't see you replied to me, my bad.
>Killing and rounding up people and shooting them is much easier than developing theories of theoretical physics or advanced mathematics, you dumbass faggot.
The way all those Holycaust documentaries make it sound, it was a modern marvel of engineering, chemistry, and logistics for the time. Like I said, if they were really a bunch of dumbasses as you claim, they wouldn't have been able to kill 6 million people in such a short timeframe. That doesn't even include the other undesirables (gays, retards, gypsies) they killed by those same methods.
>I never said anything about the Soviets
>They did the most efficient mass murder in the history of the World (actually no, that was done by the soviets),
Fuck off, we caught you in your lie. Just like when Jews try to claim they're white for certain circumstances that are useful to their cause, you like to call the Holodomor a genocide or famine, depending on how it helps your narrative.
>Comes to argue about the Holocaust
>Someone posts counterargument
>pic related (you)

Bad excuse

We fucking know that Communism is a largely jewish phenomenon. Everybody fucking knows that you dumbass. Everybody knows that the Frankfurt School was jewish. But what the fuck does that have to do with the Holocaust, you gigantic idiot? It even adds further to my initial point, if you take a look at the lives of the writers of the Frankfurt School, you will see that all of them (like Herbert Marcuse, or Erich Fromm) emigrated to the US or were killed trying to flee (like Walter Benjamin).

If you can’t debunk it, therefore you acknowledge it’s right by inaction.

>Why waste so much time and resources and money on cyklon b, food, clothes and digging mass graves (oh wait sheeet they never found them)?

It's amazing how stupid the deniers are. Why waste time burying and cremating the bodies? Oh, maybe that having millions decomposing bodies lying around everywhere would lead to mass epidemics?

Also, do you really think they gave food and clothes to the victims and *then* shot/gassed them? Are you literally retarded?

>Everybody fucking knows that you dumbass. Everybody knows that the Frankfurt School was jewish. But what the fuck does that have to do with the Holocaust, you gigantic idiot?
Because one caused the other.

Why does this sound so familiar? Oh wait America.

>Criticizing me for doing an ad-hominem attack

>Immediately goes on to use an ad-hominem fallacy by talking shit about my flag

Wow, you're a new kind of stupid

They turned work camps into genocide and exaggerated deaths in order to gain power and influence through white guilt. Why else would they have “rebuilt” all the alleged gas chambers post war and why does Israel and every other kike looking for attention always fall back on the holocaust as an excuse?

>not knowing that the influence of the Frankfurt School was only post-WW2, when the Holocaust had already ended.

You are really dumb aren't you?

part 2

Reminder this was unironically used as evidence at trial.

>a mass epidemic that could help you in the plan to whipe out inferior races, such as jews, gypsies and slavs?

really made me think user
It would seem that the solution.. the final solution was to bascily have dead bodies lying around and start a mass epidemic and whipe the whole population of targeted countries such as poland which the germans hated.

secondly having dead bodies around isn't a isuee when you have 65 milion people all taking a part in the killing and burial of the jews you could finish the job and prevent isuees in 3-6 months.

Why were the jews allowed to keep their belogings such as gold and watches inside camps?

Why the jews allowed to play football and have teather and other activies

Why were the jews fed while in the camps, having many who survived 3-6 years inside the camps.


>heh. i dont need to debunk oposing views cause im inteligent. even though in the first post i ask to someone to present oposing arguments.
pls gas yourself to finally prove that the holocauste exists

>no scientists from Europe
Operation paper clip says they had the best.
>there's no fucking Jews in Germany after 1945
Fled to the US, died of starvation or got shipped to Palestine. Seriously why do the scientists and philosophers matter? The Jewish population pre war was only 3.5 million. Yet there were enough survivors to send off for the creation of Israel, AND fulfill that ages old Jewish prophecy that says 6million jews would have to die for Israel to come back.

If I recall, apparently they buried the bodies at first, and then cremated them later. This is from the accounts at Treblinka.


What year did political correctness start? I'm gonna say it really started to become noticdeable after 9/11, climaxed in 2012, and is now collapsing back to the shithouse from whence it came.

You're just another idiot who's more interested in calling other people names over discovering the truth. Just stay uninformed like all the other sheep.

Read this. It's an academic work iirc a master's thesis. Gerstein's testimony was not used at Nuremburg, which should cast a funny light on it right away because if true it would be bombshell stuff. It's become a part of the overall myth though and was used in the Eichmann trial. The book isn't that long.


Show your true flag pussy.
Jewish subversion is Jewish subversion, whether it was done at Goethe University, Geneva, or NYC.

>Operation paper clip

Are you retarded? The scientists from Operation Paper Clip were people like Werner von Braun and Kurt Hohenemser, all who were goys.

Jewish scientists only really mattered for nuclear. There was 0 chance the Nazis were going to develop the bomb first without people like Meitner, what few German nuclear physicists they had didn't support the Nazis anyways.

As far engineering and everything else goes, Germany doesn't need Jews and never has.

>If I recall, apparently they buried the bodies at first, and then cremated them later. This is from the accounts at Treblinka.

Yeah, sounds reasonable.

Bury a million bodies then dig them up again because why not?

It happened but everyone has been holocausted at one time or another. Basically fuck off with your special privilege while trying to convince everyone it whites who are.

Sheep never get very far in life, unless they can be salvaged as useful idiots. That's why so many successful tech workers are brain dead. Fantastic computer skills but lack the ability to think for themselves.

>Give me some proof that the Holocaust didn't happen.
>proving a negative
give me some proof that I didn't fuck your mother, the burden of proof is on you

Hey you as a nation try to avoid civilians causulties, yet the bongs bomb your city as they did a "mistake" thinking that the lights in the distance was the mitary target the had to hit

Of course you will retality with bombing their Capital with V2 rockets.

You made attacked me first, I just retaliated

Hitler didn't even want civilian caulties in Poland, but the brain washed Poles that the germans were comming to kill them wall and baricaded themselfs in the cities, making the war on the german side quite a slaughter espcially in urban areas.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
As much as you bantz
>You are still a coward with e meme flag

Give me the source behind those images you fag. They may have just as well have been fabricated.

Explain why I should care about the holocaust or dead Jews? As an American I don't see any reason to feel guilty about some dead kikes. Good riddance. Take your holoshit memorials back to the desert where they belong.

Political correctness was big in the early 90s, then rose again to meteoric heights starting in 2012, peaking in 2014/15, then is plummeting down again. Essentially most people were on board with it, then they started turning it around and blaming whites as the boogeyman, and now no straight white gives a shit about it.

> As an American I don't see any reason to feel guilty about some dead kikes.

I don't want you to feel any guilt. But it is completely retarded and wrong to say it didn't happen you fucking retarded fuckhead

Does that look like 6 garoillion to you? look like 20 dead jews to me.

I'm only 25 but I've noticed that it's way more socially acceptable to openly hate jews these days. That's when you know some shit is gonna go down.