White hoe vs Slave, muthafucka

>Dindu, who works at a shop, accuses a white bitch of stealing
>White hoe denies it
>Nigger grabs her and doesn't let her go
>"L-let me go"
>"Nah hoe, we are waiting for da cops"
>White cunt gets aggressive and attacks the shitskin
>Nog gets aggressive as well, and brings down the bitch's ass
>Finally, the cops arrive and the white girl gets arrested

That nigger made her pay for the hundreds of years of slavery, muthafucka. Webm and video related


Webm: white bitch gets arrested and nigger celebrates

long story short:

you have her description and she is on camera

it is not your job to assault her and detain her



Oh wait, it's America again...

In the USA that's illegal. You're supposed to let shoplifters go and document the case, build a profile on them until enough merchandise has been stolen to take them to court and get them big time. By assaulting her, he could actually spend time in jail. Theft does not justify physical assult.

Fucking dirty ass ape attacking that hwhite thief princess.

cue 34 months of legal proceedings

fuck off indio

I have no sympathy for thieves. Being a white women doesn't get you a free pass.

>nigger detaining a white woman for stealing

It's like upside down day

>it is not your job to assault her and detain her
he does it for free

He's lucky it was some Qt white princess instead of a full grown fatass like me. I may be fat, but I also lift weights and that nigger would have been KO

>By assaulting her, he could actually spend time in jail. Theft does not justify physical assult
She kicked him first. He can claim self defense.

she deserved it

pic related - OP

She didn't kick him first, he grabbed her first. The initial physical contact is the initial assault. The retaliation is self defense.

You rather suck a nigger cock motherfucka

Why is he everywhere lately, that's like the 8th time I've seen Eminem on this board today

Lynch the Niggers

but was she actually stealing?

what state did this take place in?

it actually should in America and Europe, this is our home. Fuck other races

Guy is in the right.
if she was not stealing there would not be a problem. she would've waited for the cops to arrive and then get the ok to leave.

in any case
you can't tell from the video alone and this thread is pointless.

The cuck meme is back
And Eminem is a white guilt cuck faggot.

>that hair

That black guy is based

The black guy is a talking ape

that guy is actually OP.
he is a known Chilean shitposter for making ''White whore gets X'' threads every fucking day.

why does a lot of women, if they get caught at doing something wrong, and get exposed as such, resort to having a hysterical breakdown while squealing like a pig?

>white drug addict degenerate caught stealing
>good samaritan detains her and will not let that degeneracy slide on his watch
God I hate this place.

You would rather watch white people turn into filthy nigger savages.

>she voted Hillary.
Top kek cunt

Can delusional brown men larping as a 56%er talk in anything other than buzzwords?

t.fedora tipping alt-reich virgin unironically believing white knighting will get him some poon

>Black man stops white thief
>White man stops nigger thief

Choose one Sup Forums

Based black man vs WHORE

Black guy in the right here.

absolute state of the united kikes of amerieca

Black fascism = FUCKING BASED

whites steal out of necessity

niggers steal for fun

>yea, why not?
lol i hate white people so much

we must turn the jew's greatest weapon against them

Good. Fuck thieves.

Fucking snowniggers.

Because they're children and have no other option besides confessing and showing some sign of dignity.

fuck's sake, some of the people in this thread

Listen, it's not that I understand he didn't something wrong in the excessive force he used. But come on lads, he's trying his hardest to uphold the law, even if he's doing it utterly wrong. Praise where it's due.

>saves police the time and resources of having to identify and search for her
>saves police the trouble of having to prove she did indeed steal
>"he should have let her walk away and call the police to go after her later"
Is this peak cuckoldry?

kek he looks like a fucking retard

fuck you Chia Pet headass

Asking the real questions her user

Fucking bitch
That black guy should've shot her instead

fucking white "womyn"

(sorry just had to release my anger)

I would’ve knocked that nigger out.

I don’t care if she murdered Jesus Christ himself. You don’t EVER let a nigger do that to a human female.

>pure 100% negro
>most US blacks have 10-20% white genes
Always makes me kek.

He acted reasonably.


>protecting them harder will make them want me more

>Steal shit like a nigger
>get treated like a nigger
>"let me go , i dindu nuffin"

You niggers really expect me to feel bad for a nigger-behaving snownigger.

fucking niggers

ITT: White knights

>I don’t care if she murdered Jesus Christ himself. You don’t EVER let a nigger do that to a human female.
What did he do?
He didn't take her down violently. She kinda just fell in a heap.


you're such a faggot.

The horrible thing is that bankers, fed reserve, speculators and all sorts of scum goes free after stealing millions or billions.

This woman was stealing some useless crap and she will go to jail.

I bet this guys dont get angry if they are cuck as long its done by a white man.
> At least i didn't get robbed by a nigger ha-haha

this is why it's not only important to learn how to restrain someone, but it's also important to restrain them in a dignified manner

letting them flop around like that makes you look like the aggressor. full control so they have nothing but their voice, and when they sit and shriek like an idiot while you calmly hold them, they make you look better in comparison

Good fuck that piece of shit

Fuck that, thieves deserve the rope.
Does anyone try to imagine what the world would be like without thieves?

He was in the right. You cannot deny this.

I legit hate white hos more than niggers.

Shut up white knight.

>touched a white woman
hang that fucking nigger

Based dindu

He's free to do so, idiot.

old vid, has been discussed before, next!


Pretty sure the nigger was the thief

Jello schlomo

I fucking hate niggers.

Watch the youtube version guys

>"Crack is a hell of a drug" (2:16)
Give this man a medal

This. If a human female needs to be restrained, a white man does it. Niggers don't touch white women.

This is the same logic leftist have in their dumb innocence
> minorities do crime cuz da system marginalize them
>White people do crime cuz they are greedy

>Its a Sup Forums cheers as a black man subdues a screaming white woman to the ground episode
Woah what timeline did I wake up in?

Fucking Suomi Nigger. Fuck you and your hypocrisy. Larper or not.

>Theft does not justify physical assult.

Kill yourself, leftist.

Can we just talk about how hot that girl is though? Cause she is hella fine.

Because they're used to people bending over backward to give them everything they want. The second they realise they're in trouble, they play the victim card in the hope some white knight will stand up and save them.

>let shoplifters go
literally only sissy faggots would do that
if you can stop a shoplift from happening, then stop it yourself and physically remove the bugger

She wouldn't in Argentina


>We must defend the scum of our society even if they commit crimes as long as they are from our race
Literally hoodrat mentality Kek.
>Yo Helga dindu nuffing she good womyn
Fucking snowniggers

I think we won
You are all our slaves


His trips are blessed. Your arguments are terrible. "Thieves suck" isn't an argument. Nothing empowers him to detain her, and he is not "free to do so." She'll probably press charges for assault, which will be thrown out because cucks don't actually believe in the law.

>In the USA that's illegal. You're supposed to let shoplifters go and document the case
that is actually false
usually its the business that implements a rule for their employees
>By assaulting her
if you kick someone and they retaliate its not fucking assault
>Theft does not justify physical assult.
it actually does in many states
shit, in texas you can shoot someone in the back to prevent theft of someone elses property
theives are scum and should be removed from the earth

you're one of those types in the video trying to intervene on behalf of the thief. People like you are not helpful in society you just get in the way.

The dude didn't even hurt her, he just inmovilize her in the ground

> When your nationalism is based on hate for others instead of love for your own
STFU you faggot virgin. The black man did nothing wrong here. Instead, he did the best one could do there.

I love Morrakiu.

>black guy taking his job seriously
>underhanded roasty BTFO

I approve.

If something like that happened tonne and I didn't actually steal can I sue or some shit?

Some guy accused me of stealing before and tried to stop me and I basically over powered him and left. Not because I was afraid of the anything (I didn't do anything wrong) but out of principle. Now I wish I waited around and sued him for forcing me to stay there against my will or some shit.

It's called citizens arrest, retard.

Props to the nog. He resisting his innate urge to rape her.

go fucking hang yourself you gigantic cuck

>defends a criminal because just because she's a woman
>calls others cucks