~~~~~Steve Bannon GTFO thread~~~~~

Hey you Sup Forums assholes, your boy Steve Bannon is destroying Breitbart.com - Bannon is sofa king full of himself that he’s turned Breitbart.com into a Bannon Deification Pulpit. Bannon has good ideas but he has face cancer to say the least. He looks like a slovenly bag of homeless adipose tissue stuffed in a corduroy rucksack. Steve Bannon needs to go into the BACKGROUND at Breitbart.com or its power & influence will continue to fall off a cliff!

>translation: I'm triggered by Bannon's power and influence rekking the left, and he has a big dumb poo-poo face and me no likey

Thanks for telling us what's working, we'll keep him around for ya.

i hear you. but thats not it i promise. love what his strategies have done to the left. but he's running breitbart into the dirt because he's not presentable for public consumption #1 & #2 every other article is about Bannon

shouldn't you be in the synagog today, Ben?

nope, about to burn

i actually just told you it's not working. but you were swallowing a load when that thought synapse occurred so your thinking was reversed.

That's why you should get your news from only government approved/sponsored media outlets

Nice argument.

OPs point is his ideas are good and we need him, Bannon, but he needs to be in the background. U will lose power to counter the very forces you speak of with him as the face.


I recently deleted the site from my bookmarks. It's always been biased, but now it flat out tells people how to think and feel. You would have to be an idiot not to see that this guy thinks you are an idiot that is easily controlled. All you need to do is look at the site for a week to see who he thinks needs to be taken down a peg. I don't give a fuck about Chelsea Handler, why does he?

you are an example of that which i speak

Bannon is not in this to save humanity , but rather to destroy his enemies.

I left kikebart when Milo did, literally no reason to keep reading their all-caps tabloid bullshit.

Same here. It really is a shitty BANNON bone smoking festival. Probably all the writers have to suck his tiny cobweb addled pee pee constantly to keep their gig with Bannonbart

I think his disheveled look is 100% an act. Articles say he was a multi-millionaire Goldman Sachs banker who brags about his Harvard degree -- used to walk around LA in custom suits and was chauffeured in luxury cars. The "everyman" look is just larping Bannon trying to look like a flyover state slob

>implying anyone actually read Milo's articles
his articles would have no comments. he was just hired so they could control an obnoxious degenerate pest

J-left media shill detected. Haven't you had enough of getting pegged by Hillary you hack?

yea but face cancer & bulbous rosacea are not part of the 'everyman' costume. no way. i think he's just a fucking slob with some great ideas..

feel compelled to tell you how wring u are. opposite. i'm more anti hillary and anti lefty than you son. but the power of breitbart will be lost because bannon is at the helm. in our fight against the left we need to keep our weapons lubricated and breitbart is rusty and corroded in need of lube.


LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOPE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

