All these edgy Christian neo nazis

>All these edgy Christian neo nazis
Get a life please.

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Its ok to be a God respecting straight man.

well it certainly is

what's not ok is praising killing and/or maiming us like rabid niggers

That is okay though, Just stop being gay and you won't get murdered.

Mess with my kids (every kid) get a bullet in your head.

Jesus didn't kick out the kikes in his temple for nothing.

Do we look like niggers to you faggot?



Where did the western world fuck up to bring you into existence.

people to go to the camps:
- faggots
- Canadians (with some honorable exceptions
- Dutch
- jews

Fuck off. Your country is literally a race mixing orgy of mutts. At least i know im 100% br*zilians dont even know if your "dad" or your neighbor jorje is your real father. What with all your women being transvestite whores and all.

Repent and turn to Jesus or you'll be held accountable for your degeneracy

Your prime minister is importing Muslims and Chinese are taking over your property. You're not going to be any whiter than us in a year or two.

Enjoy it while you can.

I just wanted to play video games. Why didn't you listen?

>neo nazi
just because I've realized the truth about the third reich doesn't mean I am one of them faggot

How about atheist that learned the truth about the third reich and want to use the lessons learned to make a better world?

Were always 10 years behind u. I expect 2 terms with this faggot and then a trumplike prime minister.

>All these nazis who with non-germanic flags.
>People who worship foreign ultranationalist who thought his germanic ass is superior to rest of europeans


An uncivilized scumbag is what you are

thats a cute pic op. im going to use it in nazi propaganda now

Not an argument, go prepare your husband wife, Abdalla Cumhaimer

>neo nazi

Pick one.

Is that the Hollow girl?


>he says while posting a chinese cartoon

fuck off jew

We're infintely superior to you, you 49%-er

Swedish-Canadian coalition... it is too strong... I-i can't handle this cuckness...
