This might've been posted but after 5 min into the video, it's clear he's just run outta video options. Also 90% of his ""supporters"" in the comments are niggers or spics
Drift0r posts video against nazis
Other urls found in this thread:
THIS will defeat white supremacy!
>The nose
Because people are waking up to the lies they were fed in the American pub lic school system and Hollywood
His points he made in the video, is shit that would've been asked in like 2005, the 'awakening' from whites has been clear.
grown man spends his days making call of duty videos lmao
Nazi aesthetics alone are enough to make it popular.
>not posting the video
Nazis aren't popular.
Only few people claim they're nazis.
It's only the left calling everyone a nazi unrightfully and they should be sued on the basis of reputational damage.
Why the fuck is communism still socially acceptable, let alone popular?
Because Millennials are the most useless, entitled, lazy generation of all time, and they want gibsmedats.
This. There will be trashy fat fucks that tattoo swastikas on their body like tasteless degenerates but the German National Socialist military outfits are dank af.
These, even my little cousin of my friend has pictures of Hitler on his phone, because it's funny he said.
The aesthetic looks good.
because they are actually the good guys
>My dick has reach levels of hardness that shouldn't be possible
I love the look of disgust
hmm, I wonder.
because they're best hope for a whi... brighter future
Jesus christ this fucker is MAD!
>mainstream media bashing white people
>people all over social media bashing white people
>being anywhere to the right of Stalin makes you a racist, fascist, bigot
huh it's almost as if bashing a group of people, insulting them, telling them they're worthless pieces of shit, nazis, racists just because they're white makes them hate you and become actual racists and actual nazi sympathizers.
I especially like the part where he starts reading comments, but cuts them off when they start making good points and saying "I can't even read anymore of this garbage."
I'd say it has something to do with the fact that, they've called so many people NAZIs, who weren't NAZIs, that no one gives a fuck anymore.
That's hawt. Still won't watch your stupid capeshit, but nice try Schlomo.
>white supremacy symbol on his shirt
What did he mean by this?
>Why are there nazis in my WWII game?
>of course they should be limited and taken out for OBVIOUS REASONS
Also, this guy can't pronounce swastika at all.
This faggot is a literal incarnation of a bugman. Rootless consumerism. He's wearing an weyland shirt and makes COD videos ffs. If I'm not mistaken he's got an app that he charges $1.99 monthly to ask him vidya questions personally.
>but his in depth vids are so comfy