Gas light

What is pol doing about this fgt?

Other urls found in this thread:

Did he do this to troll us? He's obviously obsessed with Sup Forums and russian bots.

He false flagged that whole sweden flag shit so he could promote his shitty book

I hope he gets gutted or run over by a truck

He's basically gas lighting with swedistan trying to make $ on pol

I'll be on this after breakfast

Guy is a flagrant pedo apologist in a den of pedos

It's 11 am you lazy faggot, you're just getting up?

I know, I was in the threads. If you want this to gain some steam again, you might want to post a proper OP however.
Here's the publisher of his book.

Pizzagate shill

Muh timezones

Mike mocked a bbc employee who was murdered for pedo whistleblowing and knew about Jimmy Savile and did nothing

Earliest articles I could find

Pol isn't doing anything because its an irrelevant virgin forum

Colluding with Media Matters

How does a radical US citizen become an editor at the BBC?

Wrote for "The Good Men", a radical feminist website

his mail (public and can be found easily)

Stalking russian bot accounts that haven't tweeted in over three years, he's that desperate.

Leaf apologist

Is he the next (((Richard Spencer)))?

Stealing our memes

Nice try Shareblue shill.

That's it, only made some screenshots. The investigative part needs to be posted by someone else. It's obvious that Swedistan was a shill campaign.