We shouldn't it be legal?
We shouldn't it be legal?
>implying anyone who pops Xanax thinks weed is bad
>there are all of these other bad things that ruin lives
>let's just add one more, that's a good idea
Every time someone makes a 'why does Sup Forums hate weed?' thread, it's quickly revealed that we, as in most of us, do not give the slightest fuck if you smoke weed.
shitty thread 2/10. How about we talk about the literal billions of niggers they're planning on sending to every western nation? A MUCH bigger issue
Attacking other things doesn't validate weed. Why do all you degenerate pot heads do this?
Legalizing weed would boost *requests a McSoy caramel macchiato* our economy. *checks r/atheism at work*
you would seriously be surprised
I do everything on there except go to mcdonalds, that shit will kill you
We shouldn't base our laws and social policies on things people in secret that we know are bad.
I think this is part of the problem with modern society. People use the internet for bad things, and market research takes those results and assumes that's what people really want. They are just feeding people's desires instead of Governing a Society.
Who cares, legalize all drugs so the trash will die off sooner and we can move forward as a species
legalize all drugs
Coffee is healthy. All the rest are rightly degenerate.
Legalize all drugs. Disproportionately hits the inner city anyway, just make sure that nobody under 18 gets their hands on them, unless they're in the hood.
If weed becomes legalized, then welfare should be abolished.
>thinking coffe is bad for you
>thinking there are any cons to drinking coffee
>thinking coffee negatively impacts your health in any way shape or form
Having a dependency on caffeine is degenerate. If a person requires coffee in order to function, they're weak. A cup of coffee every now and then is fine.
So the feds can keep hegemony on industrial scale hemp production.
That makes no sense. *picks up daughter's hrt medicine on my lunch break*
Weed is a gateway drug its high leads to experimentation with other harder drugs.
Tell me you have used weed op and nothing else no shrooms no lsd no crack no heroin etc.
It should be.
Way too many powerful people enrich themselves by maintaining this particular status quo, however, so it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
Just because some cucks need it doesn't mean everyone who touches it is dependent on it.
There are numerous health benefits and it helps you deal with lack of sleep.
What if a doctor prescribes it? *masturbates to cuckold porn in the employee bathroom*
if you'd legalize drugs, you'd get an entire generation of lazy, non functioning members of society.
Because it' s drugs.
Drugs are degenerate.
If you do drugs, than YOU are degenerate.
>just destroy your internal clock and natural sleep schedule goy, it's good for you!
>we already legalize some destructive products, might as well add another one
Because potheads are fucking insufferable and your pic proves the point.
>thinking drinking coffee does any of that
>thinking natural sleeping schedule is a thing, for anyone who is not a neet or a millionaire
so be it then I don't even care anymore
Are you retarded? Not every person who drinks coffee has a caffeine dependency.