>Anti hip-hop culture
>Anti gangbanger culture
>Anti divisive shills

DARE I SAY, /ourguy/????

Other urls found in this thread:

He looks like an autist

Do you prefer him to look like this?

Say whatever you want but he looks like a respectable guy to me

>Nigger at super fast speed stealing pizza

Why are you so desperate to be seen as liking blacks? It's disingenuous and vaguely pathetic.

Good black dude. Those people deserve respect.

wtf i love multi-ethnic society now

Black fascists mean well, but unfortunately most of their race lacks the IQ to follow along.

hes fucking right. Good for him for trying to help his people

>Why are you so desperate to be seen as liking blacks? It's disingenuous and vaguely pathetic.

There is the argument that if blacks turned to right-wing racial nationalism, only the Jew would lose.

Fascism even makes niggers look human
Truly an enlightening system

>Commemorates a black guy on the constructive side of politics
>"It's pathetic", whines the faggot
>"Only whitey now... Ignore the ocean of white cucks and white whores... We can't even take control of our own societies anymore, but we WILL own the earth... cuz we whitey....."


wouldn't mind him in my neighbourhood.
seems liek a nice guy to have some beers with and hang degenerate soyboys.

>wtf i love multi-ethnic society now

That's pretty rigid thinking. A vibrant RW black nationalist movement would improve WN by purging some of the hate. Separate but with mutual respect would be the best for all concerned.

If you are the fag in the pic OP, you need to do more to spread your thoughts before asking for (yous) on Sup Forums. Find some competent acolytes capable of conducting raids or something.

Can't dislike that

I'm not, sorry

Who would black Hilter be?

A fellow fascist is always welcomed

>Adolf Sheeiitler
good on him


probably grew up in a white neighborhood

This is a slide thread, faggots. It's older than dirt.

It's not a slide thread you fucking faggot scum, I will destroy you if you stay in my path


Aesthetic as fuck.

Reminds me of the black lvl 12 Grammatron from Equilibrium.

He saved his land from greedy whites.

Yes, /ourguy/s all the way

Black fuhrer is TYRONE

Romello is a nice dude, he had some trouble with uni for being a NatSoc. He's dating a spic now.

The fire rises.

Join the community!


Why did you block out his name tho?

To protect him...

He's right tho, black on black looks like shit
I'm not sure, but I think he'd look better in white


Now that is the kind of blacks I love. One who is American over being a nigger

lol no

I like seeing this because we only don’t like blacks Bc of what the Jews have done to them.

Can we bring him to Sup Forums?

Mugabe is a dirty commie who drove his country economy to shit

An enemy of your enemy is your friend.

If we can also make sure they advocate against race mixing among their own, they are on our side.

In order to defeat the jew, one must outjew the jew.

>being this retarded
>Mugabe turned his country from the lead exporter of grain to a country unable to sustain itself and begging for gibs 24/7

No, he's a nigger and if he wants he can go fix Africa.

Told ya.

>they have finally starting to evolve
I hope jews don't kill this specimen.

>/our nigger/
Race war Team Death Match NOW!

It would explain his favorable opinion of fascism.

>UN flag
r u jew?

Gotta admit, that uniform is toight. Very toight.

I wanna name my book " How to outjew the jew " now.

,no, r u ?

Show flag


If you found a few truly intelligent black guys, it would then be easier to unite and command the really dumb ones.

Wouldn’t that make him our guy then?

We must encourage this. Definitely /ourguy/ for now.

This is what a Kang with a fully decalcified Pineal gland looks and sounds like. If you look closely, you can tell he's hovering off the ground a bit.

Black libertarians soon :')
>I love this timeline

this is old. also Fuck yes finally can we see a return of actual black culture.

B-but remember the 6 trillion goy! You must b-bash the fash!

My keiser kang

Obviously his land was ruined by colonialism and meta-colonialism you rural retards.

Judging from this guys skull structure he has a very large prefrontal cortex for a person of African descent, no wonder he is able to possess such opinions and the Judeo-Marxist software couldn't be installed.

There are no based black men, only niggers. Stop pushing this meme

By actual black culture, what do you mean? The only black culture this planet has ever seen is leeching off others, blaming all problems on others, destroying everything they touch, raping, committing virtually all of the crime wherever they are at, creating mounds of nigglets, spreading stupidity and retardation, etc. Aside from the blues, their is no black culture which is why they claim everyone elses. They have to go back.

You have to go back Nogg

get fucked retard

> General, another settlement needs your help.

They exist. Barkley grew up in the dirty south before the agenda completely took over in the academia down there and even he spoke up about it. These were never meant to be popular opinions and now you know why.

We somehow always relate autism to white people.

Uncle Tom

>Sup Forums sees a dumb black man
>"Haha what a dumb nigger!! there are no smart nig nogs! day of the rope when!?"
>Sup Forums sees an intelligent black man
>"wtf why isn't he like the others??? coon! uncle tom! go back to africa, as you greatly threaten the credibility of my intelect!!!!"

Really makes you think

Thank you brave African super soldier. Boy, it sure did made me think. Hopefully I'll think twice next time before interupting Abdullah when he's doing my wife.

Even time I see his name in print my brain interprets it as mugbug.
Why is my brain betraying me Sup Forums?

we hate nogs. not blacks, ya moron
dont be so sensitive

>we hate nogs. not blacks
I hate all niggers the same. They're stupid animals that should be restricted to their homelands in Africa.


Unironically seems like a good guy.

It'll get snuffed out faster than the Black Panther movement because liberals value those who are "peaceful" and "accepting" and thus not a threat to the systems already in place that liberals benefit from. Liberals would rather have blacks sitting at home collecting welfare because it makes for a more manageable population.

Not this time, with the current racial politics climate there are more than enough disenfranchised young black men who want to take what the alt-right say and apply it to us.


open flag, you bitch lasagna


>if he gets traction 'they' will JFK/MLK him


We're done being your pet niggers faggot.

Farrkhan's been naming the jew for decades senpai

Definitely /ourguy/

Morpheus lookin' ass nigga

Farrakhan calling it like it is: Stay woke senpai

We all know about the African Nazi troops approved by hitler, he wanted Africa for Africans, but a strong and solid Africa so they can stay THERE! it makes a lot of sense anons.

Bump for liberty

This is now an elijah j muhammad love thread

I can dig it

You know what? I'm okay with this.

All u ignorants default hating on Farrakhan cause he's a Muslim need to realize it's cause Christianity was too often forced onto the black man by whites