>Portugal will never accomplish anything in the science fi-


>The atmosphere of Mars consists of 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon and traces of oxygen, water and methane. It is therefore very different from the terrestrial atmosphere and unfit for humans.

>Now, the existing cold plasma technology can convert the Martian CO2 atmosphere to breathable oxygen for exploratory astronauts, according to the Portuguese study.
They were researchers from the universities of Lisbon and Porto, who believed that future missions with Mars crew could make their own oxygen to explore the surface from the local atmosphere.

>According to the main author of this study, published in the journal Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vasco Guerra, “Sending a manned mission to Mars is one of the next important steps in our exploration of space. Creating a breathable environment, however, is a substantial challenge”.

>Vasco Guerra and his colleagues are now investigating cold plasma, an ionized gas at low temperatures, but containing electrons and fast-moving ions, to convert CO2 emissions from industrial processes into hydrocarbon fuels using solar energy.

Other urls found in this thread:


>praises portugal accomplishments
>post this pic

you are the reason this country is dead. you make me ashamed

Fuck off fag. The pic isn't important


Nice work friend, soon we can leave this hell hole and create the British empire mk 2 and the Portuguese empire mk 2.

It is really interesting how we're almost there to having artificial oxygenation, would make making underground sealed facilities breathable as well without grow lights and actual flora.

Not politics

>pic isn't important

jesus christ. Fucking nigger. Thank God there wilç be an EU



Based Portugal can into space.

Fuck off out of my country, you communist.

Also hypocrite, don't forget what's the language you use to write on Sup Forums.

it's called "the scientific field" or "the field of science", not "science field" Learn to speak english first so you can communicate with the American astronauts that will be waiting for you.

at least change yourflag or something, jesus, kys

how the fuck did portugal even get an empire in the first place?

Woulden't Spain just keep buttfucking you as a neighbor

t. historically illiterate

good lad

>tfw you were born just in time to live in a sealed underground prison hellscape under mars in order to escape from niggers

boats u dum nigger

>still borders spain


you should know because you stole your from us, you greatest ally

Remove yourself from this board.
Your post isn't politics OP

recently moved to portugal from northern europe

comfy AF

News related makes my happy

First mover advantage. Also Spain had terrible leadership while we had a decent one most of the time, that's about it. They lost at key points and then we became too strong to take out without severe consequences.

Google the battle of Aljubarrota for one example of what I mean.

The Manolo fears the Nigel Da Silva

Castillians are bro-tier now

I donú understand the name of your thread?
it is ridiculous.
sage this shit. Portugal accomplished very much, not only in the old navigations and expansionism of culture civilization, but also in many other different fields, usually above average. you are just clueless.

proud of u

It was prophesied. We will be there friend.


The Portuguese completed their reconquista many years before the Spaniards, and almost immediately turned their attention to the sea while the Spaniards were still preoccupied with Granada. By the time of Joao II and Manuel I, they were already reaching out into the Indian Ocean and, indeed, reaching India itself while the Spaniards were still bumbling around in Hispaniola with Columbus, who was rejected as an explorer by Joao II court.

Let's not forget that the Spaniards tried absorbing Portugal on several occasions but always to their ruin. Portugal was a small kingdom with a small population but they were militarily competent, tenacious, and adamant about their right to sovereignty.

The empires are over, Portugal is a nation, a white nation. Tp protect that we must remember who we are and stop all immigration already and also start reemigration of non natives

Anglos have never started a war or backstabbed an ally

>1890 Ultimatum

Please cut this white bullshit. It makes you sound like an American. The basis for the Portuguese right to sovereignty rests on the very real ethnic identity of the Portuguese, which is the product of thousands of years of ethnogenesis and is easily quantifiable. Not on some vague, nebulous deracinated concept like "whiteness". "White" people, like Americans, Swedes, Germans, etc. are no less native to Portugal than are Moors and pretos and should be prevented from setting roots down in the nation as well.

Other than that, I more or less agree with your sentiment. The Fifth Empire is a fairy tale and a pipe dream.

>we dindu nuffin

>Lose your empire
>Blame the Anglo Man

Anglos truly are the most persecuted peoples


Portugal is better than most European countries when it comes to the number of researchers/scientists per capita.

Superior tactics

you are persecuted because of raciss whitey right?


nie try kim-jong-loon

It is reasonable to me that mulattos and mestizos should be called white, because at least this is reflective of what the concept is actually worth.

Fuck off , we lost our empire because of you , we should have stopped trading with you when France asked us to do so, if we had stopped tranding with you we wouldn`t have lost Brazil, but what did we do?We continued trading with you because you were our allies and look what happened , the french destroyed our country and we lost Brazil, all of this because we respected a country which would backstab us 80 years later.
Britain has no friends or allies , Britain only thinks about herself.
Never trust the Eternal Anglo

well, you are an unreasonable man then. mestizos are not white. maybe in america you niggas consider them white because they are have lighter skin tone

this guy gets it. protestants should never be trusted

That's the point, retard.

When someone asks: "What is a Portuguese?" everyone, everywhere and at all times will be able to identify things which can properly be associated with Portugal, whether that be a type of music, or religious faith, or the physical characteristics of the people, or a style of architecture, or a particular occupation, etc.

When someone asks: "What is a white person?" no one will agree. Hence why such threads are banned here - it is an endless debate, answers to which are contingent upon a person's location, age, social background, etc. Further, the fact that you want to bunk up with people who by and large do not accept that the Portuguese are white strikes me as utterly pathetic. Some form of Stockholm syndrome it seems to me.

>Please cut this white bullshit. It makes you sound like an American. The basis for the Portuguese right to sovereignty rests on the very real ethnic identity of the Portuguese, which is the product of thousands of years of ethnogenesis and is easily quantifiable. Not on some vague, nebulous deracinated concept like "whiteness". "White" people, like Americans, Swedes, Germans, etc. are no less native to Portugal than are Moors and pretos and should be prevented from setting roots down in the nation as well.

Wtf are you talking about, when we face mass immigration of non-whites into our lands do you want them to fit inside the portuguese nation? that's the end of Portugal and the wend of all the west. To be portuguese you have to be european/white, cause that's what we always have been, we don't need to envoke taht because it is obvious.

So let me formulate.

Mestizos are not european and have no place in Europe

you are retarded. by XIX century our empire was already 400 years old, and the ones making that deal were Exiled Royal family from Brazil.

What destroyed the thing to the ground was the 3 Napoleonic invasions. Scorched Earth policy was only thing that worked.

>Hey France, thanks for sending 3 armies to ravage us!

you little cuck

>against UK
>pro-EU federation

some patterns, never, ever change.

UK is useful simply for spotting traitors alone.

>Wtf are you talking about, when we face mass immigration of non-whites into our lands do you want them to fit inside the portuguese nation?
No and frankly I have absolutely no idea how you managed to interpret my post in that way. My position is even stricter than yours: not only should "non-white" people be prohibited from immigrating to Portugal, but furthermore so should "white" people. I support a Portugal for the Portuguese and for no one else.

>To be portuguese you have to be european/white
So in you're worldview, a "white" German should be welcome to come to Portugal and to live there, even though he is ethnically and culturally alien to the nation? Right. That's where we disagree. To be Portuguese you have to be Portuguese - that is my position.

and you are correct. that mislead guy would betray his culture as long as the foreign conquerors would be "white" which is ridiculous.

>to not be a traitor i have to suck uk's dick constatly

another one who don't see anything wrong in that pic. you are a disgrace. kys

LMAO, this is the joke of the day,congrats.


You would be a pro-French spy in Napoleonic invasions by your logic. Not only that, but you said our arch-rivals are "bro tier".

Just because of a meme picture.

You have no right on authorities of Patriotis and Nationalism. You are a Traitor. A sold out to foreigners. Repent while you can.

No, i just do realize that in this dark times for white europeans we should procted our borders as a groupand act as a bloc, an isolated european country will never mamagerd to apply a nationalist policy without being destroyed the the NWO. All europeans nations must act togheter. And of course portuguese is for the portuguese, and natherlands for the dutch, ireland for the irish., But other eurpeans are not a treat toour identity, security or wll being. Just look who are the communities that cause problems in france, portugal or germany, they are not other europeans for sure

Castilians are bro-tier now. They play an important part in making our voice heard in the EU.
Uk allied with the french in WWII and tried to take Azores from us and you would gladly give them that.

you should larp a little bit more before you say these things. if you like to get your ass pounded by brits it wouldn't suprise me.

also, you should get back to r/leddit where you came from, your fedora ass can't fool no one

The 1890 ultimatum to Portugal over the pink map is probably the most despicable betrayal we have ever done as a neighbour. We basically nuked their monarchy and fucked over our oldest ally to get a few shitty African colonies.

Forget Boer concentration camps or killing Indians. Betraying Portugal was our greatest sin.

This. This is why we need the EU.

but still people want to continue sucking your cock. and that's why our country died

You fucking Spanish Spy.

You defend the French, who utterly razed our country to the ground during French Invasions.

You defend the Castillians, who made us lose our Oriental Empire because of the shitshow that was Iberian Union (both portugal and spain lost their status as big powers to netherlands and UK).

I bet you probably also think the IMF staff were benefactors to our country.



>Britain is in a life or death struggle
>surprised when it considers seizing strategically vital islands for maintaining trade links and therefore stopping millions from starving to death

Nah. Fuck off. The UK was willing to blow up the French fleet in North Africa to ensure its survival and occupied Iceland. Don't be butthurt over something as minor as wartime planning that was never even carried out.

Your nation died because it took the EU shaft and balls into its mouth and choked to death.

>Portugal died because of UK

Go read a few History books. Portugal became a living zombie after French invasions (that you defend so much), with our Monarchy split in the Colonies and mainland, and civil war, and bankrupcy everywhere.

Even if the UK had not done the Ultimatum, a few colonies between Angola and Mozambique wouldn't save us from the napolenic war+civil war+nomoreBrazil + bankrupcy going on mainland.

Stop your opium dreams.

Portugal, Ireland, Iceland & Norway are rightful property of England

they raised our country to the ground because we were england puppets, you nigger.
IMF were not benifactors to our country, but we are paying for that mistake that WE did.

Castilians are ok. you are addicted to anglo circumcized dick, and probably are a brazilian refugee larping around irl as a "i always felt portuguese".

You should stfu about your nonsense. we were raised to the ground by the french because we were allied with the english while they sat back in their island watching us getting slaughtered.

kys, plz

Dude came back to planet earth and to the xxic century, there will be no spanish invasion. If there is a current invasion is from non-europeans, open your eyes, look what's happening all over the country, every single day i see more non-europeans in the streets,soon some parts of the country we will became the minority and you talking about delusion things about castillians or french.
Visit Paris, visit Amadora, visit barcelona

>I must unite the Perfidious peoples under one flag

no we died because of the 1974 revolution. masons, man

you believe the mansons history to much, friend. you should open your eyes and see the truth.

and why did france invade us?
because we were were still trading with Britain, we should have have stopped trading with britain that way we would be spared from the french invasions
Stop sucking anglo dick faggot

>moorish rape babies cant handle an empire
>its the superior Anglos fault

>we should have have stopped trading with britain that way we would be spared from the french invasions

c u c k

>letting a foreign power dictate who you can trade with

The European Union suits you, cuck.

>superior anglo
following jewish orders doesn't make you superior

big powers were busy fighting each others in europe, portuguese just navigated around the globe

It gets worse.

We sold out Portugal AND Brits with the handling of Rhodesia.

Where your family had the luxury of dying in WW2, mine survived the British betrayal and Mugabe's execution squads. My father couldn't let himself or my mother live with the shame.

>Your nation died because it took the EU shaft and balls into its mouth and choked to death.
No, Portugal died because it was the subject of a coup funded and directed by agents like Mario Soares working for the CIA while your SJW population cheered for the destruction of Portuguese colonies in Africa.

Literally achmed talking about the moors,when they ended up without their heads in the iberian peninsula, while they now control London, Birmigham,Luton and other of your towns.
Our empire is much more older and lasted longer than yours, it's even laughable

>letting a foreign power dictate who you can trade with
And? All the great powers of Europe stopped trading with Britain and we should have done the same thing because they had no chance againts Napoleon

>Jewish orders
I'm curious, frankly, how you can even distinguish between Jewish orders and English orders given that the two are almost invariably on the same page as far as policy is concerned.

Don't expect the English to ever own up to any of their shortcomings, by the way. You will not find a more "innocent" and self-congratulatory people on the planet, except maybe the aforementioned Jews. They will make posts about how proud they are of the Alliance and how much they love the Portuguese and in the span of two minutes take to insulting everything about Portugal because someone mentioned 1890.

because the UK always followed the jewish agenda since the beggining of their empire. Protestantism also

Good job lusophone friend!

There is no hope for you. Other Portubros will have to hold your flag up high.


>br-hueuhehehehe -- descendants of slaves --br-heueheehehe
