What was the most INDIGENOUS area you have been to?

What was the place you have ever visited with the highest proportion of indigenous people and what was your experience like? All countries with first nations people feel free to comment (AUS, NZ CANADA, USA SCANDINAVIA) And any I may have left out
Ill go first , The block in Redfern, Sydney early 2000's, It now no longer exists.

Other urls found in this thread:


nice digeridoos


1980s Sweden, just about anywhere.

Only decent thing in Victoria

Probably fucking Friesland. Wooden shoes and slave children.

Im talking in terms of what the modern normie refers to as indigenous, for example in your country the Sami

Pine Ridge SD

>first nations

What the fuck, the people share land with the saamis since before the bronzeage.
Only greenland qualifies somewhat.


>so many implications

I'm an American working in Rwanda. Over 99% native Africans here.

Zuni. The Zuni are red-pilled warriors. Retained thier language, religion, and ancestral homeland from the Spaniards and Anglos. There are poor in the nation, but they take care of thier poor and elderly. They fought in our wars and are conservative in thier family and honor values while liberal in caring for thier weak and the land. They also root for the Redskins & Chiefs.

I am Lapp :)

What's it's like being surrounded by sub-humans every day?

This. We must fight for the indigenous European!

Terrible terrible :(

How was it?
I should have been clearer I meant as how the modern normie uses the term
Why just why?
Never heard f them DESU lad

Where from

why in the same thread? abos arent comparable to american natives

How would you know? I wanted to see if all Sup Forums users who went to ''native areas'' felt the same level of resentment and or hostility from the locals

Their is no such thing as indigenous. Indigenous “rights” are nothing more than a jew plot to circumvent laws. Kikes need to be eradicated. If you haven’t kill a jew today, you have wasted that day

Hey Bobby Fischer

primorsky krai

Why are so many ausfags still up?

Eh depends.
Stops the worst excesses of the right of the strong in the competition of people.

Northern Sweden almost border of Finland I am Lapp :) I like both Finn and Swede also Norwegian

Cherokee NC, been there several times
Mainly a tourist area, there are NA street dancers in designated areas.

Ahh k.

This pic is from the Aboriginal Redfern Riot 2004, toddler actually jumped barefoot on a police car. They even set the train station on fire

Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix were all part Cherokee true fact

Everleigh street was once an eyesore. Had to walk past those abos every morning on the way to uni. Good thing they bulldozed the street because they were the worst part of Sydney for a long time.

Would still rather it be indigenous than chinese desu

Interior, South Dakota
took a wrong turn out of the badlands

Northern Ontario. Actually kinda sad to see the poverty and unrest. Shackled up trailers selling cigarettes by the 100, broken down cars and just really shady looking areas.

Alice Springs
i was on a high school trip fort 2 weeks around central australia and me and 3 friends were eating at a Wendy's in a mall and and some abos just a couple metres from us started yelling at eachother and then a fight broke out. there was also lots of abos begging for money

I know that feel leafbro

I live in Wyoming and we have a huge Indian reservation near me. It has like 3 massive casinos but everybody lives in trailers. Fun fact: tribal members are not allowed to drink at the casinos because it is bad for tourism. Otherwise the memes about them recieving gibs and drinking themselves to death are true. Otherwise the natives are actually pretty decent. They manage to somewhat maintain their culture and most of the crimes they commit are just petty shit related to alcohol. Sad thing is they seem to be assimilating into fucking spic culture. Its a real shame because I think they have potential as a people. They just need to get away from the firewater, that shit is their kryptonite.

The german black forest and palatinate "valleys" (literal translation of "Tal", what we call those areas).
No foreigners there (unless you're within 10 or so km of the borders), just cliche germans living in small villages of usually less then 10 houses. quite a lot of consrvative and right wing paramilitaries and illegal trading there too, but the police can't do anything - if they enter the valley, the people living further in are notified by those living at the entrance and have like half an hour to hide everything, and if they try to observe they get spotted immediately due to the low population and everybody knowing everyone.

Is it like this?

>mfw downtown winnipeg
>mfw the northend
You just have to keep looking behind you ever few minutes to make sure you aren't going to get stabbed. My friend relaxed once and was jumped by 3 dudes with a baseball bat and fucked up his face, took his phone and wallet.

Wendys, mall the american phrasing in your vencaular is suss you are probs a yank on a proxy
It seems the Natives in North America and the Antipodes both have major problems with alcohol
Im suprised the residents havent been prsecuted for thought crime in deciding to live in such a culturally european enviorment desu
How pleasant

If this thread gets slided I may make a new one s more Australian and New zealand poster can make a contribution as its early hours here

Yeah, they came here after us. Fuckin' immigrants. Most of them are okay though, except the reindeer herding minority.

Kek, im ignorant of the whole sami shit desu they all look like finns to me anyways

No, that looks like switzerland or austria. here it's more like pic related (that's the entire village of johanniskreuz, btw - only one i could find pics of quickly), except that if you drive through there past you might see armed people in the street and if (like me) you happen to drive the same model of car as the local nazi head honcho, you'll see people greeting you with "Siegheil" gestures. Also, those are the only areas I know of where posters of the AFD stay up while those of SPD, CDU and greens get torn down within a day.

Pic related

Well, I live in London which has a decent native population, for a city in this part. At night downtown becomes dangerous because groups of natives hang out downtown and mug people. Growing up I had some native friends all the ones I still know are in gangs or jail. There's also a fair few of reservations around London me and a few friends drive out there sometimes, usually heat gunshots

Sounds nice

>Im suprised the residents havent been prsecuted for thought crime in deciding to live in such a culturally european enviorment desu
They've tried with some of them (locally, that would be "Der dritte Weg", a nazi-revival organization and the "Heimatschutz Westpfalz", a militia), but the cops couldn't find enough proof to make a case.

bad leaf is bad

fight me cunt

All they would have to do is plant some NPD leaflets in some houses or something so they probably cant be that bothered (yet)

What a mess

The fact you are a quapa hebrew and your dad killed himself before you were born makes me feelbad for you and not want to fight you

a-atleast i have blue eyes i g-guess

You tell me, Turk

You're also up at 4am on a Bolivian cheese makers forum

Downtown also has alot of drugheads, most of which are native. Natives are always begging on busses, downtowns homeless people are alot native too. Gangs I know of are Native Kingz, I see those tags alot, also KLC and SSA, EOA has different, Wolf is one as well. Alot of the cities crime is due to natives. The reservations I've been to are all super impoverished, and generally unsafe.

whats funny is that when i first started browsing Sup Forums i picked up on how jews have certain facial features and i realised my mum looks really jewish

Southwestern Alaska. The villages are like Haiti with snow.

Has any Aussie here visited La perouse?
> Eastern suburbs of Sydney (Richest place of the whole country)
> Also most Aboriginal suburb of Sydney 37 percent aboriginal as of 2016 census
37 Percent and only reason its not higher is cos aboriginals die younger, the younger population of the suburb is over 50 percent.
This all seems very surreal

On snapchat natives always seem to flash gang signs and guns. Back in September when I was walking back home from a girl's at about midnight two kids no older than maybe 12, both riding bikes, one flashed a pistol and demanded my jacket and money. I booked tf out of there going through yards, the gun looked real to me, I can make the fair assumption it was.

Alaskan indigenous people?
Never heard of them

Two neighbouring suburbs in Perth, WA. Balga and Girrawheen. It's fucking wall to wall abo and sand nigger. The entire area is a giant slum with roads split open, overgrown paths, ruined shopping complexes, strewn and dumped rubbish and roaming gangs of kids destroying everything they can find. The people are hostile and absolutely violent. It's like a more populated Fallout wasteland.

It was kind astounding just walking 20 metres across the road over to the next suburb to find 95%+ white neighbourhood with well maintained houses, roads and businesses, filled with friendly strangers who give you a smile and wave, where the nearby minorities just don't go.

Perth is a weird place, but it really has its shit together when it comes to segregating undesirables.

I almost got a job as a cook in a northern community. Part of the job was a condition that I live in the back of the restaurant and stay there as much as I can to prevent break ins.
The guy that I was talking to about it said that it's super important to always get the money first before cooking up the shit frozen burger and not to make friends with the natives

I always thought there was one suburb in perth that was completely aboriginal I cant name it off the top of my head though

Almost every reserve is a ghetto

Canada's only ghettos are reserves

Jesus christ that A E S T H E T I C. Looks like an album cover from an early 2000's Eminem or Outkast rap cd or some shit

They must fucking freeze in the winter

If youre talking about my pictures,yeah they probably do, homeless people downtown often freeze to death in the winter, ive found a few bodies on benches and parking lots

You can see the chimneys so they probably sit around the fire and drink through the night. Wouldn't be surprised if they are missing toes and fingers, though

Fuckin grim

Indigenous chavs are very impoverished aswell desu

They got a shit starting hand, but a lot of the blame goes to the tribe itself. The chiefs and their families live in big fucking mansions while the rest live like that. The Canadian government does give the tribe money, but it's up to the tribe to distribute it and look after themselves.

Very correct sir

Pine Ridge. Pretty depressing experience.

Maoris are cool. Polynesians are completely different from Austronesians.

Im suprised more kiwis didnt contribute here desu, as i said earlier I may do this again at a more suitable time

Im up.

Thanks for the worthless contribution from an even more worthless country

Steady on champ just testing youre still up.

Five Points, Atlanta.


Please, there were swedes in Scandinavia long before the arabs settled the peninsula

I used to live in a city called Brantford (shithole btw, part of the Silent Hill movie was filmed there, you can recognize the street lamps that I walked past every day).

Anyway the city is near a injun reserve, and while driving through it you'd think you traveled to a third-world country. Place looked like Mexico.

This may turn into a Sami hate thread