Which country has the smuggest people?
I'll wait.
Smuggest country?
Finland, Switzerland, and Germany
>meme flag
shit thread and saged
I've got to remain impartial user.
Of course 99% of posts would jokingly say OPs country.
I just wantva clear answer.
definitely Germany
Normie Swedes are incredibly fucking smug, it's common for a Swede to go into a spastic rage about our "superior" system when speaking to foreigners
It's really akward to see Americans minding their own business only for a Swede to find an excuse to talk about universal healthcare.
the UK
Judging by Sup Forums, Swiss by far
Not politics or current events.
Fuck me, I had to speak to a Swede about it as well. Also had one of those lefty americans genuinely in shock when i told him the NHS is actually pretty shit nowadays
Reminds me of that one Youtube parody character who would leave comments that always started "As a Swedish homosexual" and then talk about the wonders of Sweden no matter what the video he was commenting on was about. It was funny.
America, but only New York and California.
Oh my god.
that's just being an asshole.
btw do you guys really do that?
this, fucking mountain kikes
We-wuzing as usual, face it you're nothing now
Switzerland seems like tools on Sup Forums, but are they liberal smugs like Cali in real life as well?
My impression is that California is by far the worst. It might be the accent though.
Vanity and beauty go hand in hand.
Swedes are so stuck up about everything.
This. Finland is just funny though, they aren’t really smug. Germany is kind of sad.
"We" as in the normies from the cities have a habit of doing it I'm afraid. I have seriously seen it personally many times.
Finns and Estis are bro tier
Australia by far. They think they are so high and mighty, calling every other country cunts, saying they are full and to fuck off.
British aren't as much as their are pompous with a big part of their modern identity being built on
>Oh dear, why won't you look at those boorish Americans!
>Mhm, yes quite
Dutch people are smug af
Well, they are one of the wealthies nations on planet, with incredible quality of life, and they still have some independece and balls. So i understand where does their smugness come from. In fact I've been to Switzerland two times, but i didn't meet enough actual Swiss people to judge them. The place was (Geneva, Bern, Zurich) was full of darkies, at lest 50% of them
probably Canada or France.
Californians are just trashy. They are smug but no one takes them seriously, they are a joke in the East and South.
Let me tell you about New Jersey, they all think they are hot shit because they are run by that fat shit who incentivized people to build hotels and create liberal areas for some reason. They are all smelly guidos who think they are the best thing since sliced bread because wealthy New Yorkers go there to vacation. I don’t even know why. It’s disgusting, the beaches are disgusting, the people are disgusting, the food kills at least three people per year, and these beady eyed fucks act like it’s heaven on earth.
The smuggest people irl are probably liberal americans and frenchmen. French arrogance stereotype is quite real
You aren't even white
I've seen more Swizz cheese than Swizz people desu.
Oh God yes, the Swiss are insufferable.
that's because Switzerland is actually greater Albania
Damn. I truely thought it was difference. My list was:
The worst states by rank:
1. California
2. New York
3. New Jersey
And then all the nigger states to follow.
I don't know about the smuggest but I know we poles are the most humble and innocent.
I know what I am, and I don't need to prove it to sum fatass NEET pol browser. 1783 best day of my life
>Implying We're not #1, in anything!
I was so thrilled hearing about California trying to go solo.
not an argument
>but a lovely portrait to compliment your betters! Thx!
We have more than our fair share of smug lefties.
You're a mutt that feels the need to LARP as a Nazi to deal with the insecurity
gif related